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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Considering the widespread use of MCQs in assessment of medical students, present study was conducted to item analyze of MCQs in immunology department at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2017. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the data of MCQs designed by immunological faculties that corrected by the OP-Scan was assessed and explored the difficulty index, discrimination index and distractor options (808 MCQs). Then, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson coefficient. The results showed the average of difficulty index of the MCQs was 0. 59 ± 0. 25, and 46. 2% of the MCQs had a suitable difficulty. The average of the discrimination index of the MCQs was 0. 25 ± 0. 24 and 57. 3% of the MCQs had a discrimination index. Accordingly, a Combination of the two difficulty and discrimination indices showed that only 248 MCQs (30. 7%) were ideal. 1525 distractor option (62. 9%) were functional distractor (FD) and 889 (37%) were non-functional distractor (NFDs). The findings showed that the MCQs required to be reviewed and improved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Job satisfaction has been affected by many factors. The most important factors affecting on job satisfaction are leadership styles and organizational commitment. The aim of present study was to examine the relationship of leadership styles and organizational commitment with job satisfaction among nurses. This research was descriptive– analysis study. The statistical population was all nurses of Shahid Sadoghi hospitals in yazd; totally 140 students nurse were selected through simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires included multiple leadership, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Then, data was analyzed using Pearson correlation, stepwise regression and SPSS. The research findings showed that leadership style (r=0. 4 & p<0. 001), transactional leadership (r=0. 32& p<0. 001), affective commitment (r=0. 36 & p<0. 001), continuance commitment (r=0. 22 & p<0. 001), normative commitment (r=0. 19 & p<0. 005) had a significantly positive relationship with job satisfaction. In a predictor model, transactional leadership style, affective commitment and transformational leadership could demonstrate greatest role in forecast job satisfaction rather than other variables. The results indicated that transactional leadership, affective commitment and transformational leadership were regarded as the most important predictors of job satisfaction. Therefore, managers, programmers and counselor would be recommended to consider the results of influence variables of present research and to design programs to improve nurses’ job satisfaction.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of strategic intelligence on knowledge implementation among faculty members of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences during the spring of 2017. The research method was descriptive-survey based on the applied nature; and the statistical population was 550 faculty members. According to Morgan's table, 226 of population members were randomly selected. Finally, after distributing the questionnaires, the analysis based on 217 the returned questionnaire was completed. Data were collected using two standard Kruger Strategic Intelligence Questionnaire and Konrad & Newman Knowledge Management. Then, the validity of the questionnaire was verified by experts through content validity method. Moreover, the reliability of the questionnaires was calculated by Cronbach's alpha for the strategic intelligence questionnaire 0. 918 and Knowledge management questionnaire was 0. 942. In addition, the classification of collected data was done by descriptive statistical methods (frequency, percentage, standard deviation, tables, graphs, etc. ) in Spss16 software, and the research hypothesis were evaluated in the software of LISREL structural equations. The overall research results indicated that strategic intelligence had a positive impact on the use of knowledge, and also faculty members of the university can use the strategic intelligence in the process of organizational decision making to distribute knowledge, keep knowledge, exchange and share it, and field the key to successful implementation of knowledge management systems in universities.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate intellectualization challenges based on curriculum elements from the viewpoints of lecturers, executives and technology experts. The research method was descriptive-survey, and the population of the study included lecturers, executives (chiefs and deputies) and technology experts in 2015. Among all community, 9 regional campuses including the three provinces Qazvin, Zanjan and Gilan were randomly selected. All executives and technology experts were studied in the Campus (42) through the census method. Also, 93 lecturers with stratified random sampling from Zanjan, Qazvin and Rasht were selected. Research tool was a questionnaire made based on Klein’ view. Content validity was obtained (0/99) through the content validity ratio (CVR), moreover, the reliability of the questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha was calculated 0/91. The outcome of one sample t test showed that lecturers, executives and technology experts declined intellectualization challenges at Farhangian University in content, time, space and evaluation elements was high and in the element goal was low. The results of independent sample t-test showed that between two groups of lecturers, executives and technology experts, there was no significant difference in the amount of intellectualization challenges. Friedman test results revealed significant differences from the view of lecturers, executives and experts in rating of challenges. Accordingly, the evaluation element achieved the highest rank and then space and content elements, respectively; the lowest rank was belonged to the elements of time and goal.

