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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Study of the facial vein in Buffalo.Design: Observational study.Animals: Eight heads of non castrated male & female adult buffaloes.Procedure: Fresh heads of buffaloes were obtained from urmia slaughter house. Colored jellatine solution via angular vein was administered and urographine was injected in 2 heads in the same way. Location and routes of vein were carefully dissected.Results: Comparison the facial vein of buffaloes with those of cattle showed six major differences as follows: Lower mesentric vcin, transversus facial vein and deep plexsus facial vein are not seen in buffaloes. The Facial vein has independent branches in buffaloe. The Rostral palpebral vein comes from facial vein.Deep facial vein becomes a sinus and Joins the maxillary vein.Conclusion: The venous system, specially facial vein in buffaloe compare to cattle has many differences, at least 6 major differences were founded significantly.

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Objective: To study the effects of intracerebroventricular injection of histamine, it's H1 and H2 antagonists on body temperature in rabbits.Design: Experimental study.Animals: Thirty male New Zealand White rabbits weighing 2.5 - 3 kg.Procedure: Implantation of a stainless steel guide cannula into the lateral cerebral ventricule, intracerebroventricular injections of histamine (25, 50 and 100 g/rabbit), prometazine (150 g/rabbit), ranitidine (150 g/rabbit) and normal saline (as control) with a 25 µ1 hamilton syringe, measurement of rectal temperature at 15, 30,45,60,75 and 90 minutes post - injection by a digital thermometer. Statistical analysis: Repeated measures one way ANOVA, Duncan’s Measures Relnge test, peireel "t" test.Results: ICV injection of histamine at dose rates of 50 and 75 µg/rabbit decreased the rectal temperature for 30 and 60 minutes post - injection, respectively. Promethazine (150µg/rabbit) had no effect, whereas ranitidine (150µg/ rabbit) increased rectal temperature for 30 minutes post - injection. In addition, pretreatment with promethazine didn’t inhibit the hypothermic effect of histamine but pretreatment with ranitidine prevented this effect.Clinical implication: From the results it is concluded that the activation of brain histaminergic system produces a hypothermic effect which is mediated through it's central H2 but not H1 receptors in rabbits.  

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Objective: Clinical and pathological report of a case of cleft palate in goat.Animals: A 7 days - old goat.Procedure: Referal clinical case of secondary cleft palate underwent for necropsy,Results: Clinical examination showed aspiration pneumonia, At necropy findings, secondary cleft palate with 6 centimeter was diagnosed.

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Objective: To compare the histological changes of the vaginal wall during different stages of pregnancy and estrus cycle.Design: Sample collection from vaginal wall through biopsy or after slaughter.Animals: 58 samples from dorsal part of the vaginal wall of the ewes. were collected randommly for further histological atudy.Procedure: In this study, samples were collected either from slaughter house or through biopsy from live animals. After preparation and staining by the method of haematoxylin - eosine, histological and histmorphometrical studies were carried out.Statistical analysis: Using Dancan’s multiple range test to find the statistical difference in the number of cell layers and epithelial thickness.Results: During oestrus the epithelium consisted of a single layer of columnar mucus secreting cells which somewhere it followed by 1-3 layers of polyhedral cells with a large activities of vascular and fibroblastes and small number of plasma cells in mucosa and submucosa. During di-oestrus 4-8 layers of epithelial cells were present. Vascular and fibroblastic activities were lower than during oestrus and large number of plasma cells were present in submucosa and lamina propria. The results from pregnant cows showed that, there is not a significant difference in thickness between different months of gestation whereas there was a remarkable difference between month 9 and other months. In the number of epithelial cell layers, a significant difference has been seen between months 1, 2, 3, 4 with 5, 6,7,8 specially between months 8 and 9. The most important finding in morphometric study was the remarkable difference of months 8 with 9 in thickness and epithelial cell layers. There was not a difference in cell type of epithelium until 7 onths of pregnancy. There were small cells with a pyknotic and dark nuclis. Surface layers of cells were squamous and/or cuboidal types. From month 8, secretory columnar cells have been seen in epithelium and increased in month 9. In conclusion until 7 month of gestation, a large number of plasma cells were present in submucosa and epithelium but there was a relative decrease in month 8 and a significant decrease in month 9. Vascular and fibroblastic activities was less until month 7, but in months 8 and 9, there was a significant increase in vascular and fibroblastic activities and submucosa was oedematous. All the changes were seen in different stages of pregnancy and oestrus cycle, can be described by hormonal changes. Clinical implications: The most important finding was the remarkable difference between months 8 & 9 in thickness and epithelial cell layers. Also active secretory cells remarkably appeared in surface from layer seventh month of gestation.

