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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This research is a research of descriptive and Survey type which is done with the aim of examining the effect of created jobs on economic, Social and cultural condition of target population of Khorasan razavi welfare organization. So a Sample of 768 subjects were selected with stratified method from supported people of rehabilitation Social affair and prevention areas in welfare organization and distributed randomly in Two groups of 384 subjects in experiment And control group. In this research three questionnaire of job and family attitude (researcher made), Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale and Crown-Marlow’s social acceptance. The results indicated that there were significant differences in studied variables in two groups being compared. In other word, the jobs created have had a positive impact on economic, social and cultural condition of society under study. Meanwhile financing resources, type of job and the city of residence have significant relationship with self-esteem and financing resources and type of job have significant relationship with social acceptance too.

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This test was accomplished for examining below cases: a) the effect of group pressure on abstract reasoning b) the difficulty ratio of the subjects in the reasoning of "modus tollens" c) the different ratio of the correct answer of subjects in pervious tests and present test d) the relative difference of intra group with Ash experience; subjects were selected from the undergraduates students, studies was selected by 103 people (51 people in control group and 52 people in experiment group). The random method has been applied in three levels: 1) the selection of subjects 2) assignment of subjects in control group and test group 3) determination experimental variables. Then the subjects were assessed by pretest-posttest design with control group and statistic method of T test (independent analogy and with the different scores) and abstract reasoning test "Wason selection task" and experimental variable of applying mental group pressure. The results with a less than 0.001 shows that group pressure will increase the abstract error. On the other hand, experimental variable of group pressure has been caused the change of the method of subjects reasoning in group direction. Also, "test of independence ratios difference in unit population" showed that participants and more difficulty in the reasoning of the kind of "modus tollens". Also according to the changes in the research test and separation and lucidity of applications the ratio of the correct answer (0.359) of subjects was more meaningful than pervious tests. Other comparisons with Ash test and Zamani & et al test (1371) showed that a) the ratio of nonconformists in Ash test (0.26) to that ratio in this experiment (0.45) had meaningful difference. b) The ratio of perfect conformists in this experiment (0.17) to that ratio in Zamani & et al test (0.20) had not meaningful difference; but the same ratio with Ash test (0.08) is. C) The ratio subjects that in Ash test conformed at least once with group (0.74), but that ratio in this experiment was 0.55, that statistical test showed meaningful difference among them. The findings were discussed on the basis of background and the distinctions of this test and also relative natural semantic theory.

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The present research designed and implemented with the goal of study of marriage preparation programme instruction influence on the couples communication beliefs of 300 couples that had referred to Kermanshah’s health center for pre-marriage consultation, 40 persons (20 males and 20 females) who had got the highest score in the communication beliefs (the accepted score should be mentioned) in comparison to other group members were selected and in the next steps, this 40-member group was divided randomly into two groups of control (comparison group is a more appropriate word) and experiment. That constituted 20 persons of experimental group and 20 persons of control group and the experimental group has been participated instruction classes of marriage preparation programme. After finishing of instruction classes of the marriage preparation programme, again inventory of the communication beliefs performed as a post-test. Collected data has been used by covariance analysis test to examine variation in unreasonable beliefs. Obtained result of first hypothesis showed that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing couples communication beliefs, and generally unreasonable communication beliefs have been decreased meaningfully. According to the second hypothesis, instruction of the marriage preparation programme has been effective in variation of married male’s communication beliefs. In the third hypothesis also this point was confirmed that instruction of the marriage preparation programme has been effective in variation of the couple’s communication beliefs, in belief component to ruin disagreement. Also the fifth hypothesis confirm that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing of the couples communication beliefs, in the belief component to exchangeability of a spouse. And the sixth hypothesis results suggested that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing couples communication beliefs in the component of reading mind expectation. And eighth hypothesis is based on the effect that instruction of the marriage preparation programme is effective in changing of the couples communication beliefs about generic differences, no meaningful changes have be seen in the post-test, so these two hypotheses were not confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The goal of this study is to assess the quality of curriculum in teacher education courses. The quality of curriculum is studied on the basis of nine elements which are: objective, content, teaching strategies, learning activities, evaluation, tools, grouping, time and place. To teach the goal of the study, the following question is proposed: How describe is the curriculum of teacher education courses according to the elements of curriculum. This is descriptive-survey one. To collect the data, the questionnaire was used. Target population in this study was: The students of Teacher education courses (including Primary Education, theology, Persian Literature, Sciences, Mathematics at the level of post diploma and BA who studied in university in the school year of 1387-1388. The professors who teach these different courses. To select the sample, Morgan's table was used. In this study, stratified sampling was used and the subjects in the strata were selected randomly. To analyze the information taken from the questionnaires, some statistical methods were used such as: frequency, percentage, summative percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation in descriptive statistics; parametric tests (t-test for independent groups and correlation test) and non-Parametric tests (Mann-whiney U test and Friedman test). To do the above testes, SPSS Software was used. The finding showed that the curriculum of teacher education courses are not described in the nine above-mentioned elements and all the elements are at average levels. Among the different courses studied, just primary education was described in just some elements. On the whole, the present curriculum is based on the general objective of teacher education courses but it has to go a long was to reach the described point. According to the findings and data analysis which was done separately, the answer to the main question of this study is: "the quality of curriculum in Teacher Education Courses is at the average level on the basis of the nine elements in the curriculum".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Purpose of present study was the study relation emotional intelligence and epistemological beliefs with creativity in high school student in Karaj city in 87-88 years. For this purpose 120 students were selected random cluster sampling method. Measuring instruments included emotional intelligence Sibrya shering questioner, Gilford creativity Scale and epistemological beliefs questioner. For analysis data used correlation coefficient Pierson and step by step Regression. The results revealed that there is meaning positive relation between creativity and Predictive variables, the stronger relation was between self-awareness and weakness' relation epistemological beliefs.

