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The potential use of dietary probiotics to enhance the immunity and health of aquatic animals has recently attracted intensive attention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on blood serum enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)) and antioxidant systems (Superoxidase dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX), Malondialdehyde (MDA) catalase (CAT)) in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus for 60 days. This experiment was designed as a completely random design in four treatments and each in three replicates. S. cerevisiae was added to the basic food in four rations of 0, 2, 4 and 6 %, of the food weight. Grey mulletل with an initial weight of 5. 56g were randomly distributed on 12 fiberglass tanks of 60 litres with twenty fish in each tank. . AT the end of the experiment, the results showed that the highest activity of CAT, SOD, and the lowest activity of ALT, ALP enzymes and MDA level were observed in group containing 6% of yeast that had significant difference with other treatments (P<0. 05). Tthe results of this study showed that. S. cerevisiae yeast had desirable effects on the amount of serum enzyme activities and antioxidant systems of liver of M. cephalus.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Lactococcus lactis and Weissella cibaria probiotics on growth performance, intestinal bacterial flora, digestive enzymes and intestinal histology in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Fish with an average initial weight of 17 g were divided into 10 treatments with 3 replications. Fish food in treatments 1, 2 and 3 were supplemented with 29. 9 × 10 10 CFUg-1 of Lactococcus lactis in doses of 150, 300 and 450 mgKg-1, food for treatments 4, 5 and 6 were supplemented with 22×10 10 CFUg-1 of Weissella cibaria in doses of 150, 300 and 450 mgKg-1, these two probiotics were equally mixed for food preparation to treatments 7, 8 & 9 and used in doses of 150, 300 and 450 mgKg-1 as well as fish in treatment 10 (Control) feed basal diet with no probiotics. They were feed for 8 weeks. Fish weight and length were measured at the beginning and end of experiment to examine growth performance. Blood samples were collected to measure the amounts of digestive enzymes. Intestinal bacterial flora and intestinal histology were also performed. The results of the present study showed a significant increase in body weight gain, specific growth rate, average daily growth and a significant decrease in food conversion ratio in most treatments feed supplemented food compared to the control (P<0. 05). Also, the lowest amount of amylase, lipase and protease enzymes was observed in the control. The number of lactic acid bacteria in fish feed with probiotic supplemented food was significantly higher than the control treatment (P<0. 05). Finally, it was found that adding 300 mgkg-1 of combination of these probiotics and after that adding 300 mgkg-1 W. cibaria will improve growth performance, activity of digestive enzymes, intestinal microbial flora and lactic acid bacteria in common carp.

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To investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of Cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and carcass composition of rainbow trout juvenile, an experiment was carried out on 600 pieces of Oncorhynchus mykiss with averaged mean weight 18± 2 g for 45 days. This experiment conducted in a completely random design with four treatments which contain triplicates. Three levels of prebiotic (200, 400 and 600 mg. kg-1 of ration) were added to the basic diet. At the end of experiment it was observed that prebiotic supplementation at 200 and 600 mg. kg-1 in the diet caused increasing FW (75. 91 and 74. 16), FL (18. 67 and 18. 37), WG(57. 91 and 56. 16), LG(8. 97 and 8. 65), SGR(3. 17 and 3. 12), FCR(1. 07 and 1. 09), FCE (95. 61 and 93. 40), PER(2. 12 and 2. 07), LER(8. 85 and 8. 64), EER(0. 056 and 0. 055), as well as SGRP(3. 21 and 3. 22), SGRL(3. 24 and 3. 21) and SGRE(3. 24 and 3. 20) (p<0. 05). The highest CVL (6. 25) were absereved in treatment containing of 600 mg. kg-1 prebiotic (p<0. 05). There were no significant (p>0. 05) differences in CVW and CF of fish fed with the experimental and control diets. Whole body chemical composition of animals post-feeding revealed no any significant difference between treatment's (P>0. 05). However, the highest Dry matter (30± 0. 28), Crude protein (19. 48± 0. 83), Crude lipid (44. 70± 0. 10) and Crude fiber (0. 46± 0. 29) content were obsereved in treatment containing of 600 mg. kg-1 prebiotic supplemented diet. Finally, Based on these results feeding of rainbow trout juvenile on the diet supplemented with 200 and 600 mg. kg-1 diet caused improving growth performances and feed efficiency of Oncorhynchus mykiss juvenile.

