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Present research investigates “The Impact of Virtual Social Networks (Facebook) on Social Identity” of the students at Eastern Tehran Branch of Islamic Azad University in the academic year 2011-2012. This study seeks to find out about the impact of the extent and the type of Facebook use in light of four social identity dimensions (ethnic, religious, national and global identity). The research is conducted through survey. For data collection, questionnaire is used. The questionnaire was handed out to 250 students as the research sample selected quite randomly from three faculties of Techniques and Engineering, Human Sciences and Basic Sciences. The research theoretical background is derived from theories of Stuart Hall, Richard Jenkins, Anthony Giddens, Manuel Castells, and Peter Burger. The obtained results confirmed the relationship of ethnic, religious, national and global identities with the extent of Facebook use.

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communicative institutions in developing countries and European, by using rules and economic regulations, management theories and existing conditions in society have create a powerful media in today's world, and for maintain, develop and ultimately economical growth, have taken successful steps.In Iran some of the have run as institutions, that improving the management of these institutions depends on using external localized template.Therefore, in this paper by using a survey method Comparative of review management practices and economical activity of 30 top papers world have bee taken.The results of this study indicate that, there is significant relationship between the type of ownership of newspapers and selective ways to deal with economic crisis in the newspaper.Therefore, for establishing economical security in Iran's papers, there should be facilities for these publications in stock market and private sector that presented by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

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Regarding the increasing degree of immigration as a consequence of communication and technological improvements, increased degree of literacy and people’s needs and the globalization of culture and economy, immigration issues are considered to be of a great importance nowadays. Media as an environmental source has a great role in forming individuals’ perceptions and behaviors. This fact leads to the importance of studying media effects on immigrants’ behavior. By combining the audience oriented and media dominated approaches this article is to study the relation between media behavior of Iranians as a diasporic community in Toronto- Canada and the host country characteristics.

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This study aimed to evaluate how the layout of news ahead of the 20:30 news program of the channel 2 of IRIB TV station has written, including This Program major objectives, full coverage of news events, area information, and sub-structuring of knowledge to comprehensive development. Units of information have most important role in the implementation of these goals and how they fit successfully generate and send a different message.Content analysis is a research method in this research units and members of the 20:30 news program which is determined on a daily basis for the period of August 1391 that was broadcast on Channel Two.This study has a number of sampling methods. A total of 332 articles were coded. Coded data is analyzed by SPSS software and the results of the two methods described are presented as frequency tables and analytical tables.

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Advertising media or tool is the most important base in every advertising process to affect audience. This paper identifies and studies the most effective advertising tools of an important Iranian artisan, Persian handmade carpet, from the viewpoint of domestic buyers. Survey method administering questionnaire form in a descriptive way is used to conduct it.According to data findings, it can be said that oral advertising that is talking to family, friends and relatives and handmade carpet exhibitions are the most effective advertising tools of handmade carpet, then television which is the third rank. It shows that the oldest type of advertising tool, face-to-face contact is still the most effective. Other tools with a lower percentage than these three items are the next ranks. Data analysis shows that the reliance of respondents on advertising tools is directly related to how the tools affect audience. The more audience relies on these tools, the more they are affected. Most of respondents are interested in Persian handmade carpet but almost half of them are aware of the characteristics and advantages of it. This reveals that two aspects of the three public priority aspects are of importance among respondents. The study of media priority makes clear that many of respondents are encountered a little or little with handmade carpet advertising on media, therefore one can conclude handmade carpet advertising and advertising is not a priority of media.Results confirm the research hypothesis and a meaningful relationship between publicity tools and buyer persuasion to buy carpet as well, but the strength of this relationship is different from one tool to another.

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Influence the interested people and clients and retain their loyalty to the organization in many different ways such as maintaining quality of service, commitment and motivation of employees and... Will be achieved.Development and strengthening of public relations and a proper balance in organizations and ongoing training for managers and employees in the field of success and goal achievement is very effective. this research is an attempt to inform the public relations units at Azad University in Tehran province are examined and determine the level of satisfaction of staff and faculty members of public notification is to what extent.

