Management is one of the most important attempts of human being and all managers in any organization or has a main duty to design and keeping the environment that people of them could perform the purposes and their responsibilities by cooperation and in a group, management and in the press also has these kind of characteristics, press managers like other organizational managers should be familiar with basis and principles of scientific managing and knows that the thing that can lead an organization environment to the standards are accurate and scientific recognition of management. Tylor had summarized the characteristics of scientific managing into 3 factors.1- Making unit science for doing any kind of work2- Scientific selection of staffs and educating them3- Friendly behavior of manager and the staffsManagers are located at the center of a pentagonal that its branches include: customers, organization, individuals itself, people and working groups, work (managing)A successful manager should pay attention to mentioned matters and apply a correct management. Human resource of the organization (people and working staff) is one of the most precious matters of this pentagonal for press managers. So managers of these organizations should apply their knowledge and managing information to provide appropriate and product do the work (news) by providing a suitable managements on these organizations.Management of press organizations fall into managing and cultural areas and cultural managers like other managers should find ways of success inhuman managing and has benefit it also they should know that in managing human resources they have managing of some experts In cultural matters and mostly political-social, people who has new idea and thinking and they can be propound in organization for following their targets. Obviously an aging in these people if become co operational can give the best solution for meeting the organization's needs, in partnership managing people are involved in any decision made by the organization, using commission, meeting, debate and group discussion, suggestion box, asking for opinion and referring to public ideas and thoughts like mechanisms and solutions that can be applied In these kinds of managing.Some, because of factors like high risk of partnership managing ignore it but us seems that by using economical theories and that an able manager can recognize that when and to what extend can he/she appreciate partnership and use the best available ones.Unfortunately from what has been reached by different studies and researches, from the historical view, in Iran press is assigned as only a political work and does not pay attention to it as a professional work as this matter include some kinds of press like athletic press, scientific, … which has no significant meaning with political matters. Press managers by using press as a means of transmitting ideas and political thoughts has forgot a cultural and professional managing and is just for advertising and distributing their political thoughts in their organizations, the things they face as news has nothing to do with public interest not in acts and not even in enthusiastic (important news principles). press managers by using political grading by different excuses to political goals of higher power has the state of partiality and forgot that their main responsibilities of themselves is to transmit accurate, transparent and full news. According to research that has happened between three original newspapers of Tehran which was active in 10 years, majority of journalists claim that the current condition of press in Iran is very far from the favorable ones and by their answers the claim that Iran press and working in them is just political and not professional they also claim that in the current condition of Iran managers and editors prefer their own dogmatism and ideas than not distortion of events, giving low grades to press managers is today's Iran's problem and also not having scientific awarnece and heralds of press managing and ignores partical and lateral function of others, respondent journalists, claims that partnership managing is the best of all due to the fact that press managers having profession and high experience in their fields and claims that this kind of managing are suitable for their organizations, results of these researches shows that Islamic revolution did not have any positive effect on press management, also opens more gatekeeper, even political changes of reformation also does not change the current atmosphere of press managers which is in the country.