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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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History and Objectives: Due to allergic effect of saffron in humans and its well characterized side effects, the present study is designed to set up an ELISA method and assess its detection power among peoples presented with saffron allergic reaction referred to Gonabad Health Center in 1994.Materials and methods: A descriptive study was earned out to design the ELISA method and a clinical trial was conducted. The Prick skin reaction test was performed with saffron pollen extract on 43patients with prior allergic reaction. Patients with positive skin reaction were considered as experimental group and those with negative response were taken as control group. ELISA test was done on all patients. OD of more that 0.3 was taken as positive response. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative informative value and overall efficacy were determined. Results: From 43 patients under supervision, 23 showed allergic response and 20 did not display any such reaction. ELISA test showed that from 23 patients with positive Prick skin test, 18 patients had positive allergic reaction and 5 has negative reaction. Correlation between two tests was 78%, specificity of ELISA method was 100% and positive predictive value was 100%.Conclusions: In light of detection level of ELISA method, it can be used to test the level of allergic reaction among individuals dealing with production and distribution of saffron.

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History and Objectives: Due to importance of developmental studies and specially figure formation, and since recent reports indicated a role for apoptosis in the development of free figures, the present study was carried out to on chick embryo with free figures as the experimental group and duck embryo with interdigital membrane as control group.Materials and Methods: An analytical cohort study on white Leghorn eggs and Royal Pekin duck eggs were carried out. Chick embryos were at sixth and ninth days of incubation (Stage 29-35) and duck embryos at eighth and half and eleventh day of incubation at 12 hour intervals were taken for study. In the present study, neutral red as a vital color by Hinchiffe & Ede method was selected. The staining is specific for apoptotic and macrophage cells. Embryo legs were monitored by stereomicroscope and pattern of apoptosis were followed.Results: Interdigital cellular apoptosis was observed in chick and duck embryos at 6.5 days and reached a pick level at 7.5 day and ended at 8.5 day when interdigital tissue had complete regression. Interdigital tissue apoptosis for the four figures of foot was obvious in chick as well duck embryos however the extent of apoptosis was less in duck embryos. Interdigital cellular apaptosis started at the 9th day and continued until the 9.5 day and terminated at 11th day. Interdigital membrane between the first and second figure show similar necrotic region whereas the figure formation is quiet different. Conclusions: Apoptotic pattern of interdigital membrane of chick and duck is accompanied by removal of mesenchyma and sculpturing and separation of figures. Comparison of apoptotic intensity reveals other possible factors for the separation of figures. It is suggested that extended study should he carried out to unravel the mechanism of interdigital regression at cellular as well as genetic level.  

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View 1619

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History and Objectives: Due to high prevalence of typhoid fever and its antibiotic treatment which may lead to the release of high levels of endotoxins and subsequent side effects, determination of the level of antibiotic induced endotoxin release is essential. With this in mind, the present study is carried out at Pasteur Institute of Iran in 1995.Material and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted to determine the MIC and MBC on antibiotics such as ampicilin, chloaramphenicol and co-trimoxizole, used for the treatment of typhoid fever. Cell culture and their maintanance, preparation of antibiotic solutions, etermination of MIC and MBC on each bacteria and determination of endotoxin release were carried out using standard methods by thriple measurements (pg/ml). Analytical variance was used as a statistical method.Results: MIC and MBC for ampicillin was lower compared to other antibiotics (MIC=MBC=1.25ug/ml). Level of endotoxin release from ampicilin, chloramphenicol and co-timoxizole was 113±8, 87±2.5 and 134±11.6 pg/mL respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions: Chloramphenicol produces less endotoxin compared to other antibiotic tested. Similar in vivo experiments are suggested.

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History and Objectives: Presence of controversy on the arrangement of circular muscle layer of ileum wall in literature and due to the importance of elucidation of structure and function of interstitial cajals cells (ICCs) in regulation of intestinal movement which can shed more light into bowel motor diseases, the present study was carried out in dog wall of canine ileum using electron microscopy.Materials and Methods: A descriptive fundamental research has been performed on five dogs, and the samples are taken from distal part of canine ileum which has taken post perfusion by fixative solution in deep anesthetized animals and has been prepared for transmission electron microscopy. The muscle coat, auerbach 's plexus, deep smooth muscular plexus location and connections of ICCs have been studied on iliac wall. Results: The findings point out that ICC is located in the auerbach's plexus and circular muscle layer and deep muscular pleux of the ileum wall in all cases. In one case, we found a bundle of ICC together with nerve fibers traversing circular muscle layer between auerbach's plexus and deep muscular plexus.Conclusions: We found ICCs in nervous plexus and bulk of circular muscle layer of canine ileum wall, proposed that ICC may have a major role in connections between auerbach pleus as a main motor plexus as subsidiary motor plexus of gut. So we recommend further research on mammalian models such as human be conducted.

