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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2-1 (مسلسل 17-16)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2-1 (مسلسل 17-16)
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    2-1 (مسلسل 17-16)
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    2-1 (مسلسل 17-16)
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Introduction: This paper is a report on the development, structure and content of a diagnostic reading test. The target population of this test is Persian children who have problems in learning reading and may be considered as dyslexic. This diagnostic test is the first reading test developed for the native speakers of Persian. Materials & Methods: The theoretical framework of the test is based on two well-established reading tests for the English speaking children, namely Durrell Analysis of Reading and Neale Analysis of Reading Ability. The linguistic content of the subtests is selected from the vocabulary and texts of the textbook used in the primary schools. Both the vocabulary and the sentences of the parallel passages were controlled for frequency, phonemic/graphemic regularity, syllable structure, morphology, syntax and semantics. They were also controlled for value judgment by two linguistics and three first grader teachers. The first version of the test is normed on 605 boy and girl first graders from different educational sectors and schools selected randomly. The method used in this research is cross-sectional, descriptive-analytic and the data analysis is based on pearson, and mann-whitney u. Findings: Reliability of the reading passages is calculated based on parallel forms (~90%) and validity is based on content validity. This test has a supplementary section including spelling, graphem/ phoneme correspondness, nonword reading, irregular word reading, and copy subtests. Conclusion: Considering high reliability and precise validation of the test it can be used to diagnose the dyslexia and related reading impairments.

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View 4392

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Introduction: This research is an evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of comedy films in improving the mood of the long-stay schizophrenic inpatients. Materials & Methods: 50 schizophrenic patients in 2 rehabilitation wards of Razi Psychiatric – Center were selected on the basis of available sampling. They were divided into 2 groups (Experimental and Control), each group consisted of 25 patients. Before any therapeutic procedure, the magnitudes of their depression were measured by Beck Depressive Inventory. Afterwards, the experimental group was exposed to silent comedies of Charles Chaplin and Mr. Bean (Roan Atkinson) for 30 minutes every other day for two weeks. Mean while, the control group were shown a documentary film about the formation of planet Earth. At the end of the second week, the magnitude of depression of all cases were again measured by B.D.I. Findings: In order to investigate the statistical significance of differences between depression magnitude among both groups before and after the experiment, Mann Withney – U test, was utilized. Also for defining and explaining the data and drawing the scales, SPSS and Excel softwares were employed as well. Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, the difference between depression magnitude in both groups before and after the exposure to comedy films was significant at P=0.05. This finding shows that comedy films can improve the depressed mood in the long-stay schizophrenic people.

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View 2623

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Introduction: This study investigated the level of hearing disorder children's acceptance by their peers in inclusive and non-inclusive schools in the city of Tehran.Materials & Methods: The sample in this study was 323 elementary school students in grades 3-5 from the schools in different regions of Tehran. These students were studying along side their peers with mild hearing disability. Also for comparison this study used a sample of 65 students from non-inclusive (regular) schools. Level of acceptance was measured through the use of Acceptance Scale developed by Voeltz (1980). The major questions in this study were based on the impact of the factors of gender and the type of school attended by students (inclusive or non-inclusive). Finding: The results indicated that in inclusive schools, boy's level of acceptance was higher than that of the girls. Also a significantly lower level of acceptance was found in regular school students as compared with that found in inclusive schools. Conclusion: This finding led the investigators to conclude that the experience of inclusive education can lead to higher level of regular student's acceptance to wards special need students. Suggestions for future research are given in light of limitations of present study The need for further understanding of the factors contributing to student acceptance in inclusive settings is emphasized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Plaster cylindrical serial casting of interphalangeal joints of fingers began as an idea in the hand rehabilitation center established in the 1960 in vellore, India, by paul brand, MD,. As experienced by brand, the technique is not one one of progressive stretching but of growth. The cells of the contracted tissues are stimulated to grow and become internally rearranged or modified by being held in the maximum possible extention. This is why the process takes time and position must be held for a period of time there is no chance for remodeling to take place in an hour or two. Each day or every other day the joint can be recasted. Materials & Methods: In this survey 28 sample with flexion contracture in PIP joint who were referred to Iran hand rehabilitation center were treated by cylindrical casting. In the beginning of treatment sample were evaluated by T.A.M., flexion contracture, flexion gap. In one month every other day joints were recasted, and between casting wax bath, oil massage and exercise were used for the patients. Findings: In reevaluating mean of T.A.M. was superior than first evaluation (from 88.51 to 130.18) mean of flexion contracture was decreased (from 37.59 to 8.14), mean of flexion was decreased to. (from 4.37 to 2.37). Conclusion: Findings show that this method is a useful method for treating flexion contractures without limiting in range of motion.