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Community mental function and human relationships.This research examined the relationship between interpersonal communication and use of SMS. During the past two decades, advances in modern communication technology, has been stunning. These changes caused by novelty provide tools that allow people to be connected with others provides a private space. Reasons such as cost, relative safety of the SMS, Fun and Entertainment attract people attention to use this device in their interpersonal communication.The method of this research is survey study and research technique is questionnaire. The statistic samples of the research are graduate students of Bandar abbas University. Cochran volume is 350. For Measuring instruments, spss data analysis software is used. the research findings indicates that there are meaningful relations between the use of sms and interpersonal relationships.

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This study has been done to “Investigate the differences in communication skills of the employees and its role in their job satisfaction”. The method used in this research has been survey questionnaire and measuring tool were the questionnaires and after completing those questionnaires, descriptive charts and inferential statistics were obtained using spss software and then were analyzed. The study population included male and female employees of research institutes affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, which is to include 3, 700 people, and 124 people were chosen. Studies showed that men are friendlier and confident, shy, and verbal abilities are more and they are more explicit. They have more interest in team work and less trust in their colleagues and are less likely to have a relationship with same sex colleagues. Their communications are more face to face and are able to replicate, in order to make others understand and they believe body movements are more effective and are satisfied in their scope of work and facilities and have expressed dissatisfaction about their salary and are more consistent with their duties. In contrast, women are more sensitive, more responsible and have more emotional intelligence. They pay more attention to privacy and have greater use of hand gestures. They are less satisfied with their coverage in their organization and show less resistance to changes in their organization. Manager's behaviour with subordinates is important to them and they hate to work more smoothly. And they mostly support their colleagues when a problem occurs, so we can realize the difference in communication skills between women and men in the workplace.

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The first step for development and expansion of every country is more on the basis of knowledge and communicative and social sciences. Today advances in the technology and sciences have gone beyond the borders and hence the human culture, science and knowledge could be easily accessed by all. The interactions and relations among states are very important to gain knowledge about the conditions and various aspects of communications in all levels, particularly that relations and interactions need to identify the reciprocal expectations.Whereas the media reflect information about the culture and various aspects of every society, based on which one can recognize the cultural, social, and political elements among societies; therefore, this research was conducted using content based analytical method with inferential approach. News was used for analysis of content and statistical population consisted of all issues of Keyhan and Etelaat magazines and publications and Bokhara Quarterly published between 2005 and 2008.The obtained results indicate that the least topic was related to freedom in speech, thought and promotion of religious ceremonies and issues of women; while the most topics were related to identity and issues concerned with the Persian culture, 30.3% statistically.

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Due to the importance of advertising on the increasing public awareness' level in order to make decision and select products, this research has tried to survey the role of media adv message on consumer behavior, based on A.I.D.A (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model and indentifying the media, that has the greatest impact on consumer buying decision. The mythology was a survey research, employed questionnaire among sample consumers of the stores in order to analyze the data, descriptive and deductive statistics was used. Findings show that, there is a meaningful difference between media advertising's messages based on each of the four components of the model and consumer's behavior. And television is the most effective medium on customer's behavior. Finally, some suggestions for choosing suitable media ads to increase stores' sale are offered.

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purpose: Widespread and consistent education and inform is the best method to secure the society from the danger of AIDS.As for the importance of mass media in our country (Iran), so the main objective of this research is the determination of media's role in education and prevention of AIDS.Method: This study in a descriptive - analytic method was done in 1391, 269 students of Islamic Azad University; East Tehran had been participated in this study that was selected by convenience sampling. Data collection tools included 1- Questionnaire about using of the media (including the dimensions of the field: the amount of media attention to the issue of AIDS, the rate of students' usage from media programs related to AIDS, the type of media used by the students, the type of use of media programs format). 2- Knowledge assessment questionnaires about AIDS (Including aspects such as amount of knowledge toward Pathogen, prevention methods, treatment methods, transmission methods), 3- demographic Questionnaire.The obtained data from research were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation), Pearson correlation, independent t-test and one-way ANOVA.Results: The results showed about 81.2% of students' awareness were average and higher than about AIDS. In The students ' view, radio and TV and satellite has had more role and impact from other sources for getting information about AIDS.Programs as documentaries and specialized panel have had more role and effect to gain awareness about AIDS from other sources. Also, students who were used Internet and collections of media (radio, television, satellite, school resources, seminars and Persian journals and books) had more knowledge about AIDS than the others.Conclusions: The results show indigence for increasing documentaries especially in TV and encourage youth and students to study about AIDS and enhancement specialized forums about it during the whole year, Also it is recommended using of all media tools and all types of media information for increasing of students' awareness toward HIV.

