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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was carried out in order to produce experimental infection and investigate the life cycle of Linguatula serrata in , dogs, Nymphs of Linguatula serrata were isolated from infected hepatic and lung tissues of sheep, cattle and buffalo, Isolated parasites were fed to four dogs of two -months of age, The eggs of Linguatula serrata were isolated by weekly sampling in 5thmonth of infection, 7, 7, 5 and 2 parasites were isolated from infected dogs, Nasal discharge itching and mild respiratory difficulties were recorded in the infected dogs.

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An experiment was carried out to evaluate and compare the natural mating and Artificial Insemination (AI) in commercial broiler breeders (ARIAN hybrid). To assay the effects of factors including: number of insemination (one or two times per week), depth of insemination (3 or 5 cm) and time of insemination (5 P.M or 7:30 P.M), the experiment was carried out in completely randomized design with 3 replications and 4 hens per each group. The experimental period was 8 weeks. The results of the study were showed that the hatchability rate in two times insemination per week was significantly higher than one insemination per week (P<0.01). The hatchability rate in insemination with 5 cm depth was significantly higher that 3 cm depth at the level of (P<0.05). Insemination at 7:30 P.M showed significantly higher hatchability rate than 5:00 P.M (P<0.01). Two times a week insemination at 7:30 P.M in 5 cm depth gave the best result, in first 5 weeks of the study. The hatchability rate of natural mating was significantly higher that AI from I to 5 weeks of test. But there were no differences between two treatments from 6 to 8 weeks. At 7th and 8th weeks the hatchability rate of AI was slightly higher than natural mating.

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View 1237

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In this study for detection of F11 fimbriae on pathogenic E. coli 300 strains isolated from chickens with coli septicemia or colibacilosis were grown and subjected 3-6 consecutive passages on TSA. Bacterial suspensions were mixed with human erythrocyte suspension. For testing mannose-resistant hem agglutination (MRHA+) mannose was add to the erythrocyte suspension. Rabbit antifimbrial (F 11) serum used to detection of fimbrial antigen on indirect immunofluorescence technique. Crude fimbrial extracts from isolates prepared for immunodot and immunoblotting. Results indicate that five of these strains showed mannose resistant hemagglutination of human erythrocytes when grown at 37C on TSA. On immunofluorescence and immunodot. six strains reacted with FII antiserum. On immunobIotting, six strains demonstrated 18-kDa major fimbrial subunit which reacted with specific F11 antiserum. All of the fimbriated strains belong to O1 serogroup.

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View 1014

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Faecal specimens of 305 pet dogs that were referred to the Small Animal Clinic of Tehran University were collected for parasitology examination. Direct and formal-ether methods as well as trichrome and modified ziehl-neelsen staining techniques were applied for parasite identification. The results indicate that, 65(21.3%) of specimens were infected with protozoa or helminthes. The parasites were identified as follows: Giardia intestianlis 1.63%, Cryptosporidium parvum 1.63%, Isospora spp 7.21%, Blastocystis sp. 0.32%, Toxascaris leonina 3.27% Toxocara canis 6.55%, Hook worms 2.62% and Taenia spp 2.29%. Two questionnaires, about demogrphic data of dogs as well as knowledge of dog owners about zoonotic risk of parasites of dog were administered to the owners. Majority of the owners were not found to be aware of the potential risk of canine parasites to human health and their knowledge were found unsatisfactory.

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View 1339

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Colibacillosis is one of the most common bacterial diseases in animals and poultry and some serotypes transmitted from animals to human. In this study, 156 isolated E. coli were identificated by prepared antisera and 4 other polyvalent and 16 other monovalent antisera. The serotypes were 078K80 (37.18%), 0128K67 (14.74%), 02KI (13.46%), 0124K72 (5.13%), 0119814 (2.56%), 0111K58 (84)(2.56%), 0114K90(2.56%), 02KI2(0.64%), 0126K71 (0.64%), 0125K7 (0.64%), 086K81 (0.64%) There were 9 rough (5.77%) and 21 untypable (13.5%) Strains.

