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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Today, environmental crises are due to the unbridled control of man over nature and its unlimited exploitation, It is one of the most worrying issues in the world. The thinkers consider the key solution to solve this crisis in the shade of referring to ethical theories, especially environmental ethics. Although technological solutions have come to the aid of this problem in recent decades. The aim of the present study is to identify the values governing the architecture and urban planning of Iran in the past as well as the contemporary era in the way of dealing with the environment and nature, while examining the position of different viewpoints of environmental ethics in ethical theories. This study was conducted using analytical-descriptive method and relying on information collection through library studies, documents and literature review and past and contemporary architecture and urban planning based on the components of different viewpoints of human based environmental ethics and the bio-ecology based are derived from the theoretical bases that have been investigated and compared. Conclusion: Investigations and reviews of the foundations and effective components show that the characteristics of past architecture and urban planning, in addition to responding to material criteria such as energy, natural resources and proper productivity has strengthened the values of environmental ethics and has been consistent with the viewpoints of ecological ethics. On the other hand, the examination of the prevailing situation of contemporary architecture and urban planning, which is the product of the arrival of incomplete thinking of modernity in Iran, and its comparison with the common environmental values in the past shows that although there are moves towards the use of modern technology methods, which are mainly human-centered, have been started to protect the environment, however, the approaches related to the ecological ethics of the ecosystem are very weak and insignificant

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Background: Citizenship rights are one of the basic and ethical rights in human society, which creates security. According to paragraph 14 of the third article of the constitution, the government is obliged to use all its facilities to ensure the rights of individuals and create security for everyone in order to achieve its goals. Therefore, the present study was formed with the aim of investigating the importance of ethics and security in providing citizenship rights from the perspective of judicial law. Conclusion: Ethics and citizenship rights are one of the main pillars of social life in all societies. Morality is the basis of citizenship rights and security is necessary to achieve it. The judicial system has the duty to formulate basic moral principles in order to ensure the safety of citizens, in such a way that the rights of individuals are not violated. Principles such as acquittal, the principle of public punishment, the principle of legality of crime and punishment, etc. Therefore, in every society, the existence of a healthy and capable judicial system is needed and necessary to realize the security of citizens. In fact, the judicial system of the country is responsible for the protection of citizens against the violation of their Sharia and legal rights.

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Background: In his theory of ethics, Kant emphasizes a kind of conscientiousness, of which absolutism is one of its main features. In the meantime, based on everyday moral experience, man is faced with many moral situations in which moral duties are in conflict with each other. Tasks that, in Kant's view, have the same value of obligation and that all human beings should be obliged to do in moral situations. For this reason, it is very important to pay attention to Kant's moral theory in the aspects in which moral duties are in conflict with each other. The most important issue of this research is the analysis of the conflicts of duties in moral propositions based on the development of Kant's theory of conscientiousness. Therefore, in the present article, the researchers sought to develop Kant's theory of conscientiousness in analyzing the conflicts of duties in moral propositions, specifically euthanasia. The method of this research is logical analysis of Kant's works and obtaining a model for resolving conflict in new moral propositions such as euthanasia. Conclusion: The results of the study show that Kant considers the obligation to have moral duties and the basis of the distinction of obligation, according to which duties in practice in their binding principles are also dependent on the approach of obligation by the rights of others. According to this view, duties in the case of euthanasia and conflict of duties are required in this case, the grounds for which are more severe.

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Background: Songwriting or composition is the link between the art of music and literature and poetry, and songwriters are the link and the language of the sounds of music. In this research, which was done in a descriptive analytical manner and based on measurement and conclusion between the compositions of three famous songwriters (Ismail Nawab Safa, Bijan Taraghi and Houshang Ebtehaj), The aim was to recognize and study the poetic mission and commitment to moral principles and human values ​​in poetic elements such as thought, language and music, imagination and emotion in the compositions and songs of these songwriters. Conclusion: The purpose of the song in this research, It is a literary and imaginative text and word that is written on the melodies of composers and the song is not meant in the specialized sense of literary genres. In this study, intellectual differences were seen between Ebtehaj and Nawab Safa songs and progress in the field of thinking. Nawab Safa and Taraghi, and after them, Ebtehaj, had popularized a kind of song / drama or storytelling in a songwriter that was in a naturalistic atmosphere and close to the style of social symbolism. Themes of Nawab Safa and Taraghi songs, Love and lover and natural elements such as fire and caravan, hunter and cage, Tears and loneliness, etc. But the themes of Ebtehaj songs were revolution, victory, bullets, blood, martyrdom and love. Their goal is to calm the people, while maintaining and relying on the traditional values ​​of the Iranian religious community, to observe moral etiquette such as democracy and appeasement, etc. in a missionary and committed style in that turbulent situation.