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History and Objectives: Increasin attention is paid for the use of various techniques such as ultrasound to improve connective tissue healing. The present research will study the effect of ultrasound therapy on bone regeneration in rabbits from histological point of view. Materials and Methods: In an experimental study, 28 white male Dutch rabbits with 3 month of age and 1200 gr weight underwent medical open partial osteomy of tibia bone under general anesthesia and sterile conditions. Rabbits were divided randomly into experimental and control groups. In each group seven subgroup (5th, 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th, 20th and 27th days) were formed.The experimental group was treated with 1w/cm2 ultrasound pulse 2:8 with 1.5 MHz frequency for 5min for 7 days (as mentioned above) against control group. Measurements were done in avobe mentioned time intervals after surgery. After the time intervals, animals were killed and tibia was examined for fracture macroscopically as well as microscopically.Results: Histological findings (light microscopy measurements indicated that healing porocess in experimental group was faster compared to control group in inflammation and proliferation phase (15th days after surgery). Healing process in experimental group was slower than control group  in callus formation and remodeling phase (from 15th to 27th days after surgery). Conclusions: Ultrasound therapy with 1.5MHz frequency accelerate bone healing in initial stage (inflammation and proliferation) in rabbits.

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History and Objectives: Although some serological tests are not highly sensitive in diagnosis of pulmonary hydatide cysts however Dot-ELISA is introduced as a simple, sensitive and a very efficient means of pulmonary hydatid cyst diagnosis. In the present study, we compared the validity of IHA, IFA and Dot-ELISA techniques in diagnosis of antiechinococcal antibodies caused bu Echinococcus granulosis in cystic liver and lung hydatid disease. Materials and Methods: 244 sera of which 30 samples from hydatid patients, 104 sera from patients suffering a disease other than hydatidosis and 110 serafrom healthy individuals were collected mainly from Tehran's hospitals. The hydatid patients were confirmed by surgery and consisted of 14, 10 6patients with liver, lung and liver-lung hydatid cysts respectively. The sera were tested by IHA, IFA and Dot-ELISA techniques. Sensitivity, spedficity, predictive values, false positivity and false negativity of each test were evaluated in diagnosis of liver and lung hydatid cysts.Results: The results indicate that the sensitivities of IHA test for liver, lung and liver-lung cysts were 78.7%, 60% and 100% respectively, while the sensitivities of IFA in detecting liver, lung and liver-lung cysts were 93%, 80% and 100% respectively. In this regard, the Dot-ELISA showed the best results whereas its sensitivities for liver, lung and liver-lung cysts were 100% each.Conclusions: These results indicates that detection of antiechinococcal antibodies in human serais superior by Dot-ELISA compared to IHA and IFA tests. Hence, the application of this test in medical laboratories for hydatid cyst diagnosis can be recommended.

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View 812

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History and Objectives: Considering the high cost of mechanical treatment of wastewater, and the necessity to investigate more economical methods, specially the ones involving natural treatment processes, a study on efficiency of integrated stabilization pond (ISP) was conducted in Shoosh Sewage Treatment Plant during 1999.Materials and Methods: This ISP experimental study was conducted during three seasons with two types of raw sewage feedings. The system consists of an anerobic pond in combination with facultative pond in series with a high rate and a maturation samples from inflow and effluent were taken on weekly basis and COD, BaDS, TSS, total nitrogen, and Total phosphorous were checked, the resulting reduction in mentioned parameters formed the basis of a statistical evaluation.Results: Pollutants reduction eas higher in Spring compared with summer and fall. BaDS with 89% reduction showed the highest and total phosphorous with 60% showed the lowest reduction levels during the said period. The level of sewage pollutant reduction during three satges of the  study shows that the anerobic pond in combination with facultative pond register the highest percentage of pollutant removalConclusions: ISP systems are effective in treatment of sewage. Up flow of sewage in fermentation pit has a positive effect on the systems efficiency, and shows the fermentation pits considerable role in facultative ponds. Since there is little available experience about ISP in Iran, more investigation on the subject is recommended.

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History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence of parasitic diseases and the probable relation between aqueduct water usage and parasitic diseases, the present research was carried out on patients referred to the Abu-zydabad Clinical Laboratory during the year 1997-1998. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was performed on individuals referred to Abu-zeydabad Clinical Laboratory. Patient's information including age, sex, job, type of drinking water and the type parasitic disease were extracted from patient's files. The files were completed by technicians by interviewing the individuals and Odd's ratio were determined for the effect of aqueduct water usage and the prevalence of parasitic disease. Results: of 670 individuals under study, 340(50.7%) and 330(49.3%) were male and female respectively. Minimum and maximum age of the individuals were 4 and 80years respectively. Parasitic disease was prevalent among 257 persons (38%). 55.6% of infected individuals and  30% of non-infected individuals used aqueduct water(p<0.0001). The risk of developing parasitic disease using aqueduct water is 2.9 times greater. Conclusions: There is a close between aqueduct water usage and prevalence of parasitic diseases. Further research on the factors involved on the water contamination is recommended.  