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View 986

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In a three years study began from fall 1996, 234 local cats were clinically examined in one of the small animal clinics in Tabriz, east Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Blood smears were examined for blood parasites and for white blood cells differential count. In 25 cats clinical symptoms including inappetence, asthenia, emaciation, chronic coughing, dispnea and vomiting were noticed. These signs could be due to Dirofilaria immitis. For confirmation of heartworm disease, in addition of examination of blood smears stained with Geimsa, blood of cats showing clinical symptoms examined for micorfilariaemia using modified Knott method. The latter showed that two cats harboured 250 and 45 microfilaria of D. immitis in their blood. Eosinophilia (8%) was observed in one of the infected cat. This cat was treated with two intramuscular injection of melarsomine dichlorhydrate (immiticide) as adulticide between the third and fifth lumbar vertebrae at the dose rate of 2.5mg/kg at a 24 hour interval. Two subcutaneous injections of ivermectin (0.05 mg/kg as microfilaricide) one and two months after treatment with adulticide were perfomed. Supportive treatments such as antibiotics, aspirin, prednisolon were used. One month after treatment, clinical sings disappeared and no microfilaria was seen in the blood samples tested one and two month after treatment. This is the first report of the existence of D. Immitis in cats in Iran.

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View 1561

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Cytological structure of the Hepatopancreas of “Penaeus indicus “of Persian Gulf water were studied using light microscope. The gland was a compound tubular type with the secretory tubular units which radially arranged and released their secretion into the central ducts. The secretory unit walls were covered by 4 different cell types namely, stem or embryonic, fibrillar, blister like, and resorbtive cells, Glands were covered externally by connective tissue and 2 layers of smooth muscles.

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Rectovaginal injuries can result in subsequent infertility in cow. In a retrospective study, records of 147 Holstein cows with evidence of rectovaginal injuries were reviewed to determine their effects on fertility. This study was conducted in a large dairy (typical herd size 1420 cows) in Tehran between the years 1993 and 1996. Period prevalence's were 0.4 % fistula, 1.9% laceration (third degree), 5.4 % pneumovagina, 1.5 % urovagina and 0.8 % mixed injuries. The highest occurrence was among first-calf heifers (66 %). Thirteen cows repeated the same condition in the subsequent calving. Eighty seven first-calf heifers without the history of retained placenta were selected of which 73 cows were considered as operated group, of which 61 cases (83.6 %) became pregnant. Of 14 unoperated controls, 11 cows (78.6 %) became pregnant. Pregnancy percentage in delaye-operated group decreased gradually (in days 1-45, 46-90, 91-120 and> 120 were 85.9, 82.4, 75 and 73.7 % respectively). It was concluded that rectovaginal injuries had a negative effect on reproductive performance of the cows. Comparison between operated and unoperated first-calf heifers showed significant increases in the number of days to first service (228.6 vs 164.5 days), number of days open (131.1 vs 93.4 days) and the calving interval (476.8 vs 409.9 days) (p<0.05), and slight decreases in the number of services per conception (3.20 vs 3.27) and the culling rate (16.4 % vs 21.4 %). The pregnancy rate increased in the operated cows (31.3 % vs 30.6 %). However, they were not statistically significant. Further analysis of the data revealed that performing surgery prior to the day 45 postpartum was much more beneficial than that of after day 45, and this affected the reproductive indices (DFS: 99.7 vs 142.8 days, CI:428 vs 459.9days) (P<0.05), (S/C:3.06 vs 3.27, PR:32.7 % vs 30.6 %, culling rate:15 % vs 17 %). Milk yields (305 days lactation) were not significantly altered between the two groups. In conclusion, to prevent financial losses due to rectovaginal injuries in dairy herds, one should consider: 1) Proper handling of the dystocia, 2) Performing surgical approach on time, preferable before 45 days postpartum, to obtain better fertility indices.

