Khaqani, s ballade of Eivan Madain is one of beautiful ballades of Persian poetry which Khaqani wrote after returning from his second pilgrimage of haj, according to his own sense of patriotism. In that ballade, he suggests people to take example from remained ruins of that palace. But Abunavas, a native – Iranian poet in the court of caliphs of Baqdad, is one of the oldest people who refersto some customs of sasanian Kings based on patriotism in his two own historic ballades. Abunavas coniders it as an example just as Khaqani dues. In his other poems, Abunavas is proud of sasanian Kings and their customs. After Abunaras, Bohtari, an Arab poet whose one of skills describing beautiful and historic pleces, has illustrated the beauties of this palace in one of his ballades. In his famous quatrain, Khayam has know mentioned that this great palace has become the den of wolves an foxes, and he also envies this fact.