The goal of this study is to assess the quality of curriculum in teacher education courses. The quality of curriculum is studied on the basis of nine elements which are: objective, content, teaching strategies, learning activities, evaluation, tools, grouping, time and place. To teach the goal of the study, the following question is proposed: How describe is the curriculum of teacher education courses according to the elements of curriculum. This is descriptive-survey one. To collect the data, the questionnaire was used. Target population in this study was: The students of Teacher education courses (including Primary Education, theology, Persian Literature, Sciences, Mathematics at the level of post diploma and BA who studied in university in the school year of 1387-1388. The professors who teach these different courses. To select the sample, Morgan's table was used. In this study, stratified sampling was used and the subjects in the strata were selected randomly. To analyze the information taken from the questionnaires, some statistical methods were used such as: frequency, percentage, summative percentage, weighted mean, standard deviation in descriptive statistics; parametric tests (t-test for independent groups and correlation test) and non-Parametric tests (Mann-whiney U test and Friedman test). To do the above testes, SPSS Software was used. The finding showed that the curriculum of teacher education courses are not described in the nine above-mentioned elements and all the elements are at average levels. Among the different courses studied, just primary education was described in just some elements. On the whole, the present curriculum is based on the general objective of teacher education courses but it has to go a long was to reach the described point. According to the findings and data analysis which was done separately, the answer to the main question of this study is: "the quality of curriculum in Teacher Education Courses is at the average level on the basis of the nine elements in the curriculum".