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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Chondromalacia of patella is one of the most common joint disorders which many of individuals from different ages from young adults to seniors are suffering from. This disorder is mostly caused by weakness of the extensor muscles of the knee especially vast us medial is oblique. Since for the treatment of this disorder isometric contraction so mostly used and electrical stimulation is barely employed for muscle strengthening, we decided to use the second method of treatment.Material and Method: In this research, 21 male students of physical education at Azad Islamic University with average age of 25 years suffering from this disorder were selected. They were divided into two groups, 10 patients for treatment with electrical stimulation and 11 patients with isometric contraction. During 3 weeks and 4 seasons per week, they have been treated. The health indicator include were the strength of quadriceps muscles which were measured in pre test and post tests (end of first, Second and third weeks), and pain indicator that measured via talag scales only in pre test and post test (end of third week).Result: The comparison of means pain indicator in pre and post test showed significant decrease in two groups. The comparison of means difference of strength in stimulate group showed significant increase in first and second, first and third, also pre test and third weeks in right leg (P<%5). the comparison of means difference in circumference 20 centimeter above Knee in stimulate group showed significant decrease in first and third, second and third weeks in right thigh (P<%5). The comparison of means difference circumference 10 centimeter above knee in stimulate group showed significant decrease in pre test and third, first and third, second and third, in left thigh and isometric group in second and third weeks in right thigh(P<%5).Discussion and conclusion: in this research training duration was three weeks. This time was same with minimum of inflammatory decrease that is important cause of pain. But this duration seems was not enough for increase in strength and thigh circumference because the subjects were fit and there was not resistance against the motion. Also in some research positive effects of two methods treatment confirmed special electrical stimulation method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1991

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The purpose of this study was to examine the contextual interference and practice variability’s effect on performing and learning of free basketball throw from six positions with varying distance (1.5, 3.5, 5, 4.5, 3, 4 meter) and angle to the basket. On first day, subjects (n=30) performed pretests under blocked conditions from positions 3, 4.5, and 5 meters. The pretest consisted of 15 trials, 5 from each position. Scores from the pretest become the basis for assigning participants to one of three practice schedules: constant, blocked variable, and random variable. 2th to 4th days comprised the practice phase during which each participant performed 36 trials per day, 6 from each position, in accordance with their practice schedules assignment so that blocked variable condition performed six successive trials from each position. Those practicing under constant variable performed 36 successive trials at 4.5 meter location and third condition was random variable, which involved performing one trial per position in a serial arrangement and repeating the sequence six times. On day 5, learning was assessed through three counterbalanced retention testes: (1) a 12-trial blocked test from positions 3, 4.5 and 5 meters, (2) a 12-trial constant test from 4.5 meter positions, and (3) a 12-trial free-throw test performed separated by brief intervals. Factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on training sessions and block indicated significant improvements by training sessions and among groups. Factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on retention testes and block revealed that there were significant differences among groups on retention tests. Based on the findings of the present study, effects of contextual interference in learning of basketball shot skill was found. These findings suggest that variable random practice could be effectively used in learning of basketball shot skill by skilled persons.