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View 9502

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Objective: Diagnosis of tuberculosis disease in goat by isolation of Mycobacterium and differentiation strain. Designe: observational study.Animals: Of one thousand goats.Procedure: Shaving of 4×20 cm dimensions at the border between midcranial and midcaudal in the left side of neck Injection of the avian and mammalian tuberculine in upper and lower points respectively with interval of 10-20 cm. To measure thickness of skin before and after the test in 72 hours after injection time. (Comparative intradermal test).To do clinical and necropsy examination in reactor and suspicious goats. Sampling of organs with visible lesion and available lymphoid glands in non visible lesion. To do Bacteriology, Polymerase Chain Reaction and Pathological tests on samples.Results: In all goats which were studied, 7 goats responded positive and 4 suspicious, In necropsy findings, 6 goats were non visible lesion and 5 with visible lesion. Mycobacterium was not isolated in NVL but among 5 goats with VL, mycobacterium bovis and M. tuberculosis strains respectively in 3 goats and I goat were isolated and differentiated. PCR test confirmed those results, Pathological consideration showed typical lesion granulomatosis.Clinical implications: This study is the first research about mycobacterium in goat in Iran. It shows that the presence of tuberculosis in goat is expected in Iran.

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Objective: This study was carried out in order to produce FITC conjugated antibody against pestivirus antigens to detect pestiviral infection. This study was begum on Jan. 2000 and it was ended on Oct. 2001.Design: Field experiment.Procedure: At first 10 rabbits were immunized with NADL strain of BVDV. The immunoglubulins were conjugated with FITC and were passed on sephadex G25. To obtain a desirable titer of conjugatedsera different dilution of antibody in presence of positive and negative samples a were used.Statistical analysis: Mcnemar and Chi square tests.Results: As a result, a titer of 1/20 of conjugate turned out to be desirable .At the last term of study from 210 selected cell culture tube, 140 of them were infected with BVD virus and 70 were kept as control. The results of FA microscopy were indicated a coordination of about %100 between standard (Biox) and our conjugated sera. On 81 fields infected samples examined by 2 antisera, only one sample was negative by our prepared conjugate, although this sample was positive by standard conjugate.

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Objective: Study about occurance of brucellosis in mentally – ill patients.Design: Observational study.Procedure: The survey was carried out on 500 persons who were referred to a mental assylum & were hospitalized for treatament of mental diseases. In this study, their sera were obteined & tested for presence of antibodies reacting with brucella antigens in rapid agglutination test, Wright test, 2 - Mercaptoethanol (2ME) test, Combs test and complement fixation test (CFT).Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics. Result: 0.4 % of patients were positive via serological tests for diagnosis of brucellosis and active form of disease was confirmed for one patients (0.2% of patients).Conclusion: It is possible that some mentally - ill patients is infected with brucellosis and some neuropsychotic signs of patients is resulted from brucellosis. Therefore, in mentally - ill patients, the attention to diagnosis of brucellosis may be essential to successful treatment of their neureopsychotic disorders.

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Objective: Comparison of the protective effects of ranitidine with sucralfate against aspirin induced gastric mucosal lesions in dog.Design: Experimental study.Animals: eighteen healthy mongrel dogs.Procedure: Eighteen dogs were divided into four groups: group 1)aspirin 25 mg/kg every 12 hours. Group 2)aspirin with the above dose and ranitidine 150 mg/dog every 12 hours. Group3) aspirin with the above dose and sucralfate 1000 mg/dog every 12 hours. Group 4) no medication. Weekly endoscopic examination was performed on all of the dogs and observed gastric lesions were graded. At the end of 8th week, the animals were both sacrifificed and their stomachs and duodenums were evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. Stalistial analysis: Kruskall wallis, manrwithney and sign tests. Results: Group 2 had lesser mean gastric lesion scores compared with group I in the first and third weeks. Group 2 had milder lesions with group 3 meaningfully only in the first week of study.Conclusion: Ranitidine is effective as a protective measure against gastric lesions induced by short telll1 use of aspirin. But sucralfate is not effective neither in short term, nor in long term following use of aspirin.

