Background and Objective: Measuring academic achievement of students is an important research in educational systems. Hence, studying variables which are related to academic achievement in different academic subjects is one of the main topics of research in educational system. This study was performed in order to assess the association of students' educational progress regarding additional classes before passing their university entrance exam.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted in 1391 on 116 students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences. Data was obtained by a self-made questionnaire including: part1; demographic characteristics, part2; questions on students' points of view about additional classes, and part3; data about raw scores and total rank of entrance exam and also the first and second semester GPA of all the students. Findings were analyzed using SPSS V.16.Results: 116 students participated in this study. (2.3%) 35 didn’t attend any classes and (8/69٪) 81 attended different classes. There was a significant correlation between total ranks of students' entrance exam and participating in additional classes. (p=0.007, r=0.251). Also, there was a significant correlation between raw scores of students' entrance exam and participating in additional classes. (p=.0.21, r=0.215). There was a significant but inverse correlation between students' total ranks of entrance exam and their first semester GPA. (p=0.003, r=-0.27)..h een ny classes and lasses Conclusion: Although the correlation coefficient does not show a strong correlation between students' GPA and attending additional classes before entering the university, but it could mean that participating in the mentioned classes, not only does not help students to improve their academic abilities but, perhaps for some reasons that should be investigated, leads to students' academic failure at university. Therefore, there is a need to revise curricula in all the disciplines and levels of education.