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Background: Many Persian literary works are associated with deep moral concepts and represent themes of transcendence and humanization at the levels of superstructure and depth. Saeb Tabrizi has used literary tools to deal with moral issues in the Divan Ghazaliyat. Reading the level of interpretation of these poems based on Norman Fairclough's analysis of critical discourse, shows that the communication system of the characters in the sonnets is based on the element of ethics. In addition, the critical representation of issues that violate the ethics-based discourse has influenced other discourses reflected in the poems. This research has been compiled with reference to library sources and descriptive-analytical method and seeks to answer the question that with the application of Norman Fairclough's theory of critical discourse analysis (level of interpretation), what are the examples of the confrontation between ethics and anti-ethics? And what does it have to do with power relations in the underlying layers? Conclusion: At the level of interpretation, we see Saeb being influenced by two main sources, namely religious texts and the principles of Islamic mysticism. On this basis, the most important moral teachings represented are: " Reticence and Silence", "Surrender and Satisfaction", "Leaving Belonging", "Justice", "Humility", "Mentioning", "Trust" "To God", "Forgiveness in the way of God" and "Kindness to others".

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Background: Debt is one of the cases in which there are many differences in its characteristics. With the passage of time and the developments of the present age, the non-response of the characteristics of the former mortgage contract to the mortgage of property has caused some property to be able to be mortgaged. Be indebted. Ethical considerations are among the cases in which the claimant can be transferred to the mortgaged property using new financial instruments. Therefore, this research has investigated the ethical considerations in converting a document seeker into a mortgaged property using analytical-descriptive method, using the rules of civil law. Conclusion: According to the civil law, the mortgaged property must be in a certain form and the mortgage of religion and interest is void. The document seeker is given the amount of debt owed by the person to the holder as a form. Although mortgage is void in the religion of the civil law, it is currently considered a legal religion in the law of Islamic banking operations and the contract of istisna '. In fact, new financial instruments have been able to meet the legislator's goal with new solutions. With the help of moral rules such as adherence to the covenant, obedience to the intention, the principle of good faith, good morals, moral analysis of the parties, the rule of freedom of titles and forms, the moral analysis of the transaction, and the specificity of the transaction. It can be legalized with the help of new financial instruments.

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Background: Paying attention to the goal element as a starting element in the education process is necessary and significant. Considering the function of ethical goals in the elementary school, the current research was conducted with the aim of explaining the goals of the curriculum framework of cyber ethics education in the elementary school. Method: The qualitative research method was inductive-inferential. The research community consisted of all cyber ethics curriculum experts in the elementary school (both professors and university lecturers in the field of curriculum planning) and the research sample was 16 people in a targeted manner-until the categories extracted from the selected codes were saturated. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews and inductive-analogous content analysis. Results: The findings of the research were coded during two inductive and comparative stages, and after checking the saturation of the categories, they were compared and placed with the eight goals of the elementary school in the upstream documents. After coding and extracting the goals, their areas were determined based on the classification of Bloom's goals (cognitive, attitudinal and skill). Conclusion: According to the upstream documents of the elementary school and the existence of a gap in the subject of the objectives of the cyber ethics education curriculum framework in the elementary school, the eight goals of faith, moral, scientific and educational, cultural and artistic, social, biological, political, economic related to Cyber ethics according to the elementary school was summarized and presented in the form of knowledge, attitude and skills.