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Speed qualities as a component of Physical fitness has the main role in the rehabilitation of handicapped children. Among mentally retarded children, immaturity of stimulatory and inhibitory processes of central nerve system and inactivity due to social limitations cause considerable deficit of almost all of their motor abilities. Nowadays it is believed that mentally retarded children lag from their healthy counterpart's norms in all of movement abilities including speed. Although it is believed that if the conditions of activity is available for these children, abnormal growth organization would try highly to remove the past losses by the compensatory mechanisms, but there is no enough information about weekly development dynamism of mentally retarded children's speed qualities and adoption of strategies proper to that dynamism in training schedules. So the purpose of this project is review of weekly development dynamism of reaction time among healthy and mentally retarded females in circuit training. The researchers supposed that weekly development dynamism of healthy and mentally retarded children's reaction times are different. Subjects of this semi-experimental research was composed of two groups with 15 healthy and train ably mentally retarded (TMR) females that was chosen randomly from local and atypical schools of Kermanshah city. For 8 week, two groups participate in 3 sessions in circuit training. For measuring of reaction time, ruler test was used. Statistics practices performed with repeated measure ANOVA, independent and dependent t-test in SPSS program at (P>0.05) and results showed that although the improvements in all weeks was not equal for two groups, the general process of two groups was significant for reaction time index. As a result, the mentally retarded children with the motional opportunities have the potential improvement possibilities in the movement reaction time index, although their exercise methods should be specialized according of defect structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose study by describing the rate of communicational skills (CS) and preferred conflict management strategies (CMS) in wrestling managers and coaches in north khorasan province (n=42, managers=15, coaches=27), tries to determine the relationship between this two variables in this population. managers and coaches responded to there questionnaires including Burtons CSQ, Robbins's CMSQ and individual traits data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and the main objective of the study were analyzed by parsons correlation test and independent t-test. The result showed There were negative significant relationship between communicational skills with control strategy (p=0.001). And avoidance strategy in conflict management (p=0.12). There was significant correlation between communicational skills and collaboration strategy in conflict management (p=0.044). there were no differences in wrestling managers and coaches in respect to the communicational skills and selected conflict management strategies (p=0.142, 0.367, 0.370, 0.758).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) has been extensively used as an ergonomic aid; particularly among bodybuilders and strength/power athletes. Studies have demonstrated that, in combination with resistance training, HMB supplementation resulted in increased muscular strength and lean mass and tended to decrease fat mass and indicators of muscle damage. While numerous studies have supported the efficacy of HMB, there have been conflicting results. Therefore, with the purpose of studying HMB supplementation effects on some of biochemical factors, 16 volunteer wrestlers selected and divided to two supplementation and placebo groups which along with their resistance training consume their prescribed capsules (3 gr per day). Before and after the training period, LDL, HDL, LDH, CPK, Ca, BUN, total cholesterol, and triglyceride evaluated and compared. Results showed that in both groups there are no significant changes in CPK, BUN, LDL, HDL, triglyceride and total cholesterol. There is a significant decrease in LDH (p=.005, p=.029, respectively) and increase in Ca concentration (p=.004, p=.049, respectively) in both groups although the changes in supplementation group was significantly greater.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ply metric trainings on legs explosive power, velocity, agility and flexibility in taekwondo players. The subjects of this study were20 taekwondo players in Mashhad (18-23 years) who participated voluntarily in this study. Before doing of ply metric exercises, for each dependent variable, a pretest was taken from the participants. Then, the subjects were divided randomly into two experimental and controlled groups. The experimental group were performed selected plyometric exercises for a period of 6 weeks, 3 session per week. Controlled group merely performed general taekwondo exercises. After doing of selected plyometric exercises, post tests were taken from both groups of study, again. Descriptive statistics was used to measure the averages and the standard deviation, kolmogrov- smerenov test for normality. In inferential statistics, t-test was used to compare averages of two groups in P£0.05 level, and Pearson coefficient of correlation was used to evaluate the relations among variables. Results: The results of the study indicated that plyometric exercises had significant effects on variables legs explosive power, velocity, agility and flexibility in taekwondo players.Conclusions: Studying the results of this study indicates that factors such as neuromuscular coordination, electro-reflexive activity improvement, enhancement of speed contraction and application of motor neurons, probably had influences in improvement of legs explosive power, velocity, agility and flexibility in taekwondo players.

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The aim of this research is to study the relationship of Human development and Olympic medal gaining during 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games through historical method. The statistical society includes all countries that have gained medal during two above periods. The data gathering instrument is the statistical information presented by international Olympic committee for medal gaining and united nation organization for scaling Human development and its components that are education level, hope of life and per capita in come of countries. The spearman correlation coefficient was used for statistical analysis. Results showed that there is a significant relationship between Human development and its components with medal gaining in those Olympic Games. It seems that the developed countries have progressed their sport level by investment at different fields and progress the hope of life so they could gain more medals of Olympic Games.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of this research is to identify the most important motivational factors in the employees of various physical education organizations in Esfahan Province in terms of occupational duties, extra- duty responsibilities and offer a model. This research is a survey type descriptive study conducted in 2009-10. The statistical society included 412 employees of physical education organizations in proportion to which 202 employees were estimated as sample using the Jersy- Morgan table and The statistical society included 114 experts of physical education organizations in proportion to which 30 experts were estimated as sample and selected through the classified random method. The research used two researcher- made questionnaires one used to identify the most important motivational factors in organizational components and the other to determine the suitableness of each organizational component. The Cronbach a coefficient was used to measure the validity of the research questionnaires. The coefficient was estimated at 83 and 81 for the first questionnaire for each of the factors respectively, and. 84 for the second questionnaire. The reliability of the contents of the questionnaires was judged up to par by experts, advisor and counselor. The results of the research showed that the most important motivational factors in the aspects of fulfilling occupational duties, extra- duty responsibilities are significantly different. As for the fulfillment of occupational duties, the most important motivation was power (average 4.09), for extra duty responsibilities, security (average 3.64), The model suitableness test confirmed the relationship between the factors of each aspect with that aspect in efficient fulfillment of occupational duties with a coefficient of. 89, in extra- duty responsibilities. 95.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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