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Objective: To examine the central role of histamine and its H1 and H2 receptors on behavior in the rabbit.Design: Experimental study Animals: Thirty-five male New Zealand White rabbits weighing 2 - 2.5 kg. Procedure: Implantation of a 23 - gauge, 15 mm long stainless steel guide cannula into the lateral ventricle of brain, intracerebroventricular injection of normal saline (control), histamine (50g), promethazine (H1 antagonist, 100 g) and ranitidine (H2 antagonist, 100 g) through the guide cannula with a 25 - 1 hamilton syringe, recording of animal behavior including feeding, grooming and locomotion for 1h post - injection.Statistical analysis: One - way ANOVA, Duncans, Multiple Range test and paired t - test. Results: Histamine decreased feeding, grooming and increased locomotion. Promethazine alone, with no effect on grooming, increased feeding and decreased locomotion and pretreatment by it will prevent the histamine effects on feeding and locomotion, but it will not inhibit the suppressive effect of histamine on grooming. Ranitidine alone, without any effects on grooming and locomotion, increase feeding and pretreatment by inhabitation the effects of histamine on feeding. No significant changes observed among control groups. Clinical implication: From the results of this study it is concluded that in the rabbit the brain histaminergic system via its central H1 receptor produces inhibitory and excitatory effects on feeding and locomotion, respectively. The central H2 receptor may involve in histamine - induced anorexia too. It also induces a suppressive effect on grooming which is not mediated through it’s central H1 and H2 receptors. In treatment of some behavioral disorders, the use of blood - brain barrier penetrating H1 and H2 antihistamines could be recommended.

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Objective: To compare histological changes of the vaginal wall during non-pregnancy period and different stages of pregnancy in buffaloes.Design: Observational study.Animals: Fifty nine specimens from non-pregnant and pregnant buffaloes in different stages of pregnancy.Procedures: After preparation of specimens in the lab anatomy. They were stained by the method of hematoxilin - eosine and four special methods of Verhoof, Toluidine blue, Pantin and Veigerts lron. The number of cell layer, type of epithelial cells, vascular activities, istribution of plasma cells, elastic fibers and collagen in the mucosa and submucosa were studied. Statistical analysis: One way ANOVA, Duncan’s multiple range test.Results: During different stages of pregnancy, no significant difference in the number of cell layers and cell type of epithelium was observed. From the second month of gestation, the secretory cells were seen between the epithelial cells which increased significantly to maximum number in the fifth month (P<0.01) and decreased in the seventh month of pregnancy. Special pregnancy cells, were present in the epithelium from the fourth month of gestation and increased with pregnancy progress, which was more remarkable during months 9 and 10. During the first three months of pregnancy, the number of plasma cells in mucosa and submucosa were greater than the other months. Vascular activities increased with the pregnancy progress and during the last months of gestation, submucosa was more vascular and oedematous. Distribution of the collagen fiber in the deep portion of the mucosa and submucosa was higher than the other regions. Elastic fibers were fairly distributed in the all layer of the vaginal wall.Clinical implications: Although there is some differences in the histological structure of the vaginal wall during pregnancy in buffalloes, but it can not be used as a method for pregnancy diagnasis.

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Objective: Report of presence of hyalomma aegyptium tick from Testudo graeca turtle in Iran.Design: Case study.Animal: Two turtles.Procedure: Clinical as well as laboratory diagnosis.Results: In the spring 2001, 6 ticks (4 male, 2female) were observed and collected in 2 turtle, Testudo graeca in Kerman, province at south part of Iran. Our observation confirmed that they have been Hyalomma aegyptium, a common turtle parasite that was designated the type of subgenus Hyalommasta. This is the first report of .aegyptium of mentioned Tortoise in Iran.Concision: It is the first report of the presence of Hyalomma aegyptium tick from Testudo graeca turtles in Iran.

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Objective: To Produce a predictive model of S. aureus growth, the effects of selected growth factors (storoge temperature, pH and inoculum levels) in 2 kinds of commercial soup (barley and mushroom) have been evaluated.Design: Multiple factorial design.Procedure: The effects of pH (4, 4.5 and 5), inoculum levels (102 and 104/ ml of soup), storage temperature (5, 15,25,35 and 5C) and type of soup (barley and mushroom) on the generation time (g) and growth rate (k) of S. aureus on commercial Iranian soups were evaluated in a factorial design study. Statistical analysis: To evaluate the main and inter active effects of pH, storage temperature, inoculum levels and type of soup, analysis of variance was used. Multiple regression model was derived relating generation time to the effects of growth factors used in this study.Results: The generation time (g) of the organism was affected significantly by the type of soup and storage temperature and heir interactive effects (P<0.053), but not by the inoculum level of he organism (P=0.182). Predictive model was produced with R2 value equal to 0.90.Conclusion: From the model produced in this study the predictive values of generation time of S. aureus can be calculated from any combination of the growth factors used within the limits of this study (R2=0.90).

