The purpose of present study was to determine effect of self-regulation learning strategies in various phases of self-regulation including forethoughtful, performance and self-reflection phases, on the acquisition, retention and transfer of volleyball service. The subjects were consist of 55 female students of Yazd university with average age of 20 ±1.03 years. They were randomly diveded into 5 groups, which three of them were selfregulation learning strategies groups and two of them were practice-only and no-practice control groups and performed volleyball service. After the pre-test, subjects were practiced 12 blocks of 10 trials in acquisition phase. Then, they took part in the post test with the same pre-test condition. After a week, they participated in retention and transfer tests and subjects were practiced 1 block of 10 trials. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA with reapeted measure on a plot (4*6) in acquisition phase.In acqusition, retention and transfer tests the data were analyzed by one way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the selfregulation strategies practice groups and various groups in the acquisition phase, acquisition, retention and transfer tests. In other words, the self-regulation strategies groups that were used from the self- assessment and self-reaction phases, they had better performance in comparison to others. These findings suggested that self-regulation learning strategies are the effective factors in the enhancement of performance and learning movement skills.