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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Promoting organizational identity is one of the main concerns of organizational behavior thinkers; according to this This research has been conducted with the aim of the role of transformational leadership in promoting organizational identity. The present research is applied in terms of type of use and descriptive in terms of research purpose. The statistical population of the study included the staff of the Disciplinary Command of Mazandaran Province. 223 people were selected as a sample by simple random sampling. In this study, the library and field methods and filing tools and the Transformational Leadership Questionnaire of Bass and Olio (2000), Cheney et al. (1983)'s organizational identity were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by respected professors and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha formula for the Transformational Leadership Questionnaire of 0. 84 and the Organizational Identity Questionnaire of 0. 92, respectively. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient, regression and Friedman test using SPSS software. Findings show that transformational leadership has an effect on organizational identity at the NAJA level. Its components, except for ideal influence and mental persuasion, have a positive and significant effect on organizational identity at the NAJA level.

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The purpose of this study is to Exploring the Mediating role of Knowledge Sharing in Evaluating the Performance of Knowledge Employees and Its individual and organizational consequences in Knowledge-Based Companies in Tehran. This study was applicable in terms of purpose and research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was senior managers and deputies of knowledge-based companies in Tehran. By simple random sampling method, 400 people were selected as the sample with a return rate of 388 people. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. To test the research hypotheses, structural equation tests and partial least squares method have been used. The results of this study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between evaluating the performance of knowledge staff with individual outputs and organizational outputs. Also, the mediating role of knowledge sharing on the relationship between performance appraisal of knowledge employees and individual outputs as well as the relationship between performance appraisal of knowledge staff and organizational outputs has been confirmed. When there is a knowledge sharing in an organization, performance appraisal, although it increases organizational outcomes, further leads to improved individual outcomes.

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In the present study, the factors affecting the quality of working life in the government organization were identified from the perspective of experts, examined and their desired and current status was evaluated using significance and performance analysis. The research is applied and has been done in a descriptive-exploratory method using Delphi fan. The data collection tool of this research was two questionnaires consisting of 23 variables based on the theoretical literature in the field of quality of working life. The statistical population of the study is 15 theoretical and experimental experts in the field of human resource management who have been selected by judgmental sampling. The optimal status of the factors was graded based on the opinion of experts and the Likert scale and their degree of importance was determined using Shannon entropy technique. Also, t-test was used to evaluate the current status of these variables and their performance. In addition, using the importance-performance analysis matrix, the two desirable and existing dimensions of the mentioned characteristics have been analyzed together. Based on the results, the variables "job nature, working conditions. . ., " is in a good position both in terms of importance and performance, and "talent development, managerial support. . . " despite the degree High importance is not in the right position and needs attention and focus. In contrast, variables such as role transparency, organizational conflict. . . . despite their low importance from the perspective of experts, have received too much attention in the organization and should be viewed in a balanced.

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Background and Aim: Organizational intelligence is considered as one of the important variables in the field of human resources that has been increasingly considered by experts. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to present a paradigm model of organizational intelligence in Alborz Insurance Company. Methodology: This was a qualitative study and was carried out by data-based approach. It also aimed to be a practical research as its goal. The participants were 15 specialists, familiar with organizational intelligence and insurance and were selected using targeted sampling method. Semi-organized deep interviews were employed for the study and up to 16 of them yielded in theoretical saturation. Qualitative validity of the data was verified under supervision of 5 specialists and professors and to assess the reliability Kapa index (K=0. 81) was used. In order to analyze the data, three coding methods of Open, Axial and Selective by the software Maxqda18 were employed. Findings: As causative condition, "Technology", "Resources" and "Organizational innovations"; "Culture" and "Organizational structure" as contextual condition; "Large-Scale factors", "Managemental factors" as intruding condition; "Process and organization strategy", "Extra-organizational" and "Organization knowledge" as strategies and "organizational cooperation" and "organization performance" were considered as consequences of organizational intelligence in Alborz insurance co. And also, organizational intelligence development, that includes other matters in the sense of inclusiveness and abstractness, was selected as central research matter. Conclusion: Considering the present proposed pattern, the results of the study can be of interest for promotion of organizational goals and satisfaction of different beneficiaries of Alborz insurance co.

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Quantum leadership influenced by the quantum paradigm has unique characteristics that can meet the needs of leaders and organizations, especially government agencies in order to achieve organizational goals and excellence in today's ambiguous and uncertain and rapidly changing conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the theory of quantum leadership in government organizations. In this article, we have tried to study the theory of quantum leadership as a new approach in the leadership of government organizations by studying the existing articles. For this purpose, using the library method to systematically summarize the results of previous research, all available resources using Appropriate keywords are given in this review article. The collected topics were examined in the form of 4 categories: the nature of quantum theory, why quantum leadership (factors in the emergence of quantum leadership), the nature and characteristics of quantum leadership and how to influence the organization. Today, leaders and organizations have come to the conclusion that if they want to survive and thrive in today's changing and evolving world, they must abandon the mechanical view that makes the environment simple and static and replace it with the quantum view, so organizational leaders must Develop new skills, known as quantum skills, that enable organizations to increase the ability of managers to manage people in organizations, resolve conflicts, increase productivity, creativity and innovation, organizational agility, and organizational excellence. . . which are all signs of quantum leadership and provide the basis for their success, organizational development, and ultimately their survival in today's complex and rapidly changing world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quality or quality management is an organizational segment in connection with emphasis placed on the goal of achieving higher productivity of different organi-zational systems. Organizations, both productive and serviceable, strive to achieve a higher level of quality in their business by implementing accepted standards. Besides, each business area recognizes the different standards that need to be applied, both at national and global level. During a complex process, from designing needed quality in order to have usable quality, the main goal to achieve is maximizing profit or to max-imize number of satisfied users of services. The police organization in the Republic of Serbia, through its organizational units including police stations, aims at achieving the highest level of citizen security. Implementation of the concept of quality and quality management during police and other affairs within the police stations would serve as a useful tool for improving the work process. The practice shows that priority at the police stations in the Republic of Serbia is given to quantitative work results, without significant application of a qualitative approach. Adapted application of the quality management concept in the police stations in the Republic of Serbia would contribute to improving the working process from several aspects, such as greater efficiency and effectiveness, as well as a percentage increase in the satisfaction of citizens by the op-eration of employees in police stations. The implementation method would also imply the implementation of some of the applicable ISO standards in the field of security.

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