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Background: Considering the strategic role of ethics in organizational success and profitability, and the importance of compliance with ethical principles by managers, the purpose of this research is to explain the behavioral components of the moral vice of greed in managers. Method: The present research method is a combined (qualitative and quantitative) method. The studied population, in both departments, are senior managers (high and middle level) and operational managers working in the headquarters of Mashhad Municipality. In the qualitative part, the study sample is 16 people from the qualitative treasury, which was obtained by a targeted non-random method. The data collection tool was interviews, and the modified descriptive phenomenology method was used to analyze the interviews. In the quantitative part, the study sample is 122 people from the statistical population of 174 people who were obtained by stratified sampling method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, and confirmatory factor analysis was used for its analysis. Results: In the qualitative part, the results showed that the greed-based behavior of managers includes 7 components of political behavior, ignoring ethics, self-interested behavior, materialistic behavior, tendency to power-seeking behavior, lack of foresight, and behavioral confusion. In the quantitative part, the results showed that the validity of the questionnaire is confirmed based on convergent validity (structural coherence of the instrument), differential validity (non-overlapping between questionnaire constructs) and optimality of selected components. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed. Conclusion: In this research, the behavioral components of the moral vice of greed in managers were explained. Acquainting the managers of the organization with these components helps the organizations to provide the necessary ground to reduce their greed by changing the managers' attitude.

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Background: Leaders and managers of organizations are facing many challenges, one of these challenges is related to the lack of ethical issues that lead to violations. Organizations that act on ethics and seek to implement ethical factors in the organization are more progressive and successful than other organizations. Ethics, as an important requirement, has reduced the flood of misbehavior by covering all formal and informal behaviors, and under the shadow of these requirements, employees work with more moral piety to advance organizational goals. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the relationship between ethical strategies and ethical environment on reducing administrative corruption: the mediating role of ethical piety. Method: The present research is descriptive-correlation research. The statistical population includes all the employees of Payam Noor University in Hamedan, numbering 280 people. The sample size was estimated to be 162 people through Cochran's formula and systematic sampling. The tools included four questionnaires of ethical strategies, ethical environment, moral piety and administrative corruption. The validity of the questionnaires was approved by management experts, and reliability was reported through Cronbach's alpha test as 0. 91 for ethical strategies, 0. 81 for ethical environment, 0. 80 for moral piety, and 0. 81 for administrative corruption. Data analysis was done with two levels of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient of the type of structural equations). Results: The results showed that ethical strategies and an ethical environment directly and indirectly (with the mediation of moral piety) had an effect on reducing administrative corruption. Conclusion: In general, ethical strategies, ethical environment and ethical strategies have been effective in reducing administrative corruption with the mediating role of moral piety.

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Background: Nowadays, corruption and immoral behaviors have become a part of organizations and there is always a need for people who keep their commitment and work conscience to report immoral cases to the officials of the organization, so the present study aims to investigate the relationship between human relations skills and organizational whistling. It was mediated by the moral intelligence of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Method: The present study was applied and descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all staff members of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and 200 people were selected using the available sampling method. Reese & Brandt Human Relations Questionnaire, Lenin Vakil Moral Intelligence Questionnaire and Zakaria et al. Organizational Burning Questionnaire were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and structural equations) and LISREL software version 8. 8 were used to analyze the data. Results: Human relations skills on organizational whistling with beta (β= 0. 48) have a positive and direct effect on moral intelligence with beta (β= 0. 59), also positive and direct effect of moral intelligence on organizational whistling behavior with beta (Β=0. 36 is significant and the coefficient of indirect effect of human relations on organizational whistling with beta (β=0. 21) shows that the mediating role of moral intelligence in the relationship between human relations and organizational whistling is significant. Conclusion: It seems that human relations and moral intelligence are important variables related to organizational whistling and managers should pay attention to these two variables to promote organizational whistling.

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Background: Paying attention to and adhering to ethical principles is a very important and vital issue in achieving the development indicators of research and science production. This article was done with the aim of explaining the indicators of professional ethics in research from the point of view of medical science experts. Method: This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. 11 people from different groups were selected from among the specialists of medical sciences universities who were the statistical population of this study by purposive sampling method. The data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews about the impact of professional ethics indicators in medical research and analyzed using the content analysis method. Results: The results of the data analysis were 403 initial codes, after removing unrelated items and merging similar codes, 239 codes in four main variables, Background, professional ethics, strategy and results were obtained. Conclusion: Based on research findings, indicators and components of professional ethics in medical research are multifaceted and are expressed in individual, organizational and social dimensions. Attention to cultural and social values, awareness of standards, compliance with the basics of professional ethics, enrichment of research ethics committees, training, creating motivation and healthy competition, correct budgeting, evaluation and monitoring, matching and directing research towards goals and the ideals of society are among the basic things that should be taken into consideration.

