Customers are always exposed to various stimuli related to brand. Various stim-uli create a spectrum of positive and negative emotions to products in costum-ers. A set of negative emotions like fear, anger, dissatisfaction, anxiety, hatred, shame and embarrassment develop various behavioral attitudes in customers. Complain, defamation and brand change are among behavioral reactions by customers that can lead to the anxiety of brand owners. On the other hand, cog-nitive distortions or conceptual mistakes of customers can also be effective in their negative emotions. This study investigated the effect of these psychological variables on negative emotions of customers and analyzed behavioral attitudes of customers by considering both factors. To this end a sample consisted of 245 consumers and participants interested in automobile brands was used. The col-lected data was clustered regarding cognitive distortions, negative emotions and behavioral attitudes of customers and was investigated through ANOVA. The re-sults showed that individuals with more cognitive distortion (more inappropriate thoughts) have higher means of emotions, sadness, anger, hatred and embar-rassment and also change their favorite brands more. On the other hand, people are worried of and dissatisfied with kinds of local or foreign automobile brands regardless of having conceptual errors. Similarly, defaming and complaining from brands exist among automobile consumers equally regardless of concep-tual errors.