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This study seeks to provide sociological explanations for “ novelty” in Iran. The key question is “ How the social institutions deal with “ novelty” ? ” In this study a combination of theories of "Iranian novelty” , “ indigenous novelty” , “ National and alien novelty” presented by scholars such as Taghi Azad Armaki, Dr. Jamshid Behnam and Dr. Moosa Najafi. The sum of these theories is based on two points: First, modernity is different from novelty. Second, any community can experience its own novelty. The research method is documentary and data are collected by library method. The research results indicate that the governments have provided the areas for emergence of novelty in the past two hundred years in Iran. They have often followed all technological and material aspects of novelty. Iranian clergy have played a role in making the ground for novelty under three groups of “ proponents” , “ opponents” and “ critics” . Also, Iranian intellectuals have welcomed novelty in the form of “ proof, criticism and rejection” . The purity of knowledge and attachment of the intellectuals to novelty and its principles and achievements have been more than the rulers and clergies.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of helping strategies training in increasing girls' academic compatibility. To investigate this research, the Patch of Helping Educational Strategies and Educational Adjustment Questionnaire were used. A total of 40 subjects were selected and assigned to two experimental and control groups of 20 subjects after obtaining moral consent. First, the research tools were performed as a pretest from both groups. The experimental group received 10 training sessions. Then, after the end of 10 sessions, the instruments were re-evaluated as a post-test. The results showed that, helping education has a significant effect on academic compatibility. In this way, the teaching of helping strategies will increase academic compatibility.

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This study determined the relationship between ethnic identification and political participation with the media consumption of Uremia citizens in 1395-1396. The methods used in this study were correlation and survey. The statistical population consisted of Uremia citizens aged between 20 and 60 years old. According to statistics, the size of the statistical society was 750, 000 people. The sample size was 384 according to the Cochran formula, taking into account 95% confidence interval, which was distributed among citizens through multi-stage cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the theoretical framework which designed by the researcher. Data was analyzed in the Amos software. The theoretical framework of the research was based on the ideas of Grebner, Robertson, Giddens, Castells and “ Magical Bullet” . Findings of the study proved that, generally political participation was about 28%, slightly higher than the average and the level of ethnic identity was 20%, slightly higher than the average. Also, the results of the research showed that, there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the amount of ethnic identification and political participation with media consumption.

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Security is one of the essential needs of every human being. A sense of security is an issue that has been recently noticed by scholars of human sciences such as sociology, psychology, social psychology and political science. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between religiosity and feeling of security. The study population consisted of students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz from whom 380 were selected using stratified random sampling method. Using the security theory of Barry Buzan, Mahler and Emile Durkheim the sense of security is explained. The findings show a direct relationship between five dimensions of religiosity and the sense of social security.

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Life quality is a concept to indicate the satisfaction of one’ s life. It is criteria to indicate the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of people and groups about various aspects of life. Quality of urban life is one of the most important areas of urban studies in different countries. Thus, city as the habitat of urban human is in need of providing standards that briefly can be called quality of life standards. The aim of this study was to evaluate indexes of urban life quality in both new and old textures of Tabriz. Therefore a descriptive analytic method was used. Data was collected through library and survey research by the use of a questionnaire. The statistical population in this study was all the households who are living in the old and new alleys of Tabriz that through random sampling method and based on Cochran's relationship, 386 households were selected from old and new texture alleys namely (Koch-e Bagh) and (Marzdaran) respectively. Statistical methods of multiple T-test, Factor analysis and SPSS software were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. To test the hypotheses simple linear regression, independent t-test and Spearman correlation coefficient were used. The results of these tests based on social, environmental, economic and skeletal indexes for old and new texture alleys indicated that, the quality of skeletal components (including green spaces, housing and utilities), has less impact on increasing the overall level of quality of life in old texture alley of Tabriz. Also, in terms of environmental indicators (including environmental health), economic (including employment, income and transportation) and skeletal (including green spaces, housing and utilities) there is a significant difference between the studied regions of Tabriz city. In addition, there is a significant relationship between the level of social, economic, physical and environmental indicators and the quality of life in the new and old textures of Tabriz city.

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Yussefpour Nezami Ayyub

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Contrary to popular beliefs that regard cyberspace as a communication tool (phone) or as a media (TV) this paper, considering its power and functional scope, has proposed it as a new category of society and human relationship. The social-ethical security of children in the online life style is also the structural element of this community / fluid hypertext (cyberspace). The researcher has inferred the necessity of the study, (using the application of the interpretive rights method), from the text of the two Universal Charter of Human Rights and the Child Rights; and has been proposed and advocated it in the form of a "limited discourse of the rationalization of the virtual community", in particular with a view to protecting the social ethics of children and supporting the unrepeatable experience of young children. Refraining from any epistemic controversy with the cognitive-technological origins of cyberspace, the discourse is based on western knowledge and philosophy. Such an approach is precisely the use of an internal critique of the pathology of cyberspace. The result is that, in the process of such an acceptable discourse by collective conscience and public opinion (especially in the West), the adoption of international legal measures has been proposed to seek technological, epistemological, legal and cultural reconstruction of the virtual community. This proposal is aimed at protecting the family, the social-ethical security of children and supporting the unrepeatable childhood experiences.

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The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate the degree of visitors’ satisfaction from the Red Crescent drugstores and the identification of the effective factors affecting that satisfaction. Statistical society of this study includes all visitors to Tehran’ s Red Crescent drugstores. According to Morgan Table, 384 individuals were chosen as samples. In this study, the degree of visitors’ satisfaction from the Red Crescent drugstores has been evaluated by means of circular scale. In order to identify the effective factors affecting visitors’ satisfaction, a self-made questionnaire was applied. Analyzing data, descriptive and inferential methods were applied which include: median, standard deviation, T-Test, regression, independent T-Test, one-way variance analysis. The results show the visitors’ satisfaction from the Red Crescent drugstores. And this satisfaction was almost good over the issues of physical factors, trust, sympathy, and responsiveness. But in assurance factor, the degree of satisfaction is almost average. Regarding statistics, the results of T-Test also show a significant degree of satisfaction. Results of multiple linear regressions also show that, employees’ interaction and behavior, general quality of pharmaceutical services, and human reliability are main effective factors on Tehran’ s Red Crescent drugstores visitors’ satisfaction. But drugstores’ physical environment itself does not have any significant impact on visitors’ satisfaction. Also, the degree of satisfaction is more among men than women. And finally, the age and education do not have any significant impact on the degree of visitors’ satisfaction from drugstores.

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The study of the social and political history of Iran shows the importance of the issue of women and the family for the leaders of the dominant and opposing political discourses. This study has been conducted with the aim of identifying the dominant discourses of the family in the Islamic Consultative Assembly and their sociological analysis. This study has been carried out with the method of discourse analysis on the negotiations of the Eighth Parliamentary Assembly on the topic of family protection law and its theoretical perspective is based on Agency-structure, system of action, representation and globalization theories. The results of the analysis of the text and the analysis of the context of the negotiations show that, the discourse's order of the parliament on the subject of "family and women" includes three discourses (fundamentalist traditionalism, moderate traditionalism and modernist reformism), and the term "moderate traditionalism" according to the context and social conditions and the presence of a majority among the negotiators has been the dominated discourse. This discourse has been able to communicate between "fundamentalist discourse" (as the dominant discourse on political and economic structure) and “ moderate traditionalism discourse" (as the dominant discourse on The structure of belief and social custom) and prevent the confrontation of these two (for example, on the subject of temporary marriage).

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