Journal Article
فارسی Version
Effects of psychological capital and person-job fit on hospitality employees’,work-family conflict, family-work conflict and job performance: The moderating role of marital status
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The effect of social networks on academic self-handicapping with the mediating role of self-regulatory learning strategies and academic achievement among EFL students
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Digital Literacy During COVID-19 Distance Education,Evaluation of Communication-Based Problems in Line With Student Opinions
Cognitive profiles in bipolar I disorder and associated risk factors: Using Wechsler adult intelligence scale-IV
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The impact of consumer purchase behavior changes on the business model design of consumer services companies over the course of COVID-19
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The relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and university students’,academic engagement: The mediating effect of emotional intelligence
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Compassion Focused Group Therapy for People with a Diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Feasibility Study
The Influence of Teacher-Student Interaction on the Effects of Online Learning: Based on a Serial Mediating Model
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Quality of Life Domains in Breast Cancer Survivors: The Relationship Between Importance and Satisfaction Ratings
Mediating role of resilience in the relationship between English learners’,motivation and wellbeing
Reliability and validity of the Urdu version of psychosomatic symptoms scale in Pakistani patients
A Meta-Analysis of Emotional Evidence for the Biophilia Hypothesis and Implications for Biophilic Design
View 13
Path to posttraumatic growth: the role of centrality of event, deliberate and intrusive rumination, and self-blame in women victims and survivors of intimate partner violence
Online learning satisfaction and its associated factors among international students in China
The effectiveness of eye movement desensitization for post-traumatic stress disorder in indonesia: a randomized controlled trial
Mental Health Among Medical Students During COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
"Is There Room for Both Loves? ": The Experience of Couplehood Among Women Living With a Widower With Young Children
Technostress Creators and Job Performance among Frontliners: Theorizing the Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy
The relationship between positive psychological qualities and prenatal negative emotion in pregnant women: A path analysis
Differences in health-related physical fitness and academic school performance in male middle-school students in Qatar: A preliminary study
The Effect of University Students’ Emotional Intelligence, Learning Motivation and Self Efficacy on Their Academic Achievement-Online English Courses
Workforce Agility: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure
The COVID-19 stress perceived on social distance and gender-based implications
Influence of personality traits on online self-disclosure: Considering perceived value and degree of authenticity separately as mediator and moderator
Impacts of family environment on adolescents’,academic achievement: The role of peer interaction quality and educational expectation gap
Psychological resilience, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disturbances: A systematic review
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Improving Social Presence in Online Higher Education: Using Live Virtual Classroom to Confront Learning Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic
The Impact of COVID-19 on Distress Tolerance in Pakistani Men and Women
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Emotional Marketing in Big Data Era: A Mini Literature Review
The role of academic buoyancy and social support on english as a foreign language learners' motivation in higher education
The relationship between empathy and school adjustment of left-behind children: The mediating role of coping styles
Gender Differences in the Associations Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Young Adults' Cyber Dating Abuse
The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on Psychological Outcomes and Quality of Life in Patients With Lung Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
The role of students’,spiritual intelligence in enhancing their academic engagement: A theoretical review
Improving students' mathematics selfefficacy: A systematic review of intervention studies
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Assessing satisfaction with online courses: Spanish version of the Learner Satisfaction Survey
Psychological capital has a positive correlation with humanistic care ability among nurses
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Causal explanation of academic enthusiasm based on the interaction of teachers and English language learners: Self-regulation, academic hope, and academic engagement among English language learners
A Literature Review of Work From Home Phenomenon During COVID-19 Toward Employees' Performance and Quality of Life in Malaysia and Indonesia
Exploring the level of physical fitness on physical activity and physical literacy among Chinese University Students: a cross-sectional study
Hope and optimism as an opportunity to improve the “positive mental health” demand
The Role of Mental Health and Sustainable Learning Behavior of Students in Education Sector Influences Sustainable Environment
Misunderstanding others: Theory of mind in psychological disorders
Self-Control, Parental Monitoring, and Adolescent Problematic Mobile Phone Use: Testing the Interactive Effect and Its Gender Differences
The effect of vaccination beliefs regarding vaccination benefits and COVID-19 fear on the number of vaccination injections
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The influence of employee emotion fluctuation on service performance: an experience sampling data analysis
COVID-19 induced economic slowdown and mental health issues
Body Image Concerns in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Study
Parent-Child Play and the Emergence of Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Problems in Childhood: A Systematic Review
Determining factors affecting the users' participation of online health communities: An integrated framework of social capital and social support
Role of workplace spirituality, empathic concern and organizational politics in employee wellbeing: A study on police personnel
Human mental workload: A survey and a novel inclusive definition
Academic stress and mental well-being in college students: correlations, affected groups, and COVID-19
The age differences and effect of mild cognitive impairment on perceptual-motor and executive functions
Prospective association between standing balance and cognitive function in middle-aged and older Chinese adults
Short-term effect of internet-delivered mindfulness-based stress reduction on mental health, self-efficacy, and body image among women with breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic
Peers and teachers as the best source of social support for school engagement for both advantaged and priority education area students
The COVID-19 fear, anxiety, and resilience among emergency nurses
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The mediating role of organizational intelligence in the relationship between quantum leadership and innovative behavior