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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to design corporate identity management model in Iran premier league football clubs. Method of this study was mixed and sequential exploratory. The statistical population in the qualitative section consisted of university professors in sport marketing, marketing committee members of Football Federation and Iran premier league football club managers.Quantitative statistical population also included postgraduates majoring in sport management. Qualitative sampling was theoretical and interviews continued to reach theoretical saturation. Sampling from sport management students was conducted by multistage cluster sampling method. The instrument in qualitative section was interview and in quantitative section a questionnaire was designed based on recognized factors. Validity and reliability of this questionnaire were investigated and confirmed.Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine construct validity of the questionnaire and structural equations modeling with Lisrel software was applied to present the model. Results of testing the model in students indicated that fitness of the model with data was suitable and the impact factor of seven factors on corporate identity of professional football clubs was significant.

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The aim of this study was to identify and explain competency pattern of managers in Iran Sport and Youth general offices. The method of this study was application and qualitative. The population consisted of those experts who selected and appointed executive managers in Iran. A combination of theoretical sampling and snowball sampling methods were used to select the sample. The data were collected by a review of documents during a literature review and interviews with sport experts, officials, professionals and managers. Atlas ti software was used to classify and code open, axial and conceptual codes. After coding the data, managers’ competency pattern was explained in 91 concepts, 11 items and 3 categories. After final analysis, competency pattern of Sport and Youth general managers was offered. Concepts and components of the obtained competency were useful for managers in areas such as recruitment, education, human resource development, managers’ education, increased productivity and development of organizational performance. Also, these concepts and components can be used to evaluate Sport and Youth general managers so that the current situation can be examined and steps can be taken to achieve a desirable situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to develop the relationship model between knowledge management and organizational entrepreneurship with social capital in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The population consisted of all employees in the Ministry of Sport and Youth with a university degree (bachelor and higher).Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size and at least 160 subjects were selected by simple random sampling method. Funk and Choi (2009) Knowledge Management Processes Scale, Organizational Entrepreneurship Questionnaire and Social Capital Questionnaire of Ashena (2005). Cronbach' s alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal consistency of these questionnaires. For data analysis, Spss-22 and AMOS18 in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics were used. For statistical analysis of data, Pearson correlation test, univariate regression analysis, path analysis and structural equation modeling were used. The findings showed a significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational entrepreneurship and social capital of employees. The amount of the variance showed that the path of social capital to knowledge management explained 35% of the variance in knowledge management and two paths of knowledge management and social capital to organizational entrepreneurship explained 70% of variance of organizational entrepreneurship. Eventually, their relationship model was in a good fit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to analyze the factors affecting brand preferences of sporting goods by AHP. This study was survey and application in terms of methodology and aim. The statistical population consisted of the customers of sporting goods stores in Tabriz city. Because of the unlimited population, 384 subjects were selected by simple random sampling method. For data collection, brand preference questionnaire of Samie Nasr et al. (2011) with a confirmed reliability and validity was used. In order to identify preference factors, confirmatory factor analysis was applied and to prioritize those factors, AHP was used by Expert Choice11 and Lisrel software. Results showed that innovation, differentiation, perceived quality, reputation, honesty, association and brand attraction with factor loads higher than 0.6 were factors affecting brand preference in sporting goods. Also, AHP results showed a significant difference between prioritization and weighing of preference factors. Brand perceived quality, brand differentiation and brand innovation with a weight of 0.225, 0.218 and 0.177 respectively were the most important factors affecting brand preference. Consequently, attention to these effective factors can help sporting goods manufacturers produce sporting goods tailored to the needs and interests of consumers.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sensory marketing on new service development in gym clubs. This study was applied and descriptive-correlation in terms of data collection. Population included gym club customers in Tehran city.200 customers were selected as the sample by cluster sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Its reliability and validity was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test and exploratory factor analysis. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling in LISREL were used. Results showed that audition was the most important sense in understanding new service development by customers and dimensions of olfaction, haptic, taste, and vision were placed respectively. The results showed that sensory marketing generally has a significant effect on new service development. So it is suggested that gym club managers should use all senses in marketing to develop new services and hence to increase customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between customer relationship management and brand image of football clubs with the mediating role of brand equity. Research method was descriptive, survey and correlation and statistical population included fans of football premier league clubs (15th round).385 subjects were selected as the sample using Morgan Table. Data were collected with three standard questionnaires (Sun, Han & Delgado et al.). The collected data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL. Results of structural equation modeling showed a direct relationship between CRM and brand image. There was a significant relationship between CRM and brand equity and also between brand equity and brand image. Finally, there was a positive and significant relationship between CRM and brand image of football clubs with the mediating role of brand equity.

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This study aimed at designing a model to assess the improvement of brand equity based on advice advertisement and brand loyalty with an emphasis on the mediating role of brand citizenship behavior. According to the information department of Sport and Youth general office in Khorasan Razavi in 2014, statistical population consisted of 123 employees. The sample size was equal to the population. This study was application and survey.Researcher-made questionnaires of advice advertisement, brand loyalty and brand citizenship behavior and standard questionnaire of brand equity were used to collect data. The reliability of these questionnaires was 0.84, 0.79, 0.82 and 0.80 respectively. To test the research model, structural equation modeling based on partial least squares method using AMOS statistical software was used. The results showed no significant effects of brand advice advertisement on brand equity and brand advice advertisement on brand citizenship behavior. But brand loyalty had a significant effect on brand equity and also on brand citizenship behavior. It seems that method of advertisement, employees’ behavior and loyalty to the organization brand affected the improvement of organization brand equity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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