Given the role of culture in adolescent identity formation and the importance of Persian language and literature classes in cultural development and improvement, the present paper aims to introduce thick-slice sensory education to highlight educational cultulings of literary texts. Educational cultulings refer to the language of activities in the area of teaching and training. Indeed, they are indicative of the dominant culture in society. This research is qualitative and applied. Given the rapid spread of the detrimental cultuling of “, avoiding knowledge”, , this study analyzes the educational cultuling of “, accumulating knowledge”,in The Shahnameh and puts forward techniques for teaching it through thick-slice sensory education. Such techniques as using literary strokes, playing music, showing pictures and videos, performing plays, impersonating, doing mosha'ereh (poetry recitation contests) and writing stories can engage students’,senses, and consequently, enhancing their positive emotions and more effective learning. This appears that engaging students’,maximum senses in teaching the cultuling of “, accumulating knowledge”,can result in proper recognition of this cultuling among adolescents, and as a result of this recognition, it becomes well-internalized in society.