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In order to determine effect of various concentrations of Lavandula officinalis essence in ration on biochemistry of blood serum and mucosal immunity indices of Oncorhynchus mykiss with average weight of 10± 2 g, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with four treatments in three replicates. The fishes were fed orally with concentrations of 0. 5, 1 and 2 ml of L. officinalis essence per kg of food for 60 consecutive days. Treatment of without adding essence to diet also was considered as a conrol. According to the results, the amount of both enzymes of asparat aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, triglyceride, cholesterol and golucose of srum blood of fishes fed with various concentrations of essence were significantly decreased (p<0. 05). The least of these features was belong to concentration of 2 ml of essence in basic ration. But values of total protein and albumin of fishes under various concentrations had decreasing trend compared to the control (p<0. 05). The maximum amount of these compositions were related to concentration of 2 ml L. officinalis essence. But lactat dehydrogenase enzyme was not affected by any of the essence concentrations. The results of mucus characteractics in fishes also showed that there were significant differences among concentrations in term of values of total protein, alkaline phosphatase and lysozyme (p<0. 05). The most total protein and alkaline phosphatase were recorded in fishes fed with concentration of 2 ml essence about 374 mg/dl and 144 U/L respectively. Also the range of lysozyme enzyme changes was between 27 and 44 U/L. The lowest and the highest of this characteractic was related to control and 0. 5 ml. Whearas, the difference of it with 1 ml concentration was not significant (p<0. 05). Overall, the results showed that oral administration of different concentrations of Lavandula officinalis essence especially 2 ml per kg of diet had positive and significant effect on biochemistry of blood serum and mucosal immunity indices of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Therfore, use it as a dietary supplement in the basal diet is suggested.

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The effects of tank color background on the growth performances, hematology, stress and biochemical factors of juvenile’ s Oscar fish of were studied. The duration of this study was 8 weeks. Fish was fed for 8 weeks to saturation level ( 7: 00; 12: 00; 17: 00). Feed conversion ratio ( FCR) in red treatment was significantly reduced compared to other treatments (P <0. 05). White blood cells (WBC) in the yellow treatment was higher than other treatments (P <0. 05). The level of cortisol in red and white treatments was lower than other treatments. The highest amount of cortisol was observed in the blue treatment. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the amount of total protein between treatments. The amount of albumin in red treatment was higher than other treatments (P <0. 05 ). The amount of melatonin in red treatment was higher than other treatments. This study showed us using res color tank is more effective than other color, in regarding growth performances, hematological, biochemical and stress factors that is may be due to more and better physiological adaptation of fish to this color.

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In this study, the amount of heavy metals Hg, Cu and Zn in muscle and liver of rainbow trout were compared in farms were compared in three sources of water well, spring and river in west Azarbaijan province. After supplying 20 fish samples from each water source (weight: 220g) heavy metals of the tissues were measured using Cold-Vapor technique and atomic absorption flame spectrometry. The results indicated significant relationship between tissues, water source and fish sex with the metals accumulation. The highest amounts of Hg (0. 73± 0. 18 mg/kg) and Zn (101. 2± 18. 6 mg/kg) observed in liver of fish in river water source, and the highest amount of Cu (88. 84± 34. 22 mg/kg) was observed in liver of fish in well water source. Regardless of the source of water, comparison of amount of heavy metals in tissues of both sex showed that accumulated metals in female tissues was significantly (p˂ 0. 05) more than that of male. There wasn’ t significant linear-regression between metals accumulation and fish biometric indices. The amount of Hg in muscle of fish in water sources was lower than standards (EPA, FAO, WHO, UK MAFF, FDA, NHMRC), and amount of Cu and Zn of muscle in water sources was less than EPA and FAO standards respectively, and was more than other standards. According to the results, spring is the best water source, and it is essential to continuously monitor the water and farmed fish pollution in river's water source to maintain the health of fish consumers.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the histological effects of 5-(4-methyltiobenzylidene) thiazolotriazol on liver tissue of Trichogaster trichopterus which was done at the fish lab of IAUPS. Therefore 150 fishes with the weight of 2± 0. 5 gr were prepared from Khan-mahi fish farm in the May 2019. This study was performed on 4 treatments 10, 20, 30, 40 mg/kg. b. w. Before droping fishes into the aquariums, dechlorination of water was performed in 24 hours & physicochemical factors was measured too. Injections were performed the day after another in 20 days & all of the treatments were anatomized & their livers put into formalin in order to check by optimal microscope later. Liver enzymes consist of ALT, AST & ALP were send to Laboratory. Results showed that ALT level changed from 1707 u/kg in control 1 up to 1846. 6 in treatment 40 mg/kg. b. w, AST level changed from 16. 6 u/kg in control1 up to 29 u/kg in treatment 40 mg/kg. b. w, ALP level changed from 716. 6 u/kg in control 1 up to 888. 6 u/kg in treatment 40 mg/kg. b. w and this results showed significant difference between control & treatment(p<0. 05). optical and study showed some ruptures in liver tissue, increasing spaces between sinusoids and it caused to form fat vacuole in the liver by increasing of doses.