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View 1327

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HbA1C is a useful determinant for identification of subclinical diabet mellitus in dog. Therefore, determination of normal value of HbA1c in normal configuration dogs is demanded. In this study total blood samples were taken from 45 dogs (30 male and 15 female) for determination of HbA1C concentration through colorimetric method by prepared kits. In this method, HbA1C was exposed to Oxalic Acid and hydrolysed by that and 5 - hydroxy methyl furfural produced. Proteins were precipitated by Trichloro Acetic Acid and upper phase was reacted by Thiobarbituric Acid and provided colored solution. It' s absorbance was assayed in 443 nm. Mean and standard deviation in total samples were 5.69±0.95 respectively. Hb A1C concentration between males and females was not significantly differed, and also there was no significant difference between age groups.

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View 740

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The effect of steroids and GnRH, given on the day of estrus, on preovulatory dominant follicle (PDF) and synchronization of follicular wave emergence in Holstein heifers was investigated. The stage of estrous cycle was synchronized in cyclic Hostein heifers using two I.M. injection of prostaglandin F2a analogue (PG) 11 days apart. On the day of estrus (Day 0 of experiment) heifers were divided into three groups (control, GnRH and steroid) considering their weight and age. Heifers in each group were kept in the separate barn and received the same ration. Heifers in control group (n=4) received no treatment. Within 3 hours of detecting standing estrus. heifers in GnRH (n=9) and steroid (n=9) groups were given an I.M injection of GnRH (250 microgram Fertagyl) and combination of estradiol benzoate (2 mg) and progesterone (100 mg), respectively. GnRH and steroid heifers received PG on Day 7 of treatment and estrus detection was simultaneously initiated. From Day -3 to 25 of treatment, ultrasonography was conducted to characterize ovarian follicle. On the day of estrus, PDF was detected in all heifers and ovulated at the same in experimental groups (P>0.05). The first follicular wave was emerged in GnRH (2.1±0.41 d) and control (2.4±0.18 d) earlier than steroid (3.9±0.23d) groups (P<0.05). The interval to estrus and ovulation after initiation of treatment was similar (P>0.05) in GnRH (9.2±0.28 d, 10.2±0.28d) and steroid (9.7±0.71 d, 11±0.64 d) groups compared to control group (22.8±1.1 d, 24.3±0.95 d. P<0.01). The growth rate of ovulatory follicle was similar in GnRH (1.3±0.06 mm/d) and steroid (1.4±0.03 mm/d) groups but greater than (P<0.01) control group (0.9±0.06 mm/d). The age of ovulatory follicle in treated groups (GnRH: 5.2±0.22d; steroid 4.3±0.64d; P<0.05) was shorter (P<0.05) than control group (7.3±0.48d). The tightness of estrus synchrony between 24-72 hours after PG injection was similar between GnRH (77.7%) and steroid (88.8%) groups (P>0.05). The result of this study suggests that GnRH and steroid, given on Day of estrus, have no deleterious effect on ovulation and the new follicular wave emerges at the same time following these treatments. Ovulation of newly recruited dominant follicle occurs after PG injection prescribed 7 days after GnRHor steroid treatment. Therefore, these protocols can be used, alternatively. in estrous synchronization programs in dairy heifers.