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In this study, the effective factors to increase the efficiency of virtual social networks in the media organizations are studied.Case study is Public Relations Society of Iranian Managers. The research is an applied one and its method is correlational-survey. The data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. The research sample consists of 200 members of Public Relations Society of Iranian Mangers. Simple non-probability sampling was used to select the population.Research hypotheses are as follows:1. From the viewpoints of the Public Relations Society of Iranian Managers, there is a significant relationship between the components of cultural development and the increased efficiency of virtual social networks in the media organizations.2. From the viewpoints of the Public Relations Society of Iranian Managers, there is a significant relationship between the components of social capital and the increased efficiency of virtual social networks in the media organizations.3. From the viewpoints of the Public Relations Society of Iranian Managers, there is a significant relationship between the components of the information society and the increased effectiveness of virtual social networks in the media organizations.Collected data from the questionnaires were analyzed in two ways:First, data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. In this section, they have been described by tables, figures, diagrams and etc. And in the other, by correlation method through appropriate statistical tests, the relation between the components of cultural development, social capital and information society and the increased efficiency of virtual social networks in media organizations has been studied. Based on the analysis, all of the hypotheses are confirmed in this study.The components of information society include electronic learning, business, citizen and government.The components of social capital include participation, reciprocity, mutual trust, support, empowerment, cooperation, commitment, responsibility and leadership.The components of cultural development include these five elements: cultural creativity, dialogue, virtual (cyber) culture, cultural freedom and behavioral pattern (meme). In the effective factors model of increasing the effectiveness of virtual social networks in media organizations, total of 17 components were identified. Finally, recommendations are presented for improving the effectiveness of virtual social networks in the media organizations.

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ICT as a noble technology provides many grounds and opportunities for education, and is used as a means to facilitate and sometime to accelerate education. Use of noble information technologies has created a new potential in technology-based education, which is very effective in teaching-learning process. Influence and development of such technology to guide teaching and learning activities in the new educational environment has provided a new environment for learning, which is called smart school. Smart schools are among important achievements of development of information technology in education programs, the results and effects of which not only will influence educational environment, but also will bring about a new revolution, accompanied with real experiences of life environment of student and their future. Smart school is a practical and purposeful recommendation for implementation of the most advanced educational method, and for taking a science look at current status of the country’s educational system. Establishment of smart schools is one of the solutions adopted in response to today’s new requirements. In this school, learning is based on individual speed, cooperation, selfgovernment, and consistence of curriculum; educational content is not limited to print textbooks, but also covers electronic books, multimedia software, and educational software and data bases. At the same time, programs are provided for individual differences of individual students and different learning styles. Smart schools are a new educational approach, which combine information technology with curriculum, leading to fundamental changes in teaching and learning process. In this approach, role of teacher as a guide rather than communicator of knowledge, and role of student as an active, creative, criticizer and participative member rather than a passive member who only consumes knowledge, and process-oriented rather than result-oriented evaluation system are considered.

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According to official statistics of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture of Tehran, South Korea with official name "Republic of Korea" in Islamic Republic of Iran's total imports statistics in 2001 is the top 10 countries in list and devotes itself sixth place. While in Islamic Republic of Iran's total imports statistics in 2012, South Korea has ranked in third place. Based on the obtained data, the increase of Korean firms' import volume and market share in Iran show South Korea's adoption of comprehensive policies and economic planning in the medium and long term that can be studied from different fields. This paper tries with use of library documents methods and using reliable statistics and information by the official ways surveys Korea diplomacy in welcome Iranian people from Korean culture and goods.

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