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This article presents the understanding about culture and media in addition to providing relevant definitions for them.Interaction of culture and media is rooted in mankind’s history so that it can be stated culture & media have been two twins of human beings and requirements of social life. Throughout history, humans have used the media to convey their message and have also spread their culture by that. To communicate with their own kind, they use language that is a sophisticated communication device. This language is shown in various forms from basic to complex (from silence, normal speaking, hint to fire, causing pain and eventually internet). Language and communication devices or media will find expression in the context of culture. In other words, it is culture that provides the main link. Culture and media in ties and in dialectical and mutual impact form a social human who interacts with others. Communication revolution in the new world leads to cultural development and media has produced a new culture. This special culture is dynamic, continuous and totally new and leads to Cultural Convergence.

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This research is carried out for the purpose of inquiry comparison point of view and outlook of communication science master students and sociology toward the vocational future that they have expected.The research method in this article is survey and sampling research and it is carried out completely by chance; in a way that we distributed 124 questionnaires among these masters students groups into 3 universities (open university {science and research section}, Tehran central and ghiyamdasht {Tehran west}) and their outlooks estimated. this research carried out by four hypothesis exam and finding an answer for the question and inquiry of two groups point of view and their outlook to vocational position in the future with references to Mazola theory and two factor theory of Frederick Herzberg and at the end this below result has obtained:The students of two groups have a relatively positive outlook to their situation and abilities in their vocational future and they also believe that the motivation factors for finding a suitable job regarding their knowledge base is getting experience via spending training courses and doing sectional process in the middle time of their learning at the university, catching specialty via training in specific and related organizations and more over making a suitable money and also they have a negative outlook toward weak government actions in providing suitable vocational opportunity, low salary and inappropriate increasing of students admission by open university irrespective of their vocational future after they have been graduated.

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Management is one of the most important attempts of human being and all managers in any organization or has a main duty to design and keeping the environment that people of them could perform the purposes and their responsibilities by cooperation and in a group, management and in the press also has these kind of characteristics, press managers like other organizational managers should be familiar with basis and principles of scientific managing and knows that the thing that can lead an organization environment to the standards are accurate and scientific recognition of management. Tylor had summarized the characteristics of scientific managing into 3 factors.1- Making unit science for doing any kind of work2- Scientific selection of staffs and educating them3- Friendly behavior of manager and the staffsManagers are located at the center of a pentagonal that its branches include: customers, organization, individuals itself, people and working groups, work (managing)A successful manager should pay attention to mentioned matters and apply a correct management. Human resource of the organization (people and working staff) is one of the most precious matters of this pentagonal for press managers. So managers of these organizations should apply their knowledge and managing information to provide appropriate and product do the work (news) by providing a suitable managements on these organizations.Management of press organizations fall into managing and cultural areas and cultural managers like other managers should find ways of success inhuman managing and has benefit it also they should know that in managing human resources they have managing of some experts In cultural matters and mostly political-social, people who has new idea and thinking and they can be propound in organization for following their targets. Obviously an aging in these people if become co operational can give the best solution for meeting the organization's needs, in partnership managing people are involved in any decision made by the organization, using commission, meeting, debate and group discussion, suggestion box, asking for opinion and referring to public ideas and thoughts like mechanisms and solutions that can be applied In these kinds of managing.Some, because of factors like high risk of partnership managing ignore it but us seems that by using economical theories and that an able manager can recognize that when and to what extend can he/she appreciate partnership and use the best available ones.Unfortunately from what has been reached by different studies and researches, from the historical view, in Iran press is assigned as only a political work and does not pay attention to it as a professional work as this matter include some kinds of press like athletic press, scientific, … which has no significant meaning with political matters. Press managers by using press as a means of transmitting ideas and political thoughts has forgot a cultural and professional managing and is just for advertising and distributing their political thoughts in their organizations, the things they face as news has nothing to do with public interest not in acts and not even in enthusiastic (important news principles). press managers by using political grading by different excuses to political goals of higher power has the state of partiality and forgot that their main responsibilities of themselves is to transmit accurate, transparent and full news. According to research that has happened between three original newspapers of Tehran which was active in 10 years, majority of journalists claim that the current condition of press in Iran is very far from the favorable ones and by their answers the claim that Iran press and working in them is just political and not professional they also claim that in the current condition of Iran managers and editors prefer their own dogmatism and ideas than not distortion of events, giving low grades to press managers is today's Iran's problem and also not having scientific awarnece and heralds of press managing and ignores partical and lateral function of others, respondent journalists, claims that partnership managing is the best of all due to the fact that press managers having profession and high experience in their fields and claims that this kind of managing are suitable for their organizations, results of these researches shows that Islamic revolution did not have any positive effect on press management, also opens more gatekeeper, even political changes of reformation also does not change the current atmosphere of press managers which is in the country.