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View 1081

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An experiment was conducted to compare the effects of different levels of Artemisia sieberi with a chemical anticoccidial drug (Diclazuril) on control of coccidiosis, body weight and feed efficiency of male broiler chicks. Three hundred day-old male broiler chicks were randomly divided to four treatment groups of three replicates. Each replicate allocated in separated floor pen. Treatment one fed diet without any anti-coccidial supplements as control group. For feeding the chicks in other treatments 1.0 and 2.0 % of Artemisia sieberi, and 200 ppm Diclazuril, were used respectively. Chickens in all of the treatments were challenged orally by a mixture of oocystes of four pathogenic species of Eimeria (including E. acervulina. E. tenella, E. maxima. And E. necatrix) at the end of third week of age Flock was daily monitored for signs of disease and mortality. Fecal samples were collected and oocyst per gram of feces (OPG) determined. Body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined at the end of 3,6 and 7 weeks of age. Results showed that the OPG in control group was significantly more than the other three groups (P<0.01), during the entire period of 6 to 11 days of post-challenge. Chicks fed diet supplemented with 200 ppm Diclazuril had OPG significantly lower than chicks which were received 1.0% and 2.0 % A. sieberi. At the end of third weeks of age, there were no significant differences among BW and FI of dietary treatments (P>0.05), but feeding chicks with diet containing 1.0 % of A. sieberi improved FCR significantly (P<0.05) in comparison with chicks received diets supplemented with 200 ppm Diclazuril or 2.0 % of A. sieberi. At the end of sixth and seventh weeks of age. Diclazuril treated group increased BW significantly (P<0.05) compared with control. Supplementation diets with 1.0 and 2.0 % of A. sieberi or 200ppm Diclazuril did not affect FI and FCR significantly.

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View 1034

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Although the hemoglobin polymorphism has been reported in European, American, African and Indian breeds of cattle, however this study is the first one which reports haemoglobin phenotype in Iranian breed of cattle. For electrophoretic determination of Hb phenotypes in adult Iranian breeds of Cattle, 147 blood samples, including 48 Samples from adult Sistani breed, 45 samples from adult sarabi breed and 55 samples from adult Golpayegani breed were collected. Hb concentration was quantified by cyanometha hemoglobin method, then different phenotypes of Hb were determined on cellulose acetate electrophoresis, the percentage and concentration of different types of Hb was measured by densitometery method. The following results obtained from electrophoretic determination of Hb in adult Iranian breeds of cattle, which being reported for the first time in Iran. 1) In adult Sistani breed phenotypes including AAB with incidence of 50%, A2A with incidence of 41.47% and A2B with incidence of 8.33% were identified. 2) In adult Golpayegani breed two phenotypes including A2AB with incidence of 29.63%, and AA with incidence of 70.37% were observed. 3) In adult Sistani breed only one phenotype (A) was identified. 4) One of the most important finding in the present research, which is being reported for the first time, is the observation of Hb A2, which is likely to be a special characteristic of Sistani and Golpayegani breeds of cattle. 5) Since there is only one phenotype of Hb, (HbA), in adult Sarabi breed, we can use this specific character in determination of breed originally of Sarabi cattle. 6) Regardless of the effects of age, sex, breed and different phenotypes, means (±SE) of total Hb concentration, percentage and concentration of different types of Hb in 147 blood samples obtained from adult Iranian breeds of cattle are as follows. Total Hb concentration: 12.27±0.015 (gr/dI); HbA2 % 1.27±0.09; HbA% 83.13±2.09; HbB% 15.48±2.07, HbA2 concentration: 0.23±0.27 grid I), HbA concentration: 10.09±0.27 (grid I), and HbB concentration: 2.0 1±0.27(gr/d I).

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View 886

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Antifungal effects of formalin was evaluated on hatch rate of common carp (Cyprinus Carpio) eggs under water quality variables including dissolved oxygen (7.3±0.8 mg/L), water temperature (19.8±1.8C°), PH(8.1±0.1), total hardness (286mg/L) and inlet water (1.8±1.06 L/min). Groups of eggs were treated with formalin at concentrations of 250, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mL/L for 30 minutes about 40 hours after incubation period. The obtained results showed that there was significantly difference between the hatch rates of all treated eggs groups and control one (P<0.05). Also there was no significant difference between the hatch rates of groups treated with formalin at concentrations of 200 and 500 mL/L and groups treated at concentrations of 1000 and 1500 mL/L (P>0.05). However, there was significantly differences between other treated groups (P<0.05). Maximum hatch rate of %93.7 was obtained in group treated with 2000 mL/L of formalin, while minimum hatch rate of %59.73 was found in fish treated with both 250 and 500 mL/L. Therefore, in aquaculture practice it is recommended to use formalin at a concentration of 2000 mL/L for 30 minutes about 30-40 hours after eggs incubation in this area.