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Objective: Identification of etiopathogenesis and the type of pneumonia.Animal: 4- months old lamb.Procedure: Microbiological and pathological (H & E) study).Results: There was fibrinous and lobar bronchopneumonia in cranioventral region of the lungs. Histopathological examination showed coagulation necrosis, fibrin, neutrophils and other inflammatory cells infiltration into the alveoli and bronchioles, accompanied by atelectasis and emphysema. By tissue culture and biochemical tests, Pasteurella hemolytica, biotype T was specified.Conclussion: Pasteurella hemolytica biotype T usually produces septicemia but in this case fibrinous bronchopneumonia (Pneumonic pasteurellosis) was seen.

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Objective: Determination the effects of phytase supplementation in broiler diets.Design: Randomized complete blocks design.Animals: Two hundred eighty broiler chickens.Procedure: The experimental diets were prepared based on NRC (1994) recommendations except for Prequirement. The diets, C,1P, 2P and 3P consist of 0,300,600 and 900 units of phytase activity per Kg of diet (FTU /Kg) respectively, without of inorganic phosphorus supplementation. The 10,20 and 3D diets have similar composition with control diet (C) except for 1,2 and 3 g phosphorus pre Kg of diet from dicalcuim phosphate (DCP). Factors related to phosphorus nutrition were measured during the experiment.Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance, Duncan’s multiple range test of means, Linear regression equations.Results: Addition of phytase had significantly effects on feed intake, body weight gain, tibia ash, tibia length, tibia phosphorus and phosphorus excretion (P<0.05). Phytase had no significant effects on feed conversion ratio, mortality and the cost of diet for production of I Kg of live body weight (P>0.05).Phosphorus equivalency were calculated as 700 FTU/Kg for body weight gain and 400 FTU/Kg for tibia ash equal to I g phosphorus from dicalcium phosphate.Implications: The phytase enzyme is able to hydrolyze the phytate molecule and convert it to a nutritive form and destroy its negative effects. Depend on acquired results. We can conclude that supplementation of phytase in broiler commercial diets is applicable and there is no need of inorganic phosphorus supplementation to diets without additional cost, and it can prevent the phosphorus loss in manure. The optimal level of phytase inclusion in broiler diets is 600 FTU/Kg diet based on the results of this.

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Objective: To determine the potential role of stray dog and red fox in Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis life cycle in Lorestan province, Western Iran. Meanwhile the prevalence of hydatid cysts among sheep, goats and cattle as well as fertility rates of different types and forms of cysts isolated from infected animals and the viability of protoscolices were also determined.Design: Observational cross sectional study.Animals: 42 stray dogs (Mixed breed), 30 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 6879 sheep, 3752 goats and 1968 cattle in Lorestan province in Western Iran during three years (1997-2000).Procedure: Stray dogs and red foxes collected from different parts of Lorestan. The animals were collected either died freshly across the road or shot in the study area. Following autopsy of the animal, the small intestine removed, slit open and the epithelium of the intestine scraped into a jar. To collect the worm from the intestine, the epithelial scrapings and the intestinal contents were passed through wire sieves. The contents of the sieves were washed with top water and Echinococcus was collected. Recovered worms were fixed in alcohol and stained with carmine. Meanwhile, sheep, goats and cattle were examined for hydatid cyst infection at three slaugtherhouses. Fertility rate of different types and forms of cysts isolated from infected animals and the viability of protoscolices were also determined using standard methods. Statistical analysis: Measunl1ent of prevalence of infection, mean and standard deviation as well as student "t" test for comparing of the means.Results: Results indicated that, 30.29% of the dogs and 6.67% of the red foxes were infected with Echinococcus granulosus. 25.29% of the sheep, 11.08%, of the goats and 55.94% of the cattle were also found to be infected with hydatid cyst. In sheep, 52.89% of the cysts were found in lungs, 28.29% in the liver and 18.73% in both liver and lungs. In goats, 61.54% of the cysts were found in lungs, 33.41 % in liver and 50.50% in both liver and lungs. In cattle, 52.86% of the cysts were found in lungs, 33.41 % in liver and 50.50% in both liver and lungs. The cysts isolated from liver and lungs of the sheep showed higher fertility rate than the cysts of liver and lungs of goats and cattle. In this regard, he fertility rates of cysts isolated from sheep, goats and cattle were 35.47%,16.88% and 14.70% respectively. The viability rate of protoscolices of the fertile cysts isolated from the slaughtered animals were found mostly higher than 80%. Conclusion: The infection rate of Echinococcosis / Hydatidosis in animal of Lorestan province especially in stray dogs is very high. Hence, it should be controlled by sophisticated methods.

