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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives: Primary Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common disorders in women affecting % 60-93 of them. This study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Vitamin B1 on intensity of primary dysmenorrheal on students of Islamic Azad University of Hamadan in 2014.Materials and Methods: This double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted on female students' at Islamic Azad University of Hamadan, who met the inclusion criteria. The participants were allocated randomly into two groups of intervention and control (62 participants in each group). The intervention and control groups were received vitamin B1 (100mg/day) and placebo daily during the Loteal phase (15 days) for two months, respectively.The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to measure and compare pain intensity of primary dysmenorrheal before, one month and two months after the intervention in both groups. Data was analyzed using SPSS software v.16. through independent t-student test.Results: The mean score of pain was decreased in both groups after intervention and changed from 6.36±2.24 to 3.28±2.11 in intervention group, and from 6.66±2.17 to 5.48±2.03 in control group. A significant difference was found between the mean score of severity of pain before, and two month after intervention in intervention group compared to control group (P<0.001).Conclusion: According to the results of the current study using Vitamin B1, as an alternative treatment to chemical drugs, is recommended to decrease the pain intensity of primary dysmenorrheal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Improving nurses’ adherance with nursing standard catheter care is needed to enhance the quality of central venous catheters care. This study aimed to compare the effect of collaborative teaching method and lecture method on nursesing care of Central venous catheters.Materials and Methods: This quasi- experimental pretest-post test design study was conducted on 46 nurses working in intensive care units of two educational hospitals. The participants were allocated non-randomly to the intervention (n=28) and the control group (n=18). The intervention group were received a collaborative-based training program for the period of one month, and control group were received the routine teaching method (provision of a seminar). Before intervention three focus group discussions were conducted for the intervention group to incorporate their views of the teaching methods, type of their participation, in the collaborative-based training program. Data was collected before and three months after intervention using an observational checklist.Results: The results showed that nurses' performance score of Central venous catheters care in collaborative-based training program group was significantly higher than control group (p<0.001). There was no significant difference in nurses' performance score between intervention and control groups before conducting the intervention.Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that collaborative-based training program is more effective than lecture method in improving nurses’ performance of Central venous catheter care.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: The sexual function of pregnant women might be affected by multiple changes during pregnancy e.g. biological, psychological and sociological changes. This study was conducted to determine the effect of counseling using the PLISSIT (Permission-limited Information-Specific Suggestion-Intensive Therapy) Model on Sexual Function of Pregnant Women.Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 60 pregnant women who were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. The intervention group were counseled using the PLISSIT model, and the control group received routine sexual consultation. Data was collected using demographic, obstetric, and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaires. Sexual function scores were assessed before, two and four weeks after intervention. Data was analyzed using T-tests, x2, Mann Whitney, and Wilcoxon tests.Results: The mean scores of sexual function in intervention groups were changed significantly from 24.76±4.36 before intervention, to 27.98±4.24 two weeks (p=0.001) and 28.12±4.50 four weeks after (p<0.001) intervention. No significant difference was found among the mean scores of sexual function before intervention (25.13±4.05), two (25.03±4.32) and four weeks (23.79±5.05) after consultation in control group. Although, there was no significant difference in mean score of sexual function between control and intervention groups before the intervention (p=0.796), a significant difference was revealed between two groups in two (p=0.004) and four weeks (p<0.001) after intervention.Conclusion: Using PLISSIT model for sexual counseling could improve sexual function of pregnant women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Oral care is a fundamental activity in nursing care. Providing oral care for ill patients, who are not able to keep their oral care, would provide comfort for patients and prevented them from oral lesions. This study was conducted to compare of the effect of Ozone water with Chlorhexidine in prevention of oral lesions in patients in critical care units.Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial was carried out on 74 patients under mechanical ventilation in intensive care unit of Mousavi hospital in Zanjan. The participants were selected preliminary using convenience sampling, and then allocated randomly to two groups of intervention (n=39) and control (n=35) groups. Data was collected using the Beck Oral Assessment Scale (BOAS) scale. The data were analyzed using univariate statistical analysis (independent t statistical tests, Fisher' s exact test, and Cochran Q) in SPSS16.Results: The results of the study showed that the mean score of oral lesions according to BOAS in intervention group was almost the same as control groups by the third day of intervention. However, the mean score of oral lesions in the intervention group was reduced statistically compared to control group (P=0.013) on the fourth day.Conclusion: The results of the current study revealed that Ozone water is more effective than chlorhexodone in prevention of oral lesions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: The main challenge in liver transplantation is shortage of donor organs, and using living donor live transplantation (LDLT) has been considered as a new strategy. This study aimed to explore the concept of liver transplantation in living donors’ experiences after donating.Materials and Methods: A qualitative study with qualitative descriptive approach was conducted in 12 participants with 4 days to 12 years history of liver donation, who were selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using unstructured