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View 1203

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In this study, the effects of heroin on the embryo of addicted mice were determined. For this purpose, the parents were addicted with gradual increase in concentration of heroin (0, 1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg/ml, in drinking water). The female and male mices were categorized in 5 groups: females as prep regnant addicts, post pregnant addicts and pre and post pregnant addicts and males in healthy and addicted groups. On the 17th day of pregnancy, it was found that the decrease in embryo's weight and crown rump length, were significant. Also we reconfirmed that crown rump length, absence, or decrease of gametogenesis and decrease of sexual activities, prolonged fertilization period, embryo and parental death, and also abnormalities in different tissues (digital process., diversion of body axis, growth stunting, subcutaneus hemorrhagia, tail diversion, opened eyelids, abnormal flextures, in vertebral column, etc).

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View 817

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Two dimensional (2-DE) and M-mode echocardiography were performed on 33 unsedated, healthy Caspian miniature and ID thoroughbred horses. The groups comprised 26 adult, 7 young Caspian and 10 adult thoroughbred horses. Animals stood during examinations performed with a 3.5 MHz Mechanical sector transducer using various echocardiographic views. Images were recorded from the right and left sides of the thorax. 2-DE images were used to guide the placement of a cursor to obtain accurate M-mode recordings. The recommendations of the American Society of echocardiography were followed for all M-mode measurements. The leading edge method was used for all M-mode measurements. Right and left ventricular diameters, ventricular septa thickness (IVS) and ventricular free walls thickness were measured in chordal level with the axial beam prependicular to interventricular septum in end systole and end diastole Echocardiographic parameters of mitral and aortic valves and left atrium were calculated end systole and diastole. Using a 3.5 MHz probe, the quality of recording was adequate for quantitative and qualitative examinations. In Caspian miniature horses images obtained from the left side were of poorer quality than those obtained from the right. Summary statistics for each dimensions were determined including the range, mean, standard deviation, standard errors of mean and coefficient of variance. Significant differences between mean value of cardiac dimensions in adult Caspian miniature and thoroughbred horses were determined using The student-T test (P<0.05). No correlation was found between the measurement taken and heart girth in adult Caspian miniature horses. There was no significant difference between the measurements in males and females adult Caspians using a student-T test (P<0.05). No linear correlation was found between the measurement taken and age in adult Caspian miniature horses. Measurements of the left atrial diameter in the adult Caspian correlated with aortic diameter in diastole. Spontaneous contrast was determined in one adult Caspian and 3 thoroughbred horses.

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Anaesthetic effects of essence, water and water-alcohol extractions of clove flower (Eugina caryophillata) were studied on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus my kiss) at water temperatures of 5°C, 15°C and 20°C and pH of 6,7,8 and 9. Results showed both water and water-alcohol extractions had similar effects with a very low anaesthetic effect even at concentration of 2000 ppm. However, clove oil essence anaesthetized fish at a concentration below 100 ppm. The best anaesthetic effect and recovery time was found at concentration of 250 ppm at water temperature of 5°C and pH7 Considering the required times to anaesthetize and recovery the most suitable anaesthetic concentrations for fish at water temperature of 5°C were as follows:   Dosage (ppm) Anesthetic Time(second)* Recovery Time(second)*   Anesthetics Time(second)** Recovery time(second)** 100 91 108 101 113 150 72 111 98 122 200 57 120 84 128 250 28 186 38 192 * Fish less than 1 g body      ** fish 1-10 g body weight

