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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study is to review the viewpoints of the academic members of universities in Tehran, about Philosophy of Education and its status and applications. The research is a kind of descriptive – analytical one and its instrument is a questionnaire with five questions (about the definition of  Philosophy of Education, its applications, its relationship with the other fields of educational sciences, its status, both in Iran and the West, and the strategies to improve the current situation in the country). The research community consists of all faculty members of the departments of Philosophy of Education at governmental (public) universities in Tehran (there were 22 people at the time of research) who were studied in the census. Then, after the necessary follow-up, 13 questionnaires were collected. Results showed that subjects of the study, almost, did not give any new definition about Philosophy of Education and they just focused on the existing ones. They emphasis on applications of Philosophy of Education at the macro levels of educational system and consider it as an origin for other fields of Education sciences; which they use Philosophy of Education, in order to provide their theoretical foundations. Also, they consider it as a new science in Iran, which gives more attention to the West and it is still not much localized.

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The aim of this research is survey of Bandura theoretical foundation of self-efficacy include psychological, social, and philosophical base. In this research use analytic-deduction research method to achieve the aim. Thus as psychological basis, the concepts of reciprocal determinism, consciousness, learning and finally the human agency will be discussed. Under the social basis the effect of scientists of symbolic reciprocal interaction school on Bandura as a social base for his social basis will be discussed. Under the philosophical basis the appropriateness and logical relation of self- efficiency with philosophical schools, merit and theological values will be evaluated.Finally by means of analysis and deduction elicit  psychological, social, and philosophical pre-preposition of self-effected person, clarify element of self-efficacy, determine stand of agency and self-efficacy, conclude and shown self-effected person traits and ways of educate self-effected person.

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The main purpose of this research is the study and analysis of the term “Talim va Tarbeyat” (education) from two perspectives, “separation” and “integration”. In this regards, the application of this term in eloquent speakers and educational experts’ works has been examined. The results of this analysis showed that the conjunction did not have any application in ancient sources. The emergence of this conjunction in contemporary history of Iran, was concurrent with the advent of formal and public education, based on the experiences of western countries. In general, the analysis of the concept of “tarbeyat” (education) in ancient and modern Persian literature showed that this term refers to the comprehensive development of man, therefore the cognitive development, namely “Talim”, is also included in it. Thus the separation approach has been rejected and the integration approach was approved. Consequently the term “Talim va Tarbeyat” can be replaced by “Tarbeyat”.

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The main purpose in this essay is investigation Avicenna’s ethical philosophy with explain the nature of social and how to build social ethics. The method of this study is content analysis of Avicenna’s ethical works. In this research analyze ethical works of Avicenna and It is suggested that Avicenna’s view on philosophy of ethics be called moderate relativism/realism. The results indicate that in aspect of moral education derivation of rational life as ultimate goal for moral education, and purification of rational-ethical view will be its medial target. Also, Social cooperation is an essential principle in Avicenna’s moral education views and has been recognized as a context for actuality of ethical virtues.

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The main purpose of this paper is a reflection on common approaches to P4C and offering an alternative to the program based on Wilber theory of integral. Accordingly, it is argued that the alternative contains four quadrants and could be considered as a Holon. For Wilber all aspects of the reality should be counted as a whole. In this view, philosophy for children is a process like Socratic methods and research community as introduced by Lipman; is a historical approach as it could be found in the Gaarder’s work, “Sophie’s world”; is a philosophical story as elucidated in the Fischer’s book entitled: “stories for thinking” and Piquemal work “the story of the philosophical world”; and is a cultural bounded program as enlightened by one of P4C leader in Danmark, Jespersen.

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This study investigates the why of Information Technology in the field of education according to the ontological inquiry. The methodology applied involves hermeneutic phenomenology. This study concerns the ontological changes that IT brings about in experiencing the universe and, following that, the field of education including changing the role of body in the process of education, fading the temporal and spatial borders away and expanding the virtual connection, and providing wide access to technological information. This ontological investigation in fact probes the horizons and barriers created by the application of IT in the field of education. As the results of the study indicate, and by admitting that inquiring the nature and reasons (what and why) behind using Informational Technology precedes questioning the manner of application in the field of education. The scope and borders of applying IT are defined in terms of humans’ life goals throughout the history, such as nurturing and worship. Finally, some of the entailments are mentioned such as the facilitative role of Information Technology in the process of education instead of a productive role, limiting the effects and application of Information to educational instrument and using IT along with other types of information in terms of human’s ultimate life goals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The theme of the current paper is to investigate and discuss phenomenological methodology by concentrating at two levels : phenomenological components of educational inquiry and, problem of justification in phenomenological inquiry in education; regarding this note that phenomenology as a philosophical movement by introducing subjects such as conciseness, intentionality, reduction, constitution, intersubjectivity, Life-world and embodiment not only changed the philosophy of 20th century significantly, but also influenced the development of phenomenological inquiry in education. Therefore first level addresses the components of phenomenological inquiry ‘s aim in education, the way they affect inquiry process, role of inquirer, observation and description of educational phenomena regarding to balanced reduction, language and phenomenological writing, and ultimately at second level triangulation in a phenomenological perspective is discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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