Background: The mortality of gastric cancer has increased in recent decades in Iran. This observation can be explained by the increased incidence and the change of pathologic pattern of this cancer, showing more involvement of proximal rather than distal stomach. Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of mortality due to malignancies, worldwide. This condition is affected by the changes in the living style and nutritional habits in recent decades. In this report, the epidemiology and distribution of disease as well as prognostic factors, mortality and survival of patients with gastric adenocarcinomas, who were referred to Tehran Shahid Fayaz-Bakhsh Hospital from 1996-2003, were studied.Methods: One hundred gastric cancer patients with adenocarcinomas pathology who had been admitted to and operated on at the Shahid Fayaz-Bakhsh Hospital in Tehran between 1996 and 2003 as a historical cohort study and were analyzed. The patients' life expectancy after surgery and its relationship was assessed with age, gender, disease stage, and cancer site, type of treatment, disease histology, and presence of liver metastases variables. For analysis of dataset, methods of Kaplan Meier, Cox Proportional hazards model and Breslow estimator were used. The SPSS13 software used to analysis and an alpha level significant was considered, 0.05.Results: 73 percent of patients were man and others were women. The mean age at men was 63.3 years and women were 61.7 years. In 31 percent of cases, tumors observed at cardiac location and in 20 percent of cases were observed at Antrum location. In total, more than half of tumors reported in proximal location. In 25 percent of cases, metastasis to liver and in 13 percent of cases was reported peritoneal seeding. Only 9 patients were referred at early stage and 54 percent of patients were referred at locally advanced stage and 37 percent of patients were referred at metastasis stage. In 32 percent of cases, pathological reports were reported intestinal and in 54 percent of cases were reported diffuse. There was not significant relationship between gender and disease histology (p=0.167). The seven-year survival rate and the median life expectancy in the studied patients were 17.2% and 14.2 Months, respectively. The median life expectancy for the patients with locally advanced stage and metastasis were 18.2 and 8.3 months, respectively; and for patients with and without surgery was equal to 17.7 and 14.2 months, respectively; and for disease histology with intestinal and with diffuse were equal to 14.2 and 13.2 months, respectively. The Cox proportional hazards model showed that disease stage and age with life expectancy had a significant relationship. Conclusion: Most of patients were diagnosed at locally advanced stage or metastasis stage (in the late stage). One of the most important reasons for low survival rate of Gastric cancer patients seems to be delayed consultation and diagnosis. So, At this necessary to employ mass media for extensive public education about the early warning signs of the disease and performing periodic examinations.