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Objective: Study the effects of adding betaine into broiler chick rations in order to reducing methionine requirement.Design: Randomized completely design.Animals: Seven hundred day- old male Ross 208 broiler chicks.Procedure: The chicks were randomly divided into five dietary treatments. Each treatment was contained four replicate floor pens of 35. One treatment (as control) fed diet included methionine content according to NRC (1994) recommendation. In other dietary treatments, the level of methionine lowered by 10% (as low methionine diets) and 0, .02, .04, and .08% of betaine were added into diets, respectively. Body weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and mortality were evaluated at 21, 42, and 49 days of age.Statistical analysis: Data for all response variables were subjected to ANOVA. Variable means for treatments showing significant differences in the ANOVA were compared using Tukey’s test. Results: At the age of 21 days, adding .04% betaine (not .02 or .08%) into low-methionine diet caused significant increase in body weight, in comparison with control and other treatments (P=.002). There were no significant differences among feed conversion ratio in dietary treatments. Feeding diets containing low level of methionine without betaine or supplemented with .02% betaine increased feed conversion ratio significantly (P=.02), at 42 days of age. At the end of experimental period (49 days of age), no significant differences observed among body weights and feed conversion ratios in dietary treatments, however adding .04% betaine into low-methionine diet improved body weight and feed efficiency slightly compared with control and other treatments. Conclusion: According to obtained results in this feeding trial, it could be concluded that although adding different levels of betaine (.02, .04, and .08%) into low-methionine diets did not affect body weight and feed conversion ratio, but it seems supplementation low-methionine diet with .04% betaine could compensate marginally deficiency of methionine in broiler chick rations.

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prepared from cervical secretions of pregnant cows at days zero and three (8 cows), zero and seven (8 cows) and zero and fourteen (8 cows). Smears of cervical secretions were prepared from non-pregnant cows at days eight (9 cows), eleven (3 cows) and fifteen (6 cows) of the oestrus cycle. The smears were stained with Giemsa stain and examined under oil immersion lens. Twenty fields of each smear were examined, then the cells were differentiated and counted. Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Student "t" test. Duncans multiple range test. Results: Statistical analysis showed no differences in the percentage of epithelial cc11s, large vacuolated epithelial cc11sand neutrophils in the non-pregnant cows at days 8, II and 15 of the oestrus cycle. In the pregnant cows there were no significant differences in the percentage of epithelial ce11s and large vacuolated epithelial ce11s on days 0, 3, 7 and 14 of sampling. It was also revealed that there was a significant difference between the mean percentage of neutrophils on day 3 (2.47±1.36) and days 7 and 14. In pregnant cows, occurrence of inflammatory reactions continued until day 3 of sampling and then relieved later. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the routine procedure used for cervical secretion sampling does not induce any detectable cellular inflammatory reactions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Evaluation of intra-abdominal pressure during different stages of pregnancy, before and after feeding in pregnant ewes with single and multiple lambs. Design: Experimental field study.Animals: Seven parous ewes.Procedure: At the end of the second month of gestation. a balloon was made from condom was inserted into the pelvic cavity through a posterior mid-line laparotomy. Intra-abdominal pressure recorded on days 90, 120, 135 and 143 of pregnancy by infusion of 4ml of physiological saline into the balloon connected to a transducer and a pressure recorder. Statistical analysis: Data from different stages were compared using Student "t" test. Results: The results indicated that, at each stage of pregnancy the intra-abdominal pressure before feeding was higher than that after feeding and in ewes with single lambs, it was higher than in ewes with multiple lambs.Clinical implications: It has been postulated that increased intra abdominal pressure associated with increased rumen fill and the presence of multiple lambs are involved in the pathogenesis of cervical-vaginal prolapse. Although in this study, intra-abdominal pressure decreased after feeding and in multiple pregnancy. Therefore feeding and multiple pregnancy, not only can not increase intra abdominal pressure, but also it can not be a pathogenesis of cervical vaginal prolapse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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