In the age of globalization, one of the most important priorities is the regional interaction of countries at the international level so that in many countries of the world they are trying to grow and sustain their economy by creating the right framework for cooperation with other countries. In this sense, not only the issue of globalization of the economy in the form of a global network of concepts is important in the third millennium, but the interactions between them, and even the interactions of cultures, are also prominent features of globalization. West Azerbaijan province of Iran and the provinces located in the eastern part of Turkey which are in the neighborhood of Iran, with the highest tourism, historical, environmental and given the characteristics of religious, social, cultural, historical, and economic similarities, can play an important role in the interplay between the region's sustainable economy. In this article, using descriptive-analytical method, as well as SWOT and AHP models, the importance and priority of effective factors in the area of West Azerbaijan provinces and eastern provinces of Turkey are identified and by examining their relationships, ranking factors are presented in the form of models. According to the results of the study, the area has potentialities, but the weakness of facilities, possibilities, services and infrastructure has made it impossible to be active well in the domains of regional economic and developmental dynamics.