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View 809

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Introduction: Hereditary Hearing loss (HHL) affects one in 1000 – 2000 new burns and more than 50% of these cases, the loss has a genetic basis. About 70% of HHL is non – syndromic with autosomal recessive forms accounting for ~85% of the genetic load. To date, more than 100 locus estimated for this kind of deafness. Different genes have been reported to be involved, but mutations in the connexin 26 gene (Cx26) have been established the basis of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss. Materials & Methods: The aim of this project is to study the prevalence of connexin 26 mutations by using Amplification Refractory Mutation System ARMS/PCR for detection of 35 delG and then we analyzed all samples excluding 35 del G homozygote by DHPLC and Direct Sequencing. Finding: We screened 76 chromosomes (38 patient) for GJB2 mutations. Thirty two (42%) carry GJB2 mutations including 35 del G, W24X, R32H, R127H, 3170G>A. Among them, 35 delG has the highest frequency (84%). Polymorphism V153I was found in three chromosomes. Conclusion: According to our results, other loci and genes may be the major responsible for nonsyndromic deafness in this population.

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View 1226

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Introduction: Parents (or parent) drug addiction may cause or enhance behavioral disorders in children (12). In the present study the behavioral disorders among the children of addicted and non-addicted fathers were investigated. Materials & Methods: Subjects were 125 students with addicted fathers and 125 students with non-addicted fathers (N=250. The instrument used in this study was Rutter's Teacher Questionnaire. Findings: The prevalence rate of behavioral disorders in children with addicted fathers was higher than the prevalence rate of behavioral disorders in children with nonaddicted fathers. Significant differences were found by gender on rates of behavioral disorders. Fathers' levels of education were related to the children's rates of behavioral disorders. Behavioral disorders occur at a higher rate in children with non-educated and low educated fathers. In comparison with children of non-addicted fathers, children of addicted fathers had higher rates of school absenteeism. Children of addicted fathers also had higher rates of visiting school consular. There was a significant relationship between behavioral disorders and academic achievements. Academic achievements were negatively related. Conclusions: Fathers drug addiction and behavioral disorders in children are related  

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Introduction: This research has been carried out with the aim of adaptation, standardization and finding the validity and reliability of Visual-Motor Skills-revised Test for children. Materials & Methods: A multi-stage sampling from the children of the city of Tehran resulted in a sample of 1281 subjects, ages 2,11through 13, 11. The test consisted of 23 geometric designs and each of the designs was assessed through definite criteria and was scored as errors (weakness) and accuracies (strength). For adaptation and standardization of this test, at first step the examiner's manual and the test items were translate into Farsi. The final from of the test was obtained after performing the pre-tryout and tryout stages, and doing the data analysis by classic model of reliability. Internal consistency coefficients of the subtests were obtained by Cronbach`s Alpha; time consistency of the compound scores were obtained by t-test.Alpha coefficient for the compound scores were obtained by  Guilford formula, which is designed for estimating the compound scores. To obtain the content validity, criterion-related validity and construct validity of the subtests and compound scores, appropriate methods were used. Findings: The results obtained ensure the applicability of this test for the evaluation of visual-motor skills of children of Tehran. Conclusion: According to the findings, this test can be used for the disorders in eye-hand coordination, the identification of children with disorders in visual-motor skills. It can also be used for the documentation of the development of fine-motor skills specially in visual-motor skills in 3-14 years-old children.

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Introduction: This research determined oral stereognosis (form recognition and spent time to recognize) in normal children in north and south of Tehran city to use it in assessment and therapy of oral senses and speech in children with articulation disorders. Materials & Methods: This research was done in 200 children who were 6& 7 years old and normal in Tehran city. 20 items with different shapes were used and children were wanted to recognize the shapes which were put in their mouth and they should choice one of three shapes located in front of them. Responses and the spent time were calculated. Findings: The mean scores of from recognition in children of 6 years old is 17/34 and in children of 7 years old is 17/59. There was no significant difference between them in their scores (p=.31). In addition, the time of formation diagnosis in 6 years old children is 2.67s (seconds) and in 7 years old children is 2.82s, there was no significant difference between them (p=.11). The northern city children responded slower than the other group (p=.000). The only statistically significant score between two sexes was the time of formation recognition which was shorter in girls relative to the boys (p=.043). Conclusion: Based on this study, a significant correlation could not be found in ability of oral stereognosis in 6 and 7 years old children. But in south of city children can recognize faster than children in northern city. Based on importance of this sense in speech, we suggest normalization of it in different ages.

