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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: The direct effect of hCG on the human endometrium was studied several times.Objective: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of intrauterine injection of recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin (rhCG) before embryo transfer (ET).Materials and Methods: In this randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial, a total number of 182 infertile patients undergoing their first in vitro fertilization/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI) cycles were randomly assigned to receive 250mg intrauterine rhCG (n=84) or placebo (n=98) before ET. The implantation and pregnancy rates were compared between groups.Results: Patients who received intrauterine rhCG before ET had significantly higher implantation (36.9% vs. 22.4%; p=0.035), clinical pregnancy rates (34.5% vs. 20.4%; p=0.044) and ongoing pregnancy rate (32.1% vs. 18.4%; p=0.032) when compared to those who received placebo. The abortion (2.4% vs. 2.0%; p=0.929) and ectopic pregnancy rates (1.2% vs. 1.0%; p=0.976) were comparable between groups of rhCG and placebo, respectively.Conclusion: Intrauterine injection of 250mg of rhCG before ET significantly improves the implantation and pregnancy rates in IVF/ICSI cycles.

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 Background: Female sexual dysfunction is a common problem among general population, especially in urogynecological patient, and can lead to a decrease in quality of life and affect martial relationship.Objective: This study was compared the effect of surgical methods versus physiotherapy on sexual function in pelvic floor disorder.Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) was performed in Urogynecology clinic since August 2007 to December 2009 on 90 patients aged from 25-55 years with previous delivery, positive history of sexual dysfunction with stage <3 of pelvic organ prolapsed and divided in two groups. Group A (n=45) received standard rectocele repair and prineorrhaphy, group B (n=45) received physiotherapy for eight weeks twice a week (electrical stimulation, Kegel exercises). The female sexual function index (FSFI) used to evaluate the sexual function in cases before and after intervention. Frequency of variable scores (libido, orgasm, dysparunia) included without disorder, frequently good, sometimes good, very much and extreme were compared between two groups.Results: Libido and arousal were improved in both groups (p=0.007, p=0.001 respectively). Orgasm and dyspareunia were improved in group B (p=0.001). Dysparunia was more painful in group A. There was significant difference between two groups (improvement of orgasm and dysparunia in group B) (p=0.001).Conclusion: It seems that physiotherapy is an appropriate method for treatment of sexual disorder in pelvic floor disorder.

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Background: Human T-cell Lymphotrophic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has infected more than 20 million people worldwide. Northeast of Iran, Mashhad, the capital of Razavi Khorasan Province, is endemic for HTLV-1 with a prevalence of 3% among general population.Objective: We evaluated the ICSI outcome in our program for (HTLV-1) serodiscordant couples (SDCs) with the female infected in comparison with control group.Materials and Methods: This study was performed between 2007 and 2011 in Novin Infertility Treatment Center (Mashhad, Iran). We examined 32 ICSI cycles of HTLV-1 infected women in comparison with an age matched control group (n=62). ICSI outcome was compared regarding fertilization rate (FR), embryo quality parameters, implantation rate (IR), clinical pregnancy rate (PR), and abortion rate (AR).Results: Fertilization (p=0.15), implantation (p=0.33), and pregnancy rate (p=0.12) were similar between the groups. No difference was found regarding the number of transferred embryos (on day 2 or 3) and cryopreserved embryos, multiple pregnancies, or abortion rates between the groups.Conclusion: Our results suggest that the embryo quality and ICSI outcome are not affected by HTLV-1 infection in serodiscordant couples. The major finding of this study is that the outcome of ICSI in HIV-I-infected patients and seronegative controls is similar.

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Background: Tubal ectopic pregnancy (tEP) is the most common type of extra-uterine pregnancy and the most common cause of maternal mortality. Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule that incorporates in many physiological processes of female reproductive system. Recent studies have demonstrated the possible role of endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) enzyme in the regulation of many reproductive events that occur in the fallopian tube (FT).Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of eNOS in the FTs of women with tEP.Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, a total number of 30FTs samples were obtained from three groups including: 10 FTs of women that bearing an EP, 10 FTs from the non-pregnant women at luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and 10 FTs of healthy pregnant women (n=10). Samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and then were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.Results: Localization of eNOS was seen in secretory and ciliated luminal epithelium and vascular endothelium of all groups. However, we did not observed the expression of eNOS in smooth muscle cells of all groups. Expression of eNOS in luminal epithelium of women with EP compared to non-pregnant women at luteal phase of menstrual cycle and healthy pregnant group showed statistically significant increase (p=0.00). Significant difference in expression of eNOS was not observed in luminal epithelium of FTs of women at luteal phase compared to healthy pregnant groups (p=0.78).Conclusion: This study indicates that changes in expression of eNOS in luminal epithelium of FT may lead to development of EP.