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Aeromonas hydrophila is one of the most important bacteria in fish farming, which unfortunately has led to an increase in the use of antibiotics in aquaculture. Therefore, in the present study, in order to provide comfort and increase immunity in rainbow trout, we introduced live bacteria and bacteria killed Aeromonas hydrophila by three methods of heat, formalin and UV as intraperitoneal injection with a concentration of 105 to 4 groups of fish with 3 repetitions for each group. According to the results, the bacterial antigen killed by formalin and UV increased white blood cells (P ˂ 0. 05) and retained red blood cells. Also, the levels of Igm and complement 3 and 4 in these two groups were better than those in the group exposed to live bacteria and bacteria killed by heat. Total protein was higher in a group of fish exposed to bacteria killed by formalin and UV but albumin levels did not change significantly. Therefore, based on the results; it is possible to expect an increase in fish immunity by using killed Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria by formalin and UV methods.

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A variety of indicators should be considered to water allocation for aquaculture purposes. This criteria is more important in Lorestan province as the topest center of cold water fish production among the non-coastal provinces in Iran. In the present study, the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method was used to prioritize the water resources for aquaculture water allocation. For this purpose, some water quality data were used from 13 branches of Kashkan River obtained from available reports. The data validity was confirmed according to Fisheries experts. The Fuzzy AHP method was used to determining and weighing of the criterias. Finally, prioritization of target rivers for aquaculture purposes was done based on the combination of Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR methods. The results showed that Kahman, Doab-e aleshter and Kakasharaf Rivers had the highest priority respectively for aquaculture purposes. The results of this study confirmed the compatibility of the fuzzy Vikor method for decision making on prioritization of water resources allocation for aquaculture purposes.

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In this study, polyculture rearing of Huso huso with chinese cyprinidea were investigated. For this perpose, 4 floating cage with dimetrer: 5×5m2 and highet of 2 m were prepared and installation in a earthen pond with 2 hectare area. Afterwards, we spot two treatments that treatment 1 Huso huso with 4. 4 kg/m2 (number =100, average weight: 1093. 1± 122. 7 gr, Average length: 69. 7± 0. 4) and treatment 2, 5. 4 kg/m2 (number=100, average weight: 1808. 3± 173. 5 gr, Average length: 75. 4± 4. 4) were released in cage and reared in pond with Chinese Cyprinidea (cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmi chtys molitrix, Hypophthalmichtys nobilis and Ctenopharyngodon idella)) initial biomass 50, 40, 20 and 40 kg/ m2) for 5 months. In the end of culture, Average weight of Huso huso in treatment 1 and determined 1093. 1± 122. 7 to 3382± 112. 2 and 1808± 173. 5 to 5913. 1± 321. 6 gr respectively. Result indicated that increasing density lead to increasing of weight gain, percentage weight gain and specific growth rate of and decreasing of feed efficancy ratio. Average weight of cyorinus carpoio from 20 gr reach to 1590. 5± 262. 7 gr. highest incresed biomas were observed in Ctenoph aryngodon idella. Result of this study showed that ability poly culture of Huso huso and chinese cyprinides in earthe pond were existed and recomonded investment in this case.

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