Identification and plant speciation survey were the base ecological researches to keeping of general resources in per region. Rineh region (2300 m), with 700 hectares area from 79 km of Amol-Tehran road in South of Mazandaran province, on the north slops of the Alborz Mountain. In this study and in many field observation, 70 plant species of medicinal plants belongs to 46 genus and 21 family were collected and identified by Raunkiaea, Zohary and Takhtajan methods, in May to July 2013. Results showed that Asteraceae family with 16 species (22.78%), Lamiaceae with 12 sp (17.14%), Fabaceae with 6 sp (8.57%), Poaceae with 6 sp (8.57%) and Brassicaceae with 5 sp (7.14%), respectively were the must dominant families which more belongs to hemicryptophytes (51.43%) and therophytes (34.29%) life forms, respectively.