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haghkhah roudsari Mohammad Reza | ganjiniya hossein | BAGHERSALIMI SAEED | AZADEHDEL M.R.

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Background: Ethics and organizational excellence are two related components. Considering the important role of organizational excellence in improving the performance of government organizations, the purpose of this study is to provide a model for evaluating the consequences of implementing the organizational excellence model with emphasis on ethical components and its impact on organizational perspective in the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of research design and mixed (qualitative and quantitative) in terms of data nature. In the qualitative part, the content analysis method was used. The community consisted of experts in the field of organizational excellence in the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, 10 of whom were selected as a sample using purposive sampling. The in-depth interview tool was semi-structured and the data were analyzed by coding method. In the quantitative part, the method was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population included all managers of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in the country that 308 people were selected as a sample by snowball sampling. Dta gathering tool was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and one-sample t-test. Results: There is no significant difference between the current and desired situation for the leadership component, but for other components including strategies, there are significant differences in human resources, processes, resources and partnerships, client outcomes, human resource outcomes, community outcomes and key performance outcomes. The reasons for the gap for business processes have the most significant and negative impact on the organization's perspective, and in this regard, the reasons for the gap for the components of client outcomes and key performance outcomes are important in the next ranks, respectively. Conclusion: Emphasis on solutions to eliminate or reduce the causes of the gap can lead to the desired results in the implementation of organizational excellence.

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Background and Aim: The Islamic Consultative Assembly is one of the main legislative and supervisory bodies in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The present study aims to provide a model of quality healing in the Islamic Consultative Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Iran with respect to the concept of moral governance to the people. Method: The present study is applied in terms of purpose, in terms of purpose, and in terms of qualitative methodology of content analysis. Books and articles on the topics of quality healing and good governance have been studied as a community in the present study and the research documents consist of 85 articles in the field of transparency. Fish tool was used to collect data and finally the data were analyzed by coding method and MAXQDA software. Results: The Transparency Model in the Journal of the Islamic Council of Iran consists of four main categories: information, finance, oversight and accountability. Conclusion: Collective efforts in the field of transparency can be considered as a competitive advantage for the sustainability of the government. The understanding and sense of the need for quality healing is not hidden from any human being or organization, and the need to use this powerful and efficient tool is felt more and more in popular institutions. Quality healing does not occur spontaneously in institutions and requires fundamental measures and reforms, especially a collective demand. To achieve the issue of moral governance, people need to understand transparency in a tangible way so that public trust, accountability and a clear sense of oversight flow through officials.

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Background: For banks today, the modern marketing power of an organizational brand has quickly become one of the important levers for differentiation and success. Commercial advertising is a means of communication with potential and actual customers of banks. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide a model in using modern ethics-based advertising in providing services effective on the economic growth and development of Bank Saderat. Method: In the present study, the dimensions were identified using a qualitative method and the model was presented. The statistical population was experts and branch managers of Bank Saderat. The research sample consisted of 10 banking experts who used purposive sampling method to achieve theoretical saturation. The data collection tool was in-depth interviews. Finally, the main variables were identified by theme analysis method and using MAXQDA software. Results: The results showed that 54 initial codes were identified. Then, by searching and reviewing the themes, 54 primary codes are classified into 3 main categories and 16 subcategories. The category of customer loyalty with 116 assigned codes is in the first rank, social communication with 69 codes is in the second rank. Providing services with 15 codes is in the third place. The abundance of sub-criteria related to each category showed that service delivery, sub-category of ethical branding, in social communication, sub-category of ethical communication, in customer loyalty, sub-category of advertising and ethical marketing, have the highest repetition. Conclusion: Looking at the identified components, we can understand the importance of paying attention to the ethical components in modern advertising that leads to the growth and development of the bank.

