The purpose of the study was the identification of the dimensions of Iranian couples' Marital Intimacy. The data gathered in qualitative method by semi structured interview performed with 17 married men and women (up to saturation of the data), during 2015-2016 in Iran, by purposeful participant selection, after getting satisfaction. The texts of the interviews and field notes were analyzed by Thematic Analysis in 1.5 years. According to the analysis, 360 open codes, 61 initial concepts, 21 focused concepts, 11 minor themes and 4 major themes including physical, communicational, sexual and financial Intimacy were identified. Marital Intimacy can be described as physical intimacy (somatic closeness, holding hands, kissing, embosom, fondling), Recreational intimacy (intimate talking, contact, spend free time), sexual intimacy (continuous sex, affectionate sex) and financial intimacy (financial sharing) that can be used in evaluating if couples' marital intimacy and making the tool.