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History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence of ectopic pregnancy and various reports on the effect of different factors on the ectopic pregancy, the present study was carried out on patients referred to the clinics of Shahid Beheshti Mecial University for the period of five years in 1995 and under went radical surgical operation and were willing to have new pregancy. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on patients with ectopic pregrency and subsequent radical surgery. Personal record, gynecological data and factors influencing ectopic pregenecy were gathered. Rate of fertility, duration of fertility and factor involved in fertility were assessed among the patients groups and extrapolated to the population as a whole. Correlation of the date with outcome of fertility was analyzed by Choperov method.Results: In the patients under study (130) 70%fertility after ectopicpregnacy was observed. Time of fertility was 14.2±10.8months 50% had normal term pregancy. Past gynecological history, attachment and past pregancy history have the most pronounce effect.Conclusions: Ectopic pregency is a risk factor for fertility. Past history of attachment increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and spicial care is recommended to this type of patients. Further experimental and analytical studies are recommended to further the factor involved with fertility.

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History and Objectives: Due to importance of preterm labor problems and its complications and regarding the controversies on the relationship of interpregnancy intervals of less than 15 months and preterm labor and in order to define effect of interpregnancy interval of less than 15 months on preterm labor, the present study was performed at Shabikhani Maternity Hospital during 1997-1998.Materials and Methods: In a case study, control group (N=100) consisted labors after 37 weeks of pregnancies and a case group (N=70) of labors before 37 weeks of pregnacy. Interpregnancy interval of less than 15 months in two groups after termination of preceding pregnancy and start of next pregnancy was evaluated. Case and control groups were matched for influencing factors on preterm labor. Chi-square statistical analysis was used to test the results and Odd's ratio were determined.Results: No significant differences were observed among case and control groups (N =100). Short interpregnancy interval was 9% and 21.4% among case and control group respectively (p < 0.02). Preterm labor was 2.7 time higher among women with interpregnancy interval of less than 15 month. Conclusions: Interpregnacy interval of less than 15 months has an effect on incidence of preterm labor. Further research in required to pinpoint the factors involved with the short interpregnancy interval.

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History and Objectives: Hirsutism after goiter is the most common etiology for women's reference to epecialized clinics in our country. Due to symptomatic treatment and various reports of possible effects of adrenal dysfunction on the creation of hirsutism, the present investigation was carried out on patients referred to Tarbiat-Modarres University Clinic in 1992-1993.Materials and Methods: A case control study was designed. The case group was consisted of 38 hirsut women with score of hirsutism greater than 5 based on Ferryman-Galway Pathway, clinical and para clinical assessment, and adrenal dysfunction. Control group was consisted of 31 healthy individuals without hirsutism. Information concerning interview of individuals, clinical and para clinical hormonal assessment and adrenal dysfunction were recorded for the two groups. Chi-square statistical analysis was performed.Results: From total of 38 pateints in the case group, 21.5% were suffering from adrenal dysfunction or adrenal-ovarian dysfunction and positive relationship was recorded between  adrenal dysfunction and hirsutism. Conclusions: Adrenal abnormalities is cause of hirsutim among patients examined. For proper treatment of hirsutism, those addressing the adrenal complications ought to be of prime concern and for those referred to the outpatient clinics, laboratory assessment of adrenal dysfunction is suggested.

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History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence of the beta-thalassemia carriership in our country, and the emphasis on the controlling and prophylaxis of the chronic symptoms, we decieded to review complete blood count (CBe) and hemoglobin electrophoresis among parents of major beta thalassemic patients that were referred to the Immam Hossein Hospital in 1997-1998. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study concerning parents of all beta-thalassemic patients that are referred to the Imam Hossein Hospital was carried out. Blood samples were taken for CBC and electrophoretic analysis. MCV and MCH levies of lower than 80fL and 27pg respectively were considered abnormal. HbA2levels higher than 3.5% was also considered as abnormal. Results: All 48 candidates (100%) had reduced MCV and MCR. MCV and MCH were 60I45fL and 20I1.5pg respectively. 62.5% had increased and 37.5% had normal RBC count. No record of low RBC was encountered. Results of electrophoretic test were as follows: HbF 2.4 I 2.4% and HbA2 5.2I1.1%. 89.5% of individuals had abnormal electrophoretic results and 10.5% had normal HbA2 levels (lower than 3.5%). Conclusions: All parents of beta-thalessemic major patients had abnormality in their CBC index, therefore the first step in evaluation of beta-thalassemia ought to be CBC assessment and once abnormal results are reported then electrophoretic analysis should be carried out. Further study on the diagnostic efficiency of CBC index in detection of minor beta-thalassemia is recommended.  

