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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Family and school are two complementary educational spaces and parents have a decisive role in the executive mechanisms of formal education, so it is necessary to have a continuous relationship with the teacher as the key element of school and education. Due to the spread of the Corona virus and the virtualization of education, virtual parent-teacher interaction has become part of the home-school relationship. The present article aims to examine the interactions between parents and teachers in the Shad network space as a formal space in virtual education. Using virtual ethnography method, this study has studied 10 Shad network subjects in the first and second grades of elementary school from the perspective of examining the typology of virtual interactions between parents and teachers over a period of approximately six months. During the field work, offline and online interviews were conducted with the teachers of these ten classes at different intervals. After collecting data from two methods of observation and semi-structured interviews, they were analyzed in maxQda software. Findings showed that virtual interactions between parents and teachers were in two types of academic and non-academic interactions that extracurricular interactions have increased compared to previous years.

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آموزش پژوهی

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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khoroushei Mahmoud | Mahmoudei Firooz | tahmaseb zadeh sheikhlar Davoud

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The study was conducted to explain the difference between the mean score of technological trust of students and the level of knowledge and skills of TPACK high school teachers in Ardabil. This study is quantitative in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection method and descriptive in terms of the nature of the research. This study included all teachers and high school students in Ardabil. The research tool was that two questionnaires were used to collect information, one from TPACK questionnaire and the other from technological trust questionnaire. Univariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the research hypothesis after combining the school type variable with TPACK knowledge and skills. Regarding the hypothesis of expressing the difference between the mean score of students 'technological trust, although the interaction between school and educational knowledge, school and educational content knowledge has a significant relationship with student's technological trust. From this research it can be concluded that by increasing the level of knowledge and skills of TPACK teachers can help improve the technological trust of students.

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This research aimed to investigate the possible challenges of the national curriculum for student' ethnic identity. This study used a qualitative approach based on grounded theory with a systematic approach. Data were collected by semi deep interview. Selection of the participants was purposive and attempted to apply the rules of maximum variety and saturation points. Samples were selected according to the nature and characteristics of the participants based on the snowball method. The interview was conducted with teachers who have teaching experience in rural areas and curriculum experts and sociologists. Interview were analyzed based on grounded theory and the open and axial coding methods were used. In the open coding the concepts were related to each other and the initial categories were determined, and in the axial coding central categories were achieved by continuous comparison of the raw data. The analysis of teachers' interview revealed the final political-educational strategies of the education, and the analysis of the experts' interview revealed the Multi-authored policy of the main category.

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Given the role of culture in adolescent identity formation and the importance of Persian language and literature classes in cultural development and improvement, the present paper aims to introduce thick-slice sensory education to highlight educational cultulings of literary texts. Educational cultulings refer to the language of activities in the area of teaching and training. Indeed, they are indicative of the dominant culture in society. This research is qualitative and applied. Given the rapid spread of the detrimental cultuling of “, avoiding knowledge”, , this study analyzes the educational cultuling of “, accumulating knowledge”,in The Shahnameh and puts forward techniques for teaching it through thick-slice sensory education. Such techniques as using literary strokes, playing music, showing pictures and videos, performing plays, impersonating, doing mosha'ereh (poetry recitation contests) and writing stories can engage students’,senses, and consequently, enhancing their positive emotions and more effective learning. This appears that engaging students’,maximum senses in teaching the cultuling of “, accumulating knowledge”,can result in proper recognition of this cultuling among adolescents, and as a result of this recognition, it becomes well-internalized in society.

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The present study has determined the effect of brain-based teaching-learning strategies on the social competence of first grade of elementary school students. The research method was semi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and testimonial and control groups. The statistical population of this study was the first grade students of Isfahan. The intervention protocol in this study included 18 strategies for brain-based teaching-learning on the university of Florida brain-based teaching-learning strategies (2016). To collect data the social competence questionnaire of Cohen and Rasman (1972) with 44 questions. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods and inferential statistical methods (ANOVA analysis of covariance tests) were used by SPSS. The results showed that brain-based teaching-learning strategies have a significant effect on students' social competencies (P <0. 01). Brain-based teaching-learning strategies do not have a significant effect on students 'social competencies based on parents' education, mother's employment or not, and family economic class (P <0. 05).

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experts, and the reliability of the questionnaires with the help of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 90% for curriculum orientations, 0. 82 for the experienced curriculum, and 0. 86 for the expected curriculum. became. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, graph drawing and calculation of mean median concentration indices) and to examine and analyze research hypotheses, Pearson's correlation coefficient and independent T and multiple regression with spss software, version 20 have been used. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between the two variables of curriculum orientation and the distance between the expected curriculum and the experienced curriculum. In this research, in order of priority of curriculum orientations, the highest rank is related to behavioral orientation and academic rationalism. And the lowest rank is related to the direction of social reconstruction. Therefore, the teachers' attention as much as possible to the directions of the curriculum and providing an environment where students are interested in the content of the curriculum can be the basis for reducing the gap between To provide an experienced and expected curriculum for students in order to create effective learning.

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Mehrjoo Parvaneh

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The present study was conducted with the aim of explaining the factors affecting academic procrastination and virtual teaching with an emphasis on primary school students. In order to achieve this goal, using the content analysis method, the texts and sources of articles and scientific works were reviewed on reputable sites. This research is a documentary analysis in terms of theoretical purpose and implementation method. Data were collected, classified and analyzed using qualitative analysis method. The findings of the research indicate that the factors affecting work procrastination can be classified into two categories: 1-Individual (internal) factors, 2-Social (external) factors. Due to the importance and prevalence of procrastination during virtual teaching, the general results include strategies such as training and promotion of time management, proper use of virtual space, stress management, use of metacognitive treatment methods, use of art therapy strategy and. . . for treatment and The solution to this educational problem was provided.

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due to the restrictions of the corona virus, doing internships byteachers in the virtual platform brought challenges, and one of the most important of these harms is problems in the way of communication and The current research was conducted with the aim of identifying the interactive challenges of Farhangian virtual internship during the Corona pandemic. The components extracted from the qualitative phase became the basis for building a 26-question questionnaire for the implementation of the quantitative phase, and its reliability was calculated as 0. 965 based on Cronbach's alpha using Spss 25 statistical software. In the quantitative phase, the statistical population of the research includes all student teachers of Farhangian University campuses and centers who are undergoing internship during the academic year 1400-1401, 280. the communication challenges of the virtual internship, in order of importance, are: the relationship between student teachers and the supervisor with an average rating of 10. 48, the relationship between student teachers and the supervisor with an of 9. 2, and the relationship between student teachers and knowledge Class students with an of 8. 72, the relationship between student teachers and school staff with an of 6. 86 and the relationship between student teachers and students' parents with an of 6. 84.

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