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Transformation process status of women participation in social, cultural, political, Category in all societies, especially in developing countries, is the talk of the day. But what matters more than anything is the type and nature of the partner.Presence of women in the Turkish media that the media has a special feature, it is very important. This paper aims to clarify and analyze the situation of women in the Turkish media have been developed. Descriptive and analytical approach used in this study and Population data (facts and figures about the economic status of women in Turkey) with a library of documents and data have been collected. One goal of the study was to identify the location and condition of women in the media is the Turkish Republic. On this basis, and given the limitations of available data sources, as well as the date of issue in Iran, The present study has addressed this issue and explains. In this paper, after an overview of the theoretical basis of mass communication, to study and analyze the status, position, type of representation, how the structure of women's employment, and the use of mass media in Turkey have been women. The final part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the results.

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In this paper, the mass media, especially the electronic media in the Internet age are examined.The media in the internet age divided in 3 groups. 1-Traditional media which use of Internet resources, 2. Electronic media version 3. Their electronic media.In this paper, researchers using descriptive statistics, content analysis, observation and interviews concluded that today, with considering the barriers to economic, social, technical and technology in the country, most of these changes can be observed in the first group of media. Associated with the second and third findings indicate that the number of newspapers over other media sites, and Online media, according to technical barriers, social and economic slow to develop. Moreover, in all cases, the author’s rights must be considering.

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In this study, we try to understand the relationship the use and role of “information technology” and “networked communication” among students in Islamic Azad University of Arak, we use material from “theorical and field studies” in terms of “Reference model for the implementation of networked communication (NC)”. Based on this, defined some factors in hypotheses: participants (demographic factors and psychographic factors in use of IT), communicational contexts of organization (organizational support and development of technology) and finally information technology (qualitative and quantitative factors). In order to support the main purpose of this paper “the role of IT in networked communication (NC)”.In order to fulfill the aims of the paper, with examining the Persian and English texts, the questionnaire prepared and consisted of 22 closed - ended questions. Reliability and validity analyses were used to created scales for measuring use.Empirical data resulted in multiple regression with stepwise method show how “quantitative properties” (X4), “participant’s psychographic apprehension of IT” (X1) and “communicational contexts of university” (X2) caused “networked communication” (Y) in Sig=0.000. But, “qualitative properties of IT” (X3) didn’t entered the regression model.

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This research studies on the relationship between use of individual media and face to face communications as the viewpoint of students. The statistical population consists of all students of Faculty of Humanities equal to 4383 persons, the sample size is 384. This study has been applied through survey method and the samples were selected by simple random sampling. The data was collected by means of questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS.For this purpose, 5 hypotheses were raised. The summary of result on reduction or increase of self-reliance shows that according to the binomial test, the hypothesis is rejected with 95% certainty and 5% error. The results obtained for individual media and verbal skills growth in face to face communications; show that according to the binomial test, hypothesis is accepted with 99% certainty and 1% error. The results obtained for use of individual media and nonverbal skills growth in face to face communication; show that according to the binomial test, hypothesis is accepted with 99% certainty and 1% error. The results obtained for use of individual media and reduction of listening skill show that according to the binomial test, hypothesis is accepted with 99% certainty and 1% error. The results obtained for individual media and reduction or increase of individual’s communication with the group show that according to the binomial test, hypothesis is rejected with 95% certainty and 5% error.

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In this study, the factors affecting systems tend to use SMS in the Public Telecommunication Company of Iran has examined the research based on the purpose of this research which is the application of the method used in the survey questionnaire assessed the located. The population includes senior managers, middle, and operating companies using SMS systems, which were about 52 companies and senior managers, middle managers and operational staff and public companies as well as all 170 of the Telecommunication Company of Iran. Systematic sampling is to estimate the volume of Cochran's formula is used. Data collected by the researcher in this study was abahador valadi: questionnaire that was prepared using scientific sources.

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This study, "Relationship of 21 hour news networks, one a Syma and political participation" is done. The purpose of this study was to use the technique of cross - sectional survey was conducted and data collection practices. Population survey of students at Tehran University East School of Humanities and to determine sample size of 3133 patients, a sample of 100 patients was obtained using the formula. First, in terms of field sampling, the population of each group was randomly sampled. 25 components in the form of a questionnaire based on a Likert-set is open and closed questions and research data using SPSS software to analyze is.Results Show Between “Relationship of 21 hour news networks one Syma, and political participation" There is a direct correlation between It has been assumed by the Increasing the participation rate of the 21-hour news network is a TV Thus, the 95% confidence can be judged That the students were much more than a 21 hour news network to use a Vision As well as higher levels of political participation and vice versa where.