in-depth interviews and was analyzed by content analysis and constant comparative analysis.Results: One main theme and five sub themes emerged. Participants described liver donation as a "life-saving and voluntary action with different aspects influencing life". From physical and emotional aspects, the liver transplantation was described as “a relatively hard surgery with unpleasant physical consequences after surgery which is required a continued home care” and “A combination of positive and negative feelings including hope, fear and concern”, respectively. The liver transplantation was identified as a humanitarian action, life-giving and beautiful, from the spiritual aspect. From the social dimension liver transplantation was explained as” a voluntary work with social prestige which needs the family and government support”, and from the economic aspects it was identified as” an expensive and time-consuming procedure”.Conclusion: Although living donors have experienced numerous problems, donation was perceived as a voluntary lifesaving behavior. Even though, a low severity of physical complications, and gradual returning to previous healthy condition was reported by most of participants, further research is needed to recommend this operation. In addition to physical dimension, the other aspects of liver transplantation should be considered and supported by nurses and supportive organizations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Primary Continued evaluation of nursing internship training programs is required to improve the educational process, and identify the strengths and the weaknesses of nursing students. Due to continued contact of the nurses with the students in clinical setting, they could be very helpful for evaluation of this program. The present study aimed to identify the views of nurses compared to the head nurses toward the internship nursing students’ clinical skills.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in nurses and head nurses (n=100) working in hospitals at Zanjan in 2014-2015. Data was collected using Students Clinical Skills Questionnaire including 36 questions in six dimensions (general services, security, clinical care, patient assessment, education and nursing process).Data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 16.0).Results: the majority of the head nurses (%57.15) and the nurses (%56.98) believed that the students had a good level of clinical skill, and there was no significant difference between head nurses and nurses (P=0.213). The total mean score of skills for the head nurses and the nurses were 139.11±21.03 and 144.23±21.11, respectively. The mean scores of the head nurses and the nurses in different aspects of clinical skills were as following, respectively: public service delivery (19.23±4.06 vs.18.73±3.26); the security and privacy of patient (16.03±3.46 vs.14.93±2.36); clinical care (66.93±6.26 vs.58.44±5.06); clinical assessment (23.44±2.96 vs.20.03±2.06); patient education (14.93±4.06 vs.17/66±3.67) and nursing process (22.83±7.06 vs.19.23±4.06). No significant difference was found between the total score and each dimensions of the nursing clinical scale between the nurses and the head nurses.Conclusion: Different aspects of the internship nursing students clinical skills (including public services, security and privacy of patient, clinical care, clinical assessment, patient education and clinical process) were evaluated as an appropriate level by the head nurses and the nurses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Men's participation in family care programs is one of the important strategies in maternal and child health care. The present study aimed to evaluate the fathers' function after the transition to fatherhood stage and its related factors.Materials and Methods: The study was a cross-sectional design that conducted in Zanjan between 2012-2013. The function of 403fatherswere investigated whose wives had delivered in last 8 weeks. The samples were selected randomly, and the data was collected using the Inventory of Functional Status- Father (IFS-F) scale, which in the fathers' function were categorized according to the median cut-off point. The content validity and reliability of the scale was approved using Content Validity Ratio (CVR=0.89) and Cronbach’s Alpha in the function of the components were 0.52- 0.90, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and kruskal-Wallis H test (Acceptable P value<0.05).Results: The highest and lowest mean score of fathers' function belonged to the job and social dimensions, respectively.There was an increased level of fathers' participation in home activities (23.2%), and taking care of the other children (30.4%) compared to pregnancy period. The fathers' function dropped by 7% and 27.6% in their job and social activity dimensions, respectively. A significant association was found between the mean score of fathers' function and the marriage age, the number of children, educational level, and the time of first fatherhood experience.Conclusion: Moderate fathers' function in most of the fatherhood dimensions was remarked in the current study. Given that the importance of the men's participation in maternal and child health care, and influencing of the demographic characteristics on this process, it is recommended that the fathers, and young fathers with low education level particularly, to be attended fatherhood preparations courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: The high clinical competency of Critical Care Nurses (CCNs) is required, as the quality of nursing care in critical care units (CCUs) with critically ill patients is extremely important. This study was conducted to compare CCNs' clinical competency using self-assessment method and assessment by their Head nurses.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 148 CCNs who were included in the study in a period of six months (June -November 2014), in the hospitals of the Zanjan university of medical sciences. Data was collected using Nurse Competency Scale (NCS) which assesses 63 skills in seven different domains. The Cohen' s kappa coefficient was used to compare the agreement between the clinical competency and the use of skills in CCNs and their head nurses.Results: The inter-rater agreement was poor between the nurses and their Head nurses in the evaluation of the clinical competency, and in two aspects was very poor. The "Quality assurance" (0.098) and the" Helping Role" (0.373) domains had the lowest and the highest level of agreement, respectively.The inter-rater agreement of the use of skills by nurses was reported very poor in all domains.Conclusion: The current study revealed that there is no agreement between the evaluation of CCNs' clinical competency by own nurses and their head nurses indicating these two methods are not interchangeable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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