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This study was carried out to determine the role of some saprophytic fungi found in the horse faeces in the biological control Of larval stages of small strongyles subfamily Cyatostominae on these larvae. Interaction between the predacious conidia A. oligospora and third stage larvae were tested in vitro and under field conditions. This species of fungi at 2 colonies per 100 cc, 200cc and 300 cc  0.9% saline containing 300 third stage larvae can reduce significantly (P<0.001) the number of Cyathostominae larvae by 49%, 34% and 37% respectively under laboratory conditions by using sticky branches and also by attachment of fungi conidia to the entire cuticle of the larvae. Three horses naturally infected with small strongly were each fed 120,200 and 250 colonies of A. oligospora. The excreted dungs was collected on day zero, first, second and third day after administration of the colonies and the efficacy of fungi was assessed by counting the larvae in faecal culture in comparison with fungus free control pad. It was shown that the fungi can survive after passage through the gastrointestinal tract of horse and reduced the number of larvae in the horses that had received 250 colonies.

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Bovine oocytes were isolated from ovaries recovered in the slaughterhouse and were culture in vitro for maturation. After maturation, oocytes were divided into 2 groups, one group denuded from the cumulus cells by treating with hyaloronidase and the other group left intact. Both groups were then divided into different sub-groups which were transferred into the fertilization media supplemented with different concentration of fetal calf serum (FCS) and with or without 5mM caffeine or 10 Ig heparin/m I and were inseminated by frozen thawed semen. When caffeine was added to the medium. the penetration rates of cumulus-intact oocytes were significantly higher than cumulus free ones in the presence of 5% and 10% FCS. The proportion of both pronucleus was not significantly different among different concentrations of FCS in cumulus-intact and cumulus-free oocytes. However, the proportion of polyspermy increased by increasing the concentration of FCS (27%, 34%, 58% and 76% for 0, 5%, 10% and 20% FCS respectively). In cumulus-free oocytes, penetration rates were drastically decreased when 20% serum was added to the medium. In the presence of heparin, penetration of cumulus-free oocytes was 100% and independent of serum concentration in the doses examined. Polyspermic penetration was higher in cumulus-free oocytes compared with cumulus-enclosed ones. When both chemical (caffeine and heparin) were eleminated from fertilization medium, penetration rates decreased in both cumulus-enclosed and cumulus-free oocytes. It is concluded that: 1) Cumulus cells can induce sperm penetration into bovine oocytes in the prsence of caffeine 2) Heparin has more induction of penetration effect on bovine cumulus - free oocytes in the presence of different concentrations of FCS. 3) Fetal calf serum by itself has not any induction effect on bovine oocytes penetration.

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The clinical application of enteroclysis in improving and defining diagnostic results of intestinal disorders in human being has been highly valued. This method was evaluated on 12 clinically healthy adult mongrel dogs of 28.0±16.4 months of age and weighing about 20.4±10.6 kg; which were subsequently were divided into two groups of 5 dogs in group I and 7 dogs in group 11.The Barium suspension having 20°c temperature was given orally (25ml/kgBw.) to larger size of dogs In 3 to 5 times dilution (28%) and 2 to 5 times (21.5 % in small size ones via polyveinyl tube no.14 with 135 centimeter in length to 7 dogs in 10 minutes duration in which experimental stricture of small intestine was done surgically. But in 5 animals of group 11 after oral administration of Barium su - pension plain radiograph was obtained. Radiographs were taken in right oblique dorsoabdominal position. The results indicated the enteroclysis method was quite precise in diagnosis of local stricter of small intestine which was done experimentally as compared to normal routine plain radiographic techniques. Inducing small intestinal distention via enteroclysis was considered one the important advantage of this method in comparison to SBFT technique. Due to reasonable cost and highly precise differential diagnosis of enteroclysis with fluoroscopy, it is highly suggested for evaluation of intestinal disorders in dog. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 824