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The present research is aimed at analyzing and comparing the type of approach of senior managers of universities, research centers and science and technology parks toward the role and stand of public relations as well as the criteria for appointment of a public relations manager.The research which was conducted by means of survey does not include a sampling so all managers of the universities and research centers were assessed in general. A researcher-made questionnaire with 39 variables was provided to the respondents. The variables were divided into four domains of “importance of the public relations institution”, “personality characteristics”, “practical characteristics” and “working experience”. After collection of questionnaires the data was analyzed by means of SPSS software and by using F significance test with the following results:- Most of the respondents had their education in the field of humanities and social sciences with an average management record of 11 years. The range of the management record was very high amounting to 29 years. That is, managers with records of 30 years of management and managers with 1 year of management were present among the respondents.- Although 93.7 percent of the respondent described public relations as ‘important’ and ‘very important’, only 10 percent attached a status at the level of advisor to the manager of the public relations while 52.2 percent considered a status equal to the manager of the president’s office for the public relations manager.- More than 80 percent of the respondents believed a public relations manager should have communication-related educations as a necessary condition and 85 percent labeled working experience as ‘important’ and ‘very important’ in this respect.- Almost all respondents stated that good temper and tactfulness had been an essential condition for working at public relations section and even those who did not attach much importance to the public relations believed that tactfulness had been a necessary criterion for this job.- 32 percent of the respondent managers preferred to know their public relations officer beforehand and 31 percent considered this to be important to some extent however for 37 percent of them prior acquaintance was not too important.- Almost all respondents stated sincerity, faithfulness, flexibility, capability of accepting changes, patience and service-orientation as important characteristics of the public relations.The eight-hypothesis test of the research showed that there was a significant difference between managers of the universities and science and technology parks and managers of research centers and institutes in terms of “attaching importance to the public relations institutions and possession of certain personality characteristics” however all managers were of the same idea concerning “scientific and working experience characteristics”.The important achievement of the present research reveals that managers of universities, due to having particular addressees such as students and their families and in brief, due to confrontation with the public opinions and record of challenge with media, have come to understand the importance of the public relations however research centers have not yet perceived the lofty status of the public relations in administrative communications since they lack particular addressees without important relations with public opinions, and are not scrutinized by the media.

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Regarding the increasing degree of immigration as a consequence of communication and technological improvements, increased degree of literacy and people’s needs and the globalization of culture and economy, immigration issues are considered to be of a great importance nowadays. Media as an environmental source has a great role in forming individuals’ perceptions and behaviors. This fact leads to the importance of studying media effects on immigrants’ behavior. By combining the audience oriented and media dominated approaches this article is to study the relation between media behavior of Iranians as a diasporic community in Toronto - Canada and the host country characteristics.

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How social networks like “Badoo” and Bebo can attract the audiencesWe live in an age in which ICT, a tool to empower people and ideas along with human thought, is producing and distributing information and communications. Communication technologies have evolved over time and how to share information with others have changed and improved, too. Web-based networks known as social networks have revolutionized the world of virtual communication. Social networks consist of people who are linked together by special ties. Every social network has its own special communicative culture. Understanding the structure and function of these networks will help users to search their required network and they can get help from networks to achieve their goals. In these networks users can create their Comments, Favorites, content and share these with friends and others. Sometimes attractive factors in social networks help them to capture the audience. Bebo social network with the slogan blog, you can always blog. And Bado multi-lingual social network are from those social groups that provide situation for different groups of people with similar characteristics to meet each other. Understanding the function and structure of these networks can make easier ways for people to achieve goals.

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This article aims to analyze the content of programs of M.B.C Persian Satellite Network in order to achieve communication culture and techniques used in transmitting messages.In this respect, after reviewing the effects of satellite on the culture and features of Persian satellite network and M.B.C, the main research question was addressed. Then assumptions were set in the next step in response to the research question.Afterwards, by determining communication techniques, content analysis is done to find the relationship between communication techniques associated with the foundations of Iranian cultural identity, western culture promotion, the concept of individual autonomy, cosmopolitan attitudes, weakening religion, promotion of lavish culture, cultural integration and the inter-generations relationship. After reviewing the films as a statistical sample, it was tried to prove or reject the research hypotheses.Research findings had suggested that the techniques used in Persian M.B.C Network programs inspire a particular culture in the audience.

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This assay aims to study role of media literacy in the influence rate of commercial advertisements. The main variables are media literacy rate, education degree, field of study and media consumption. This assay is done through the survey. Students of Allame Tabatabaei University are selected and sample size is 215. Sampling has not been done randomly. Results show that media literacy clearly has significant influence on effects of commercial advertisements. Also students in Communication Department are more skilled in media literacy.

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