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Background: Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of the preimplantation blastocysts. So it is suggested that ES and ICM cells should have similar cellular surface molecules and antiserum to ES cells can inhibit ICM development.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rabbit antiserum to ES cells on mouse preimplantation embryo development and chimera production.Materials and Methods: Mouse 4-cell embryos were matured in vitro at 37.5oC, in humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere for 12-36 h. The embryos were cultured in KSOM medium with or without antiserum for 12-36 h. The ratios of in vitro embryo development of the blastocysts, cell division, attachment potential, alkaline phosphatase activity, post-implantation development, and chimera production were assessed and compared with the control group. P<0.05 was considered as significant.Results: The rabbit antiserum to mouse ES cells showed delay in embryo compaction and induced decompaction at 8-cell stage. The development of 4-cell embryos in the presence of the antiserum for 36h did not lead to a reduced or absent ICM. These embryos still displayed positive alkaline phosphatase activity, normal cell division, embryo attachment, outgrowth formation, implantation and post-implantation development. In addition, decompaction induced by antiserum did not increase production and germline transmission of chimeric mice.Conclusion: The results showed that antiserum to ES cells delayed embryo compaction and did not affect post-implantation development and chimera production.

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Background: Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) is a self-renewing population of male adult stem cell. SSCs have a differentiation potential which are similar to embryonic stem cells. These Embryonic stem like (ES-like) cells can be a potential source for pluripotent cells for stem cell-based therapy.Objective: This study presents an economical and simple co-culture system for pluripotent stem cells generation from neonatal mouse testis.Materials and Methods: Isolated testicular cells were cultured in DMEM/F12. Characteristics of the isolated cells and obtained ES-like cell were immune-cytochemically confirmed by examining the presence of PLZF, vimentin, Oct4 and Nanog protein. Expression of the pluripotency and germ-cell specific genes was analyzed by qPCR in derived ES-like colony and SSCs respectively.Results: The experiment results indicated that our method of obtaining pluripotent ES-like cells from spermatogonial cells (SCs) is simpler than the described methods. ES-like cells were immunopositive for pluripotency markers. ES-like cell qPCR results indicated significant increase in pluripotency genes expression and significant decrease in germ cell-specific genes expression.Conclusion: The results indicated that ES-like cell with pluripotency characteristic were generated from freshly isolated spermatogonial cells. The pluripotent stem cells provide a cellular reservoir usable for regenerative medicine instead of embryonic stem cells.

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Background: Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal mortality and long-term morbidity as well as the long-term health consequences and cognitive outcomes.Objective: Present study was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors associated with preterm birth in Ardabil, Iran.Materials and Methods: A case control study was conducted between Nov 2010 and July 2011 in all three maternal hospitals in Ardabil. All the live newborns during the study period were investigated. Of 6705 live births during the study period 346 births occurred in <37 weeks were taken as a case and 589 term neonates were taken as a control group. Data were obtained through review of prenatal and hospital delivery records. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were applied to obtain magnitude of association between independent variables and preterm birth.Results: The prevalence rate of preterm birth was 5.1%. History of previous preterm birth (OR=12.7,CI: 3.9-40.4, p<0.001), hypertension (OR=7.3, CI:2.1-25.4, p=0.002), Oligohydramnios (OR=3.9, CI:1.6-9.5, p=0.002), spouse abuse (OR=3.7, CI:1.1-11.8, p=0.024), preeclampsia (OR=3.6, CI:1.3-10.3, p=0.014), premature rupture of membrane (OR=3.1, CI:1.9-4.9, p=0.000), bleeding or spotting during pregnancy (OR=2.0, CI:1.0-3.8, p=0.037), Hyperemesis Gravid arum (OR=2.0, CI: 1.1-3.8, p=0.015), urinary tract infection in 26-30 weeks, (OR=1. 8 CI:1.0-3.2, p=0.04), diastolic blood pressure £60 mmg (OR=1.5, CI: 0.99-2.2, p=0.049) were determined as significant risk factors for preterm birth.Conclusion: Early detection and treatment of diseases or disorders among pregnant women especially hypertension, Oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, bleeding or spotting, Hyperemesis Gravid arum, urinary tract infection, and low diastolic blood pressure as well as the improving health care quality delivered to pregnant women may reduce preterm prevalence rate.