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This research was aimed at designing a decentralized primary education curriculum in Iran. The qualitative research method was a kind of content analysis of deductive categorical system. Designing the elements of the curriculum extracted based on the modeling of the Klein syllabus is performed, considering the difference that Kline divides the elements of the curriculum into nine elements, but the researcher, among the nine elements of Klein, proposed pattern design based on four elements; goals, content, training-learning methods and evaluation. The main objective of the study was to compile all the books and resources written in the field of decentralized curriculum that have been selected through targeted sampling. Due to the large number of the variety of printed and digital resources, only the available resources during 2000-2015 were used. The data and data collection tool were Researcher's workshops and tables made; and tool validity was obtained by the views of the supervisors and consultants and the curriculum experts. After the comments were made, revisions were done and the final frameworks were finalized. In addition, to increase credit and reliability, it was carefully considered. In the qualitative section of 467 extracted commands, 23 main components were obtained and used in the formulation and presentation of a decentralized curriculum model. The present study was presented as a decentralized primary education curriculum model in Iran, moreover, to be considered as effective and useful model bycurriculum planners and the authorities taking steps to delegate more powers to the provinces.

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Knowledge management plays crucial role in university as an organization that seeks to develop and maintain a competitive advantage. This study aimed to investigate the status and influencing factors on knowledge management at the Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Present study was a descriptive-analytic research which included 83 faculty members that were selected by Cochran formula and simple random sampling method. Data was collected through a questionnaire which included71 questions with 8 dimensions. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by specialists and its reliability (r=0. 86) confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. Then, data was analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics SPSS20. According to the results, knowledge management was in a good condition (M± 3. 16, SD=0. 41). Findings also showed there was a significant correlation between knowledge management and organizational culture factors, information technology, human resources and training (p≤ 0. 05). Moreover, the highest correlations were related to organizational culture (0. 747) and knowledge share (0. 349), respectively. There was a relationship between knowledge management and organizational culture, information technology, human resources and education. Therefore, implementing Knowledge Management as a successful agent for all organizations will require special attention in terms of infrastructure preparation.

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Different evidences have revealed that the quality of exams significantly affects the quality of training and teaching-learning procedures. Hence, the present study with the purpose of evaluating final exams of specialized theoretical courses of Nursing and also showing the true position of exams, was conducted based on standard indicators of classical model of test evaluation. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study which was carried out on final exam’ questions of nursing Bachelor’ specialized theoretical courses. . Collecting data was done by a questionnaire. Some variables in exams were evaluated like: reliability, validity, difficulty, discriminate index, discrepancies, type and level of questions. Accordingly, 209 MC items (56%) was as cognitive level as the Blooms’ level, 197 questions were considered as easy one (58. 6%), and 121 questions (36%) had the ideal discriminate index. Moreover, the correlation between sessions and the overall number of designed questions for all courses was significant (r= 0. 34, P-value < 0. 001). For bloom’ s level, 56. 2% of all the questions were at knowledge level and 3 (0. 8%) at synthesis level. At last, exam questions of nursing major in the present study and many other studies were not of high quality. Therefore, it is recommended that evaluation committees of universities undertake continuous supervision over educational and training plans to be offered for question designers.

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E-learning is a suitable area for the emergence of talents and increases the efficiency of educational process. Hence, a growing wave of e-learning is emerging in Iran, and educational institutions, especially universities are trying to offer trainings with standard structures according to organizational capabilities. This study was aimed to provide a model for developing e-learning in Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Sciences Branch. This qualitative study used the grounded theory approach and its statistical population included the professors and administrators of the university. Using the purposive sampling approach, a total of 15 people were selected as participants. Data were collected in 2016 using interviews with the general guidance method in a semi-structured manner. Data analysis was done in three stages (open, axial and selective coding), which revealed seven general categories in a paradigmatic model, including casual conditions (management and leadership); focal category (technical and technological factors and pedagogical factors); actions and interactions (human factors), infrastructure; and consequences. With the adoption of e-learning in the studied university and planning for implementing the underlying model designed based on the grounded theory approach, it seems that the preparation of other infrastructure and equipment needed for this technology at the enterprise and academic levels, as a supplement to this system, will have a significant role in its progress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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