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In order to determine the effectiveness of assertive training and cognitive behavioral methodology training on the Staffs vocational satisfaction and the staffs vocational exhaustion at Health center, city Rasht, 20 items questionnaires of Davis, Laf Kosit and Vies and also the 40-item questionnaires of Le and Ashford have been given to 400 employees of Health Center in city of Rasht and among them , 60 employees who were with low vocational satisfaction and high vocational exhaustion were selected and they were selected randomly into 3 group of 20 persons. The first group received assertive training, the second group received behavioral methodology training strategies, and the third group did not receive any training as a control group. The following research hypotheses have been provided on the basis of the comparison of two methods. The assertive training and cognitive-behavioral on the rate of satisfaction and vocational exhaustion. The experimental research method of two group pretest and posttest is with control group. The research results showed that behavioral cognitive therapy and assertive training faction have been caused in increasing the vocational satisfaction and decreasing vocational exhaustion men and women. Furthermore, the effect of behavioral - cognitive therapeutics in increasing the vocational satisfaction and decreasing the vocational exhaustion are more than the assertive training and the rate of increasing vocational satisfaction and decreasing vocational exhaustion in women are more than men.

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This research is trying to examine the background of development of inclusive education project and obstacles against in the Mazandaran province and wants to present the practical strategies by studying and analysis the project executor’s approaches. A researcher made questionnaire which was composed of 7 axes with 39 questions had been used. To reach the data for this reason; through several phases; 396 persons of official expert; managers and executive teachers of the inclusive education project have been chosen in Mazanderan by cluster and stratified random sampling and the answered to the said questionnaire. The validities of the research devices were bases on the authority's approaches of exceptional education and their experts who were acquainted with the inclusive education problems; and their reliabilities were calculated by Cronbach coefficient a' (Alpha) which was 71.40%.The data were analyzed by Chi-square. One part of finding shows that the managers; more than the teachers and official experts; believed to the probability of success of the inclusive education project in areas were the measurement projects and community based rehabilitation (CBR) were executed in comparison with other parts one. Other part of the results shows that the inclusive education system pays attention to individual differences and the probability of Social relationship and making friend skill will increase among ordinary students and students with special needs. The executers of the inclusive project believe that in the said project; both all ordinary students and the students with special needs are more flexible to become aware and efficient citizens.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The scientific test analysis is most popular means for the evaluation of student at universities. In order to study the quality of evalition at teacher training faculty, 4fields of study. Namely psychology was randomly chosen. Students answer sheets were analyzed in those 4 teats. The aim of study was to check the reliability and validity, difficulty index and discrimination index of the tests. The hypothesis of research was that statistic indicates of reliability and validity is outside the optimized level in 4tests. The finding of research indicated that between 25 till 57% of the items related to4tests are unsuitable and the difficulty index, discriminative index, validity and reliability of the tests are outside the optimized level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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