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History and Objectives: Considering the prevalence of coronary artery therosclerosis and its significant complications such as myocardial infarction, and its high rate motality and special involvment of the main left coronary artery division which includes higher mortality rate and the successful by-pass surgery compared to drug treatment and and assessment of relationship of  risk factors regarding the presence or absence of clinical signs and the study of its condition and stenosis of LMCA and its relationship with other stenosis in different parts of left and right coronary, the present study was carried out on patients referred to Dr. Shariati Hospital for coronary vessel angiography between 1990-1994. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on existing patients file from Dr. Shariati Hospital for whom coronary angiography was performed for the past five years. There was no preclinical or clinical evidence of rhomatic diseases or congenital heart disease and patients who were suffering from LMCAD were selected. Personal records, clinical signs, cardiovascular risk factors and angiographic results were extracted. Results: From the total of 1479patients, 10% had LMCAD. 94% of the patients had clinical signs such as pain or dyspnea. The most prevalent risk factor was hyperlipidemia (in 60% of cases). Hypercholesterolemia was the most common risk factor associated with the disease (60%) and increased arterial pressure was the least prevalent associated risk factor (2.5%). The distal  region narrowing in LMCA with 75% was the most frequent and in ostium it was the least frequent. The distribution of LMCA was in trunk lenght (11%), and 2% in middle section (6%), in proximal section (5%) and in the form of ectalic (2%). The distribution of the intensity of narrowing in LMCA shows that the most frequent relates to 30% narrowing and the least rates relates to obstructions over 90%. In other words, 55% of the patients 40% have narrowing or more. In inspecting the relationship between the MCAD and narrowing in other parts, the most frequent narrowing was associated in CX-artery with 79% of the cases and in descending proximal artery in 75% of cases, in distal region with 13% and in descending posterior artery with 19% of prevalence. Conclusions: The narrowing of coronary artery particularly in the main trunk is a common disease with high mortality rate. The characterization of angiography and its relationship with the narrowing in other parts of angiography relationship between this type of narrowing with narrowing the once in other parts of coronary artery results in identification of LMCAD.  

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History and Objectives: Due to high prevalence of depression among MI patients, and due to their complications and because of lack of information regarding depression state in CCU environment, the present study was carried out in CCU department of Shahid Beheshti Hospital to assess the prevalence of depression among AMI patients in the winter of 1997.Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out on patients with MI who admitted in CCU. 30 patients were selected in each month and their history of cardiac complications, past treatment were recorded from their patient's file. Patients lacking any moode disorders and those not on psychiatric treatment were selected for the study. Beck test was reformed on all patients. Its grade is from 0 to 3 and has 15 psychiatric topics and 16 physical topics; Beck's depression scale is as follow: 0-14; depression is in normal range of community, 15-30; mild depression, 31-47; moderate depression, 48-63 severe depression. Date were analyzed with EPI5 program.Results: 100patients (23 women and 77men) were studied. Patients with mild and moderate depression were among workers, and those with mild depression had some schooling or high school diploma. Moderate depression was lower among university graduates. Depression was more prevalent among patients with small family size. the prevalence of depression was 2-3 time higher among female patients. There is an increase in the incidence of depression in patients with MI and admission to CCU, however, there is no relationship between degree of depression and age, sex, education and job of the patients. Is there any increase in the incidence of depression among patients referred to CCU with MI? A Ion term study with greater number patients is required to address such a question. Conclusions: The present study addresses the female patients admitted to CCU departments and patients with small family size. The importance of CCU ward environment on the prevalence of depression is addressed.  

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History and Objectives: Because urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases in elderly patients, this study was conducted to identify bacterial infection and antibiotic resistance at Kahrizak nursing home in 1998. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was done. Urinary samples were collected and identified by standard bacteriologic methods. Antibiotic resistance was determined. Sex and age of patients were recorded. Results: of 487 patients, 34.7% od patients were men and 65.3% were women. 250 pateints were under the age of 54 years and 237patients were above the age of 55 years. 313patients  (64%) had bacteriuria. E coli was the most common bacteria among two age groups. The other bacteria were Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella and Staph. aureus, Alcaligenes and Providence. All bacteria were resistant to ampicillin (100%), tetracyclin (83.5%), cephalothin (81.2%) and co-trimoxsazol nitrofurantoin (62.6%). Conclusions: In the present study, the resistant bacteria to antibiotic was found therefore it is recommended that antibiogram should be done before prescription of other antibiotic. E coli was the most common bacteria, so, basic personal hiygine to control the infection is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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