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Background: Cryopreservation of ovarian tissues and pre-antral follicles is a promising prospect for preservation of women fertility.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro developmental competence of mouse vitrified pre-antral follicles in comparison to isolated pre-antral follicles derived from vitrified ovaries in the presence of alpha lipoic acid (ALA).Materials and Methods: Pre-antral follicles derived from fresh, vitrified-warmed ovarian tissues and vitrified–warmed pre-antral follicles were cultured individually with or without ALA, followed by adding hCG to induce ovulation. The follicle growth, oocyte maturation, and embryo development were assessed.Results: The diameter and development of follicles, oocyte maturation and embryo development rates were significantly higher in ALA supplemented groups compared to the respective ALA-free conditions groups. Aforementioned parameters were significantly higher in vitrified-warmed follicles in comparison to follicles derived from vitrified-warmed ovaries.Conclusion: These findings support a superior performance of pre-antral follicles when vitrified rather than when isolated from vitrified ovaries with regard to increasing the rates of developmental parameters. Moreover, ALA improves the in vitro maturation of pre-antral follicles in vitrified and non-vitrified samples.

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Background: One of the considerable uses of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed in traditional medicine has been to reduce semen, sperm and sexuality.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts of lettuce seed on testosterone level and spermatogenesis.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 24 adult male NMRI mice weighing 20-25gr were purchased. Animals were randomly divided into 4 groups: controls, hydro-alcoholic (200 mg/kg) and aqueous extracts (50, 100 mg/kg). The extracts were injected intraperitoneally once a day for 10 consecutive days. 2 weeks after the last injection, the mice were anaesthetized by ether and after laparatomy blood was collected from the heart to determine testosterone by ELISA assay kit. Then testis and cauda epididymis of all animals were removed for analyzing testis morphology and sperm count and viability.Results: Testis weight in hydro-alcoholic and aqueous extracts 100 mg/kg (p=0.001) and aqueous extract 50 mg/kg (p=0.008) groups was increased. Sperm viability in hydro-alcoholic (p=0.001) and aqueous extracts 50 (p=0.026), 100 mg/kg (p=0.045) groups was decreased, Also the results showed a significant decrease in sperm count in hydro-alcoholic (p=0.035) and aqueous extracts 50 mg/kg (p=0.006) groups in comparison with control group. Also there was a significant increase in serum level of testosterone in aqueous extract 50 mg/kg group in comparison with control (p=0.002) hydro-alcoholic (p=0.001) and aqueous extracts 100 mg/kg (p=0.003) groups.Conclusion: Present results demonstrated that hydro-alcoholic and aqueous 50 mg/kg extracts of lettuce seed have antispermatogenic effects, also aqueous extract 50 mg/kg increased serum level of testosterone in mice. Therefore we can suggest that lettuce seed could be a potential contraceptive agent.

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Background: Using aspirin, heparin, or both in women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage could be useful, because this problem might be initiated by thrombosis in decidual vessels.Objective: To investigate the association between thrombophilia and unexplained recurrent miscarriage and to evaluate the efficacy of anticoagulant treatment.Materials and Methods: In this quasi experimental, we enrolled 520 women, who had a history of recurrent miscarriage. Two hundred fifty two women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage were assigned to receive aspirin (80 mg daily) for two month before pregnancy and after confirmation of a viable pregnancy until 36 weeks of gestation or receive aspirin, as the same, plus heparin (5000 unit twice a day) subcutaneously after confirmation of viable pregnancy until 4 weeks after delivery. Type of medication was chosen for each woman according to number of abortion and age.Results: Live-birth rates did not different significantly among the two study groups. The proportions of women who gave birth to a live normal infant were 74.5% in the group receiving aspirin plus heparin (combination-therapy group) and 79.8% in the aspirin group.Conclusion: Live-birth rates did not different significantly among the two study groups. So, using aspirin or aspirin plus heparin did not change pregnancy rate in these patients. Using aspirin is easier than injecting heparin which should be chosen case by case.

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Background: Thiopental sodium and Propofol are two widely-used drugs in the induction of anesthesia in assisted reproductive technology (ART). However, the side effects and outcome of recovery from anesthesia of these drugs on ART have not been identified yet.Objective: This study aimed at investigating the side effects and hemodynamic effects of using thiopental sodium and propofal as well as effects of these drugs on pregnancy outcome in ART cycles.Materials and Methods: In this double blinded) randomized controlled trial, 90 woman candidate for ART were randomly divided into two groups. 47 patients received Propofol (2.5 mg/kg) and 43 patients received thiopental (5 mg/kg) for anesthesia induction. The entry hemodynamic parameters of the patients were documented. During the anesthesia process, hemodynamic parameters were checked at five-minute intervals.Results: The results of the study showed a statistically significant difference between two groups in terms of their response to verbal stimulation (p<0.001), the normalization time of the rate and quality of breathing (p<0.001), nausea (p<0.001), and vomiting (p<0.001). Also, in comparison with the other group, all these parameters were better in Propofol group. There was found no significant difference between two groups in terms of other variables.Conclusion: Based on the findings of the study, Propofol has fewer known side effects. Vomiting and nausea as two known side effect of anesthesia are significantly lower in patients receiving Propofol than patients who received thiopental.

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