Objective: The Stuy aime at investigation the relationship between personnels Performance of Telecommunication Company in Shushtar and their Achievement Motivations Sense of Duty, Competition, Diligency and Goal-Orientation.Method: In order to do the intened research, 83 people out of 170 employees, both men and women, were randomly chosen. The subjects were given two standardized questionnaires, one for personnels performance and the other one for Achievement Motivation. The questionnaires were organized with the rang Likert 5-point. The Reliability for the above-mentioned variables were 0/85 and 0/80 respectively.The collected data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearsons correlation coefficient, multi-Variable Regression, T-test and Variance analysis).Result: The research finding show that there is a significant relationship the two Vriables, Personnels Performance and their Achievement Motivations (p=./..3, r=./319).