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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Teacher Education variables that are less possible to understandable with positivism research methods. In other words, concepts related to education are not of a kind that can be understood accurately and deeply through quantitative methods. Therefore, recently curriculum theorists have been focusing on an epistemological orientation in understanding educational phenomena, which has opened up a new understanding among researchers and researched. therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the position of the narrative inquiry, which serves epistemological shift in the understanding of phenomena related to teacher education field. In this regard, first, concept and definition of narrative and narrative research are presented and discussed importance of narrative inquiry in teacher education. In the following, the contexts of the emergence of the narrative research are described and by analyzing the paradigm shift in teacher education research, its paradigmatic positions will be discussed in terms of epistemological, ontological and methodological issues.

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Self-efficacy is an internal belief that protects teachers in confronting psychological problems and physical diseases caused by teaching stresses. Inadequate understanding of Iranian researchers from theoretical issues of teacher self-efficacy, existence ambiguities in some of theoretical bases of the construct and neglecting the practical aspect of this construct in the professional development of our country teachers caused the researcher firstly to provide a correct and profound understanding of the nature of teacher self-efficacy by clarifying some of the theoretical challenges related to this construct and secondly, explain the practical uses of teacher self-efficacy in education. The present paper, by reviewing various studies and using the analytical-descriptive method, has shown that designing and implementing efficacy-based preparation programs at Farhangian Teacher Education University (FTEU) can guarantee the future professional competencies of teacher students. Also, the implementation of efficacy-based professional development programs for in-service teachers, through mid-career training, caused teachers empowerment and prevent their burnout.

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The purpose of this research is the comparison of effectiveness of Cooperative learning methods (Jigsaw and group investigation in comparison with traditional learning) on Learner's self-efficacy in "Religion and Life" course of second-grade high school trainees. This research has quasi-experimental design (Pre-test and Post-test) as well as a control group. The statistical universe of the research includes the trainees in industrial schools of Ardabil 2nd district. The research sampling methods is "Cluster Sampling, " and in all 76 participants from 3 classes, has been chosen as "Sample People. " (Investigation Group 27 participants, Jigsaw Group 26, and Traditional-lecturer Learning Group were 23 participants). The tool of compiling data has been general self-efficacy scale of "Sherer. " The data obtained from this research was analyzed with the molti variate analyses of (MONOVA). The period of applying the treatments of research was 6 weeks (42 days) and its performance results indicates the effectiveness of research investigation And Jigsaw method in comparison with traditional teaching method in terms of increasing self-efficacy rate. The results of this research are unidirectional with most of previously done researches in learning fields.

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Encoded part process of knowledge production and the creation of grounded theory approach is grounded in theory. This view layout management questions or queries starting with data collection through in-depth interviews reflective observation over time takes shape. And it continues with the ongoing systematic analysis and ultimately led to the production of knowledge and by providing stability theory, there is but then stopped. A research project based on this method, when the success of product research, it appears that not only answer your questions, but early research is producing new questions Tamvzv provide follow-up investigations. This way, one of the types of qualitative research methods, the main purpose of expressing social processes, education and educational theory. The method with a different approach, research is exploratory survey And Data Analysis constant comparison within the three phases of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding accomplished. The present article aims to introduce, the importance, procedure and in particular the fundamental qualitative research "encoded" and cultural context and needs of the interns, has been done And attempts to characteristic pattern of concept code on the process provide internship projects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the present study was to alleviate the students' motivation and alphabet learning weaknesses through applying action study. The participants were 12 male seven graders in one of South Khorasan junior high schools. Lesson 5 alphabets were taught by precise following of the Teacher Guide. The Mixed methods research was applied. Three instruments applied were the checklist used by observers to record what happened in the classroom, self-evaluation cards filled by the students, and test scores from this part of the lesson. After not achieving ideal results, especially in writing skill and motivation level, a gap in communicative activities and games in accordance with five-fold elements of National Curriculum (thinking, faith, knowledge, acting, and morality) was felt. The students' motivation and learning were increased by the use of many various kinds of games, task completion activities, group work in which other features of Communicative Language Teaching and National Curriculum like communicative competence, interaction and cooperation, pleasant learning environment, students' individual differences can be established. The results of paired samples t-test showed a significant difference between the scores obtained from lesson 6 test compared to lesson 5. Hopefully, the present action study findings may help authors and teachers teach more effectively by applying the suggested activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Teachers have got important roles and responsibilities in the society during the teaching time. They are not also the transmitters of knowledge but also the contributors to transforming knowledge by the students. Knowing the important role of teachers in the society, it is well to know that many of their responsibilities can be achieved by their knowledge bout the society (Johnson, 2009). It is always stated that educating student-teachers should be in a way that they understand different aspects of their society. That all said, In this paper, we were due to introducing a new, localized, model of teacher education based on the prerequisites which were nominated by Richards (1998) and Johnson (2009). This model is the one which is discussed and debated. We will go through different principles required for a sociocultural approach towards teacher education. We hope this proposal can be applied to the current teacher education programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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در این مقاله نویسنده، خود پژوهی را به عنوان یکی از روشهای تحقیق معلمان و مدرسان تربیت معلم معرفی می کند که می تواند در توسعه حرفه ای آنها، نقش مهمی ایفا کند. این مقاله از طریق بررسی سیر شکل گیری و تحول خودپژوهی، ضمن ارایه تعاریف مختلف برای آن از دید صاحب نظران، تفاوت خودپزوهی با کنش پژوهی، ویژگیهای خودپژوهی و چگونگی انجام یک پژوهش خودپژوهی را بررسی می کند. یکی از ویژگی های جالب خودپژوهی، برخورداری از ماهیت متضاد است. برای مثال، از یک طرف، خودپژوهی روشی برای مطالعه فرد است، در عین حال، محققان این حوزه ادعا می کنند که این مطالعه باید براساس همکاری با دیگران انجام گیرد بحث اصلی در این مقاله این است که محققان خودپژوهی، تجارب خویش را به عنوان یک منبع اصلی پژوهشی در نظر می گیرند، و «خود» را در میدان عمل، به قصد بازسازی باورها و شیوه های عمل، محور اصلی مساله پژوهشی قرار می دهند.

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