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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of substitution of different levels of fish meal (FM as source of animal protein) or soybean meal (SBM as source of vegetable protein) with yeast on broiler chicks performance. One thousand and two hundred eighty day-old (mixed sex) broiler chicks were randomly divided into eight dietary treatments. Each treatment contained four replicates of 40 chicks. One treatment contained as control and fed with basal diet (corn-soybean meal) without any growth promoters, antibiotics, and coccidiostates, 10, 20, and 30 percent of SBM were substituted with yeast protein, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum throughout the experimental period. Results showed that in comparison with control, substitution of 100%FM with yeast protein caused a significant decrease in bodyweight (BM) at age of 21-day, while substitution of SBM with yeast protein at the levels of 20 and 30% increased BW significantly (P£0.01). When compared with control, substitution of different levels of FM or SBM in rations with yeast protein had no significant effect on BW at 49-days, and feed consumption and feed conversion ratio at the age of 21 and 49-days. It is concluded that, from the economical point of view, substitution of FM or SBM at the levels of25 and 20%, respectively, could be recommended.

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View 1204

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Macroscopic and microscopic esophageal structure of 23 one humped adult camels were studied. The results were compared to other information about human and other species. The length of the esophagus of camel was 165-215 cm. The cervical part of esophagus was the largest part and the abdominal part was the shortest part. In the cranial part, the esophagus of camel lied dorsomedian to the cricoids cartilage of the larynx and trachea, but about third cervical vertebra, it deviates to the left of the trachea and maintains this relation until it reaches to the sixth cervical vertebra where it again slopes to the dorsomedian of the trachea. The esophagus of camel conrinues caudally in thoracic cavity and passes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm and after a short abdominal part, it joins to the cardia of the stomach. Histologically, the epithilium was keratinized stratified squamous. The lamina propria was loose connective tissue and was contained blood vessels and scattered lymphoidcells. The muscularis mucosa consisted of small and scattered muscle bundles that increased near the gastroesophageal junction. The tunica submucosa, had predominant mucous glands. The glands were seen along the entire length of the esophagus of camel and it gradually decreased form cranial to the caudal end of the esophagus. Tunica muscular is had entirely striated muscle and its layers were arranged irregularly. Between the layers, there were small and scattered smooth muscle bundles. The amount of the smooth muscle increased abundantly near the gastroesophageal junction. The thickness of the tunica muscular is was not different along the entire length of the esophagus and there were blood vessels and nerve plexuses between the connective tissue of the tunica muscularis. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2464

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The effect of energy intake level (EIL) and body condition score (BCS) on ovulate Qnrate (OR) in Iranian fat-tailed ewes, and role of leptin in this phenomenon has not been cleared. Therefore, two experiments carried out in fat-tailed Shal ewes. 1 st experiment was conducted to study the effect of EIL on body weight (BW), BCS, OR and their relationships in a long period. 2nd experiment designed to study the effect of EIL and leptin administration on OR in a short period. In the 1st experiment, synchronized ewes were fed a ration which provided 60% (0.6M; n=14) or 100%(M; n=14) maintenance energy requirements for 5 oestrous cycles. In the 2nd experiment, 24 synchronized ewes were assigned randomly in to three groups and received the following treatments for 4 days. Group I (n=8) were fed a ration which provided 100% maintenance energy requirements and infused with 1m/kg recombinant human leptin. Group 11(n=8) and III (n=8) were fed a ration which provided 180% and 100%maintenance energy requirements respectively, and infused with 1ml normal saline saline. BW, BCS and OR were determined in each oestrous cycle. In the 1SI experiment, BW and BCS significantly (P<0.01) decreased in 0.6M group and indicated a positive correlation (R2 = 0.62). OR in 0.6M group, significantly (P<0.01) decreased when BCS<2. Ovulation was stopped when BCS=1. In the 2nd experiment, there were not any significant differences in BW, BSC and OR between experimental groups. Results suggest that OR in fat-tailed ewes responded to changes of EIL, BW and BCS later than thin-tailed ewes.

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