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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    1 (17)
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The primary purpose of this study is to examine the theory of Bourdieu on the field of education and its differences with other common approaches to the sociology of education. So here are the main questions that this study tries to explain them: on which sociology of education approaches Bourdieu’ s approach is based; on what principles is built and how much critical the concepts of capital and habitus. In order to achieve these goals, the documentary analysis as a methodology was used and where by Bourdieu's theoretical and experimental works and other theorists and researchers were examined. Results indicate that Bourdieu’ s view into the field of education is a two-dimensional view, which includes conflicts of approach and functionalism. This means that Bourdieu knows the field of education that works both in maintaining the balance and order of society and to reproduce the status quo and preserve the interests of the dominant class. Another result of the research is that Bourdieu emphasizes on various instruments in his two-dimensional approach to the field of education, in proportion to each of these dimensions, so, in a functionalistic view toward educational field he focuses on culture and on the contrary he emphasizes on habitus in a confliction view of the field; that means from Bourdieu point of view, the field of education is in a direct relation with structure and agency. Therefore, Bourdieu's approach to the field of education is a double two-dimensional approach.

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    1 (17)
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The purpose of this research is to express the definition, aim, and conceptual components of education based on the process of formation of knowledge in Hegel's phenomenology. The definition of education is not possible without regard to the nature of knowledge, and educational ideas assume explicitly or implicitly a definition of knowledge. So this article was based on Hegel's theory of knowledge for the exploration of the nature and conceptual components of education. For this purpose, the methods of "concept interpretation" and "concept development" have been used. The research findings are as follows. "Bildung" as a definition of education is described as a process that seeks to promote the conceptual experience of pupils by understanding the inequities in their own lives which involve a movement from the past towards a rational future. The aim of education is formulated as "Reconciliatory Comprehensive Rationality. " Then, the conceptual components of education were extracted as being "freedom-based", "historical", "Reconstructive", "Interactive", "Recognitional", "Error-tolerant" etc. Education as Bildung can inspire a new stream in the educational studies in Iran, which would promote the experience of human wisdom in the history and culture of this country.

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AALI MARZIEH | davoodi Ayoub

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (17)
  • Pages: 

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This research aimed to analyze the discourse of teacher’ s activism in the articles of “ Roshd-e Mo’ alem” published from 2011 to 2017. As such, the method of Fairclough’ s critical discourse analysis (CDA) was applied. Regarding Fairclough’ s three dimensional models of CDA, it was attempted to describe and analyze teacher’ s activism according to the articles of “ Roshd-e Mol’ alem, ” and finally, to clarify the relationship of this discourse and the social situation. Textual components including achieving the same skills, enjoying teachers’ rights in exchange for skills achievement, measuring teacher’ s performance with quantitative indicators, being at the service of development, government and society, being influenced by family demands, meeting quantitative criteria, being accountable for the expectations of society, having the role of convincing were the findings of the research in the description level that formed teacher’ s activism. Also, in the interpretation level, overcoming the functionalist approach and overcoming quantitative approach on culture, prioritizing the mechanical approach and development to freedom, domination of the logic of market, domination of centralism, considering teachers as a class and neglecting critical thinking in the domain of culture were the answers given to the above questions. In the explanation level, the findings include the situation of development-driven modernization in Iran, overcoming a specific image of a typical citizen, the presumption of cultural confrontation with other nations, treating contemporary society as an ill and quantity-oriented approach in the social and cultural arena.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (17)
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The main aim of this research is identifying and evaluation of views about the problem of the compatibility of education and politics. To do this, we explain and formulate how education and politics relate to each other in terms of virtuism, powerism, and critical theory. To do this, we use, the means-end model in a broad sense, and also the structure-function binary in explanation of the State alongside the Spragens's Crisis theory. This study shows that three main streams are related to the philosophy of society and could be considered as a response to making compatible education and politics.: 1-"Virtuism"; with a central focus on the functional aspect of the State, the instrumental attitude to power and politics in the direction of realization of goodness and superiority (Plato, Aristotle, and some Muslim philosophers); 2-"Powerism"; with the view of the power as the intrinsic value, mainly in the form of a modern State (structure) and an instrumental attitude to education (Sophism, Hobbes and Locke); 3-Critical theory; by criticizing the structural aspect of the State and sometimes emphasizing the struggle, while adhering to the value of power (Frierre and Carnoy). In this paper, based on the analysis, comparison, and critique of these theories, we prefer to develop an alternative version of virtuous State in the line of the Islamic perspective. We conclude that changing the meaning of education and politics and distribution of power is the solution for the incompatibility between education and politics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (17)
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The aim of this paper is conceptual analysis and re-exploring the nature of human potentiality in the educational system regarding its critiques. For attaining this aim, we applied comparative analysis and conceptual analysis methods. Our findings indicate to us that necessities of human nature, especially content necessities, are underestimated in Scheffler's view. On the other hand, separation of potentialities to central and marginal has not occurred in Sheffler's conceptualization. Upon this, Scheffler's view confronting different human potentials may be collapsed. Moreover, neglecting human disabilities has prevented this view from realism and human will. Therefore, we emphasized on precaution, flexibility, and dynamism in a potential assignment in the educational system and proposed some suspensions period during education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (17)
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Theory and theorizing have Importance and undeniable role in life and death of higher education. But most students feel that in theory class, they entered into scientific, poetic and alienation tentativeness world. Some faculty members believe courses of theory are non-technical, impractical and completely mnemonic so they teach to most students in Limited places and times. Studies show that lack of Conceptual framework in teaching of theories is reason for mentioned situation. So aim of the present study is to examine different approaches to teaching theory. four approaches to teaching of theories are via a history of theories, inter-paradigm, teaching a subject or problem from the perspective of different theories and, Explain, analyze and critique a situation or phenomenon from the perspective of different theories. In each of the four approaches to explain the purpose of learning, organization the content of, providing examples and analyze the strengths and weaknesses. Appropriate approach in teaching of theories caused a deep understanding and critical theory and production of new theories. In general, Conceptual framework in teaching of theories caused production of theoretical discourse.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (17)
  • Pages: 

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The primary purpose of this study is to represent Jacques Derrida’ s point of view on the philosophy of writing and its important implications for rethinking the structure of education to develop creativity in students. To achieve this purpose, a descriptive-deductive method was adopted to explain the philosophical foundations (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) of the philosophy of writing. After that, its educational implications have been inferred in order to rethink the structure of education, in general, and to develop students’ creativity, in particular. In conclusion of the study, based on Derrida’ s thoughts, it’ s been specified that according to philosophy of writing, education is like a text with different reading and interpreting as if, it’ s a to-come and creative process which can provide an unlimited range of different and unplanned possibilities to go beyond the established structure of education in order to create the necessary fields and appropriate context for developing creativity in students. Moreover, with an emphasis on the plurality of meaning, it provides the making of knowledge and not the transfer of it alone, the basis to spread the creativity and the leaderity. Also, having a new reading upon the educational act as the concern of the other will make the grammatological education a responsive approach toward liberation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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