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Background: Moral disengagement consists of some cognitive mechanisms that people use them to reduce their negative feeling after doing an immoral behavior. Present study has aimed to study the frequencies of the mechanisms in the content of students' reasoning about cheating in exams. Also, it has aimed to study the relationship between the disengagement mechanisms and cheating behavior Method: Present study was a content analysis study. Population was the students of Salman Farsi University of Kazerun (in Iran). The Sample consisted of 379 students who were selected by convenient sampling. Students responded to an open-ended question about how they evaluate cheating in exams, also, they responded to a Likert scale question about how much they cheat in exams. The responses were examined by content analysis within eight mechanisms of moral disengagement framework and also considering cheating as wrong. To statistical analysis it was used the frequency, percent, chi-Square goodness of fit (χ2) t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson's correlation and point-biserial correlation. Results: 40. 9% of students considered cheating as a wrong behavior, however, 82. 7% of students have done it at least once. Among the contents that consider cheating as right, 54. 91% corresponded to moral justifications as a mechanism of moral disengagement. Amount of using moral disengagement positively correlated to cheating behavior (r: 0. 396). Except the superiority of female students in considering cheating as incorrect, there were not any differences based on gender or years of education in any of the variable. Conclusion: It seems that cheating is not considered as immoral behavior in the reasoning of the students. It is suggested that using some proceedings to reduce moral disengagement and also illuminate the cheating as immoral in formal and informal curriculum of the universities

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Background: Academic vitality means the successful ability of students to face and overcome academic barriers and challenges. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sources of moral authority of professors, orientation of achievement goals, cognitive emotion regulation styles and emotions of progress with academic vitality in students. Method: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and correlational in terms of type of research. The statistical population was all undergraduate students of Payam-e-Noor University of West Azerbaijan Province who were selected as a sample using cluster sampling method and 386 classes. Standardized questionnaires were used to collect data and Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression statistical tests were used to analyze the data using SPSS 24 software. Results: The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between teachers' moral authority and student's academic vitality. Also, with increasing the score of positive academic achievement emotions, academic vitality increased and with increasing the score of negative academic achievement emotions, academic vitality decreased. On the other hand, with increasing the score of adaptive cognitive emotional regulation styles, academic vitality increased and with increasing the score of maladaptive emotional cognitive regulation styles, academic vitality decreased and with increasing the score of the orientation of the tendency to dominate the tendency, academic vitality increased. Conclusion: Undoubtedly, the moral authority of professors, the orientation of achievement goals, cognitive emotion regulation styles and emotions of academic achievement play an important role in the formation of academic vitality.

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Background: Motivation and hope in the customer undoubtedly affect his purchasing decision. Therefore, this study aimed to determine what the pattern of customer hope is and where is the ethics of this pattern. Method: This research is mixed in terms of practical purpose, exploratory in terms of approach, and qualitative-quantitative in terms of data analysis. In the qualitative phase, a phenomenological approach was adopted. The population included the customers of Keshavarzi Bank (with lived experience) from which 9 people were selected by purposive sampling method. The main tools for data collection were in-depth and unstructured interviews. Data were analyzed in three steps (concept identification, category identification, and category categorization). In the quantitative phase, the customers of Keshavarzi Bank in Zanjan province were considered as a statistical population and among them, 400 people were selected as a statistical sample based on simple random sampling method. The main tool for data collection was a closed and researcher-made questionnaire. Structural equations were used for analysis and this was done with SPSS, Lisrel and smartPLS software. Results: In the qualitative phase, out of a total of 9 interviews, 87 initial concepts were extracted, which after review, 20 final concepts and 6 main categories were identified. In a small phase, it was found that ethics, customer orientation and service quality management in Keshavarzi Bank have a significant role in the structure of customer expectations of this bank and the research model was approved. Conclusion: Customers' hope for Keshavarzi Bank services can be described from three aspects: hope derived from the ethics of Keshavarzi Bank, hope derived from the service quality management system in Keshavarzi Bank, and hope derived from innovation and customer orientation of Keshavarzi Bank.

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Background: Social trust as one of the indicators of social capital is one of the new concepts that has been proposed today in the economic and social studies of developed societies. Increasing the level of trust as a social capital is very important in shaping a moral environment in society. Therefore, the present study was formed with the aim of evaluating the role of social capital in the formation of a moral environment with emphasis on students' trust and awareness of executive officials. Method: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study was the students of Golestan Azad University, of which 384 people were randomly selected as a sample. The analysis tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using non-parametric Chi-Square test and SPSS software. Results: The results of Chi-square test showed that students with a coefficient of 38. 26% have a low level of trust in executive officials. Also, students with high coefficients of 79. 74, 77. 41, 64. 51 and 76. 35%, respectively, have high public and social awareness, moderate economic awareness and high political awareness. Conclusion: Creating a favorable moral environment creates high levels of trust among different segments of society. Also, an ethical society considers awareness as a virtue and strives to increase the awareness of its citizens. With increasing levels of trust and awareness, social capital is strengthened and civil society and civic life are established.