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Introduction: To investigate whether a neoprene ankle support and elastic bandage around the ankle joint of subjects with ankle sprain (grad I & II) would, in short term (a) reduce pain (b) improve ankle joint position sense and comparison of their effect with each other if they have. Materials & Methods: In a semi-experimental study, 30 subjects (16 men, 14 women, age between 16-52) with ankle sprain grade I & II). Subjects had to have at least 2cm from 10cm visual analogue scale (VAS) of ankle pain for study entry. All patients were randomly assigned to either an elastic bandage or a neoprene ankle support. One week later they were assigned to the opposite selection. Joint position sense was assessed in the sitting. Position using an electrogoniometer and pain by VAS where 0cm equals no pain and 10cm equals worst pain. Ankle pain and JPS were assessed for each selection one week apart. During each visit assessment were performed at base line and after 20min of bandage/neoprene ankle support application. Findings: The mean of scores for ankle variables JPS and VAS was taken and paired-t test and Wilcoxon signed rank test was employed to calculate the different between two trails. Neoprene ankle support had significant effect on ankle JPS (p=0.034). But elastic bandaged had no effect (P=0.539). Both of them had significantly reduced ankle pain. (P=0.000) Conclusion: In subjects with both neoprene ankle support and elastic bandage reduced ankle pain with more effect of neoprene ankle support. Only the neoprene ankle support had effect on knee JPS.

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Introduction: Negative symptoms in schizophrenia are among the important barriers against Rehabilitation of Schizophrenic patients. Adjunctive drugs and social skills training can be used for reducing the severity of such symptoms. In this research we studied the efficacy of Bromocriptine, Fluoxetine, and Nortripty line in reducing Negative symptoms of Schizophrenia. This is for the first time that Nortripty line is being appraised regarding to this matter. Materials & Methods: One hundred Schizophrenic patients in Razi psychiatric hospital were selected randomly and divided into four groups to take part in an open and controlled study. These groups were treated respectively with Bromocriptine 2.5mg, Fluoxetine 20mg, Nortriptyline 25mg, and finally placebo, in addition to their current treatments (including standard Antipsychotics). After three weeks the dosage of aforesaid drugs were doubled and after another three weeks they tapered and the study terminated. Existence and severity of Negative symptoms had been appraised at the beginning and before starting these drugs (and at the end of the third week and finally at the end of the sixth week by the scale of SANS. During this course (Six week) only one patient in the Fluoxetine group due to his reluctance and another one in the palcebo group due to cardiac accident were excluded. No other major side effects were seen among the other patients. The data about variables were statistically surveyed by Z and Chi-Square (x2-test) formula. Findings: Negative symptoms in the aforesaid groups were reduced with placebo, Bromocriptine, Fluoxetine, and Nortripty line Respectively in 37.5%, 62.5% and 80% percent of patients in their related groups. This reduction in the majority of cases was restricted to only 20% percent from the baseline. Only in three cases in the Nortiptyline's group and one in the Bromocriptine's groups this reduction was up to 40% percent. There was no difference between mild to moderate and severe symptoms regarding to respond to treatment. This reduction was occurred discretely among different five clusters of symptoms. Conclusion: Bromocriptine, Fluoxetine and Nortriptyline reduced negative symptoms in Schizophrenic patients. Among them in relation with placebo the Nortriptyline was the most effective one (P<0.005) and Bromocriptine the weakest (P<0.75), and Fluoxetine between this two (P<0.1). There was no significant differences between Nortripty line and Flouxetine on one hand (P<0.25), and Fluoxetine and Bromocriptine (P<0.25) on the other hand. But Nortriptyline was remarkably more effective than Bromocriptine (P<0.01).

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Pain the sensory and emotional experience of discomfort which is usually associated with actual or threatened physical damage or irritation. Virtually all people experience pain at all ages. Children also experience pain from the moment of birth through childhood years. Understanding pain in children is very important, because of treatment implication and its influence in child physical and psychological development.  Experienced researchers have found that pain is a consequence of emotional disorder which is observed in some patients. In many cases we have seen that a patient says to his/her clinician that she has no pain because there is no evidence of somatic disease. Discomfort involved in psychogenic pain seems to resort primarily from psychological process. Many of physician are familiar with unpleasant and avoidant consequences of these distortions. In these cases, it is better for us to agree with patients, experience of pain and not to probe somatic risk factors and their mechanism all the time. The researches have recognized that psychological factors can cause pain which is named psychogenic pain. It means that the cause of pain has psychological roots, versus organic pain which is related to discomfort is caused by tissue damage. In this study, theatrical, psychological, psychoanalytical and psycho social approaches and personality characteristics description related to pain and the relations among these approaches in this area have been studied. Also, the perception of pain among children with different gender have been probed.    

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Ataxia Telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder in which cutaneous and scleral telangiectasia, cerebellar ataxia and immunodeficiency occur. There is a high incidence of development of malignant tumors, mainly lymphomas. Cerebellar atrophy is the most prominent abnormality and is shown better by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) than CT-Scan. Intracranial hemorrhage occurs rarely. We report a 7 years old boy who admitted for recurrent pulmonary infections. His examination showed ataxic gait with decreased deep tendon reflexes in lower extremities. He had telangiectasia in the eyes and his speech was slurred and difficult. Brain MRI showed cerebellar atrophy with diffuse hyperintensity in white matter, most prominent in occipital region, which was suggestive of leukodystrophy. This white matter change was not reported before in AT.  

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