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Background: The present study seeks to design an adaptive fuzzy-neural inference model for evaluating organizational vitality from the perspective of ethical-Islamic values ​​of the workplace in the Islamic Azad University of the North. Method: The present study was applied-exploratory and in the category of qualitative research. The research community consisted of university experts in the field of management with doctoral studies or doctoral students with a history of more than ten years from three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan. In this study, semi-structured interview tools and a questionnaire were used and the data were analyzed by Anfis modeling method and adaptive fuzzy neural network technique with two methods of reduction clustering and partition grid. Results: Exploratory factor analysis identified three main factors of individual values ​​with 10 components, social values ​​with 7 components and organizational values ​​with 7 components and finally it was found that the neural fuzzy inference model with three input membership functions, triangular function with The output of the fixed membership function, the method of partitioning the grid partition with a number of repetitions of 50 Epochs and the optimal method of hybrid training with Mamdani fuzzy system has a system suitable for all dimensions of the model (individual, social, organizational). Therefore, it was found that the final model of the research had the necessary fit. Conclusion: It was found that organizational vitality under the influence of moral-Islamic values ​​in three dimensions of individual dimensions (positive thinking, honesty, trustworthiness, courage, discipline, seriousness and effort, personal flexibility, courage), social dimension (Freedom of expression, social support, ethical and peer-to-peer interaction with colleagues, collective health, rule of law, good manners), organizational dimension (client respect, job security, organizational responsibility, positive organizational climate, Organizational commitment, meritocracy, participation in decision making).

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Background: Considering increasing importance of the success of organizations in today's complex competitive world and the role of human capital in achieving this success and the impact of professional ethics, conscientiousness and job commitment on role and extra-role performance in achieving this important, present study with the aim of determining the discriminatory contribution of professional ethics, conscientiousness and job commitment in predicting role performance and extra-role performance was done. Method: The present research is correlation and the statistical population included all firefighters in Isfahan, from which 228 people were selected as a sample through simple random sampling. Research tools included questionnaires of professional ethics, conscientiousness, job commitment, role performance and extra-role performance and data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis. Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between professional ethics, conscientiousness and job commitment with role and extra-role performance. Also, the findings of stepwise regression analysis showed that professional ethics predicts 27%, 21% and 19% of the variance of role performance and extra-role performance toward individual and organization respectively, Conscientiousness 2% and 5% of the variance of role performance and extra-role performance toward individual respectively, and job commitment, 2% and 3% of the variance of role performance and extra-role performance toward organization, respectively. Conclusion: The research results indicate that in the presence of all predictor variables, professional ethics has the most power to predict role performance and extra-role Performance toward individual and organization in employees. Therefore, attention to this important finding should be considered by managers and policy makers of organizations.

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Background: The institutionalization of the ethical system of policy making in the policy makers can be the basis for the development of ethical values in the organization, with the understanding of this importance, the current study aims to provide a model to explain the ethical system of the policy makers of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Method: This research is a type of qualitative study that uses foundational data theory. The participants in the research were the experts of the Ministry of Communication and Technology (senior managers and experts) and university professors, 14 people were selected as a sample from the judgmental non-probability sampling method. The tool was an interview and the concepts were extracted using the open coding method of Strauss and Corbin. Results: major and core categories in the form of 6 dimensions of causal conditions, including (fear of God and religiosity and possession of skills and competences), background conditions (cultural infrastructure, effectiveness and efficiency of organizational processes, investment educational), intervening conditions (cognitive skills of managers, friendliness and tolerance), central category (rule of law, quick response, trustworthiness of managers), strategies (efficient regulatory regulations, participatory management, justice-oriented) and consequences (reduction of administrative corruption, improvement of community satisfaction, meritocracy, transformation and improvement of the administrative system, human resources satisfaction) were upgraded to a higher abstract level and finally the research paradigm model was presented. Conclusion: The development of ethical system in the ministries of communication and information technology can become the foundation of ethics in policies, and the model presented in the present research can be used to reach this important point.

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Background: Productivity as the main factor of organizational growth can be effectively developed in the light of in-service training and conscious moral leadership, with the understanding of this importance, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between in-service training and the productivity of health care workers with the mediating role of conscious ethical leadership is done. Method: Descriptive research method and correlational research design. The statistical population includes all health care workers of health centers in Qom province, 186 employees were selected as a statistical sample for the study using stratified random sampling based on the size of each floor. To collect research data, three standard questionnaires of in-service training, productivity, ethical leadership of conscious mind were used. The research data after collection were analyzed through Pearson's correlation coefficient and path analysis using LISREL and SPSS statistical software. Results: The results of the survey showed that the relationship between in-service training and the productivity of health care workers has a positive and significant relationship, the mediating role of ethical leadership based on mindfulness in the relationship between in-service training and productivity is positive and significant. Conclusion: As a result, in order to improve the efficiency of health centers, attention should be paid to in-service training and ethical leadership of a conscious mind.

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Background: In auditing, it is expected that moral intelligence has a direct relationship with the performance of a professional. The present study was compiled with the aim of expressing the relationship between moral intelligence and organizational virtue with the productivity of auditors of the auditing organization. Method: The method of this research is applied in terms of its purpose, and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method, which is based on the structural equation model. The statistical population is all certified accountants and members of the certified accountant community in the auditing organization. The sampling method was total number, and finally 205 people completed the research questionnaires. In this research, Cameron et al. 's organizational virtue questionnaire, Lenik and Keel's moral intelligence, and Hersey and Goldsmith's productivity questionnaire were used. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics of Kolmogorov Smirnov, Pearson, simple and multiple linear regression and structural equation model were used. Results: According to the results, moral intelligence and organizational virtue have a significant positive relationship with the productivity of auditors of the auditing organization, and the values of the factor loadings are the effect of moral intelligence on productivity (β=0. 294) and the effect of organizational virtue on productivity (β=0. 582). Also, the results of the structural equations showed that the model of the effect of moral intelligence and organizational virtue on the productivity of the auditors of the auditing organization is suitable. Conclusion: Moral intelligence and organizational virtue can improve ability, understanding and recognition, support, motivation, feedback, credibility and adaptability and increase productivity.

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Background: thical competence is a skill that guides managers in finding appropriate ethical solutions in ethical situations. The current research was carried out with the aim of predicting moral competence based on moral judgment and problem solving and decision-making skills in the evaluation center of managers of National Gas Company of Iran. Method: The research method is correlational and the statistical population includes 663 managers of National Gas Company of Iran. By random sampling, 123 people participated in the research. The tools include the ethical competency questionnaire-working life and business, the problem explanation test, and the evaluation center exercises. The data was analyzed with the help of correlation test and regression analysis. Results: The correlation of moral judgment variables (r = 0. 38), problem solving competence (r = 0. 35) and decision-making competence (r = 0. 27) with moral competence is positive and significant. The variables of moral judgment, problem-solving competence and decision-making competence predict 21. 4% of the variance of moral competence. Conclusion: According to the results of this research, it can be said that by increasing the awareness of ethical principles and promoting problem-solving and decision-making skills, it is possible to strengthen the moral skills of managers. Also, the tools of the current research can be used to measure the moral competence of managers in evaluation centers.

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Background: The assurance of moral behavior such as honesty in speech and inner intention of people can be measured in the real environment of societies. The purpose of this research is to find a way to measure the reliability and examine the difference in virtual and social networks based on mobile phones among users. Method: The applied and descriptive research method is a survey type. Its statistical population is active users in active social networks based on mobile phones and related to Tehran Stock Exchange, from which 150 people have been selected as a statistical sample using the available random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and the hypotheses were tested using the structural equation model method and using Smart PLS software. Results: The findings of the research show that the relationship between program popularity and social rewards, popularity and concern for privacy, the process of experience with social rewards and social rewards with honesty in speech are significant, but the relationship between program compatibility with social rewards, self-esteem with privacy concern, experience process with privacy concern, financial rewards with the tendency to be honest in speech, financial rewards with honesty in speech and social rewards with the tendency to self-disclosure are not significant. Conclusion: The needs and moral values of social network users should be considered more carefully and social network providers should consider different social rewards. Also, the variables of self-esteem, privacy of users and honesty in their speech in social networks should be taken into consideration.

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