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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    1 (73)
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Introduction: Given the importance of co-authorship and thematic networks in expanding specialization and improving the quality of scientific works, the purpose of this research is to map and analyze the co-authorship and thematic networks of Semnan University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) in the Web of Science database between 20132017. Materials and Methods: The population is scientific products of the SUMS, indexed on Web of Science database from 2013 to 2017. The data were analyzed using HistCite, Excel, and SPSS software, and Citespace and Gephi software was used to map the networks and analyze them. Results: Number of scientific productions of the SUMS is 406 research papers that have had an ascending trend in the years under study and the utmost growth has been registered in 2017. The pattern of co-authorship used by the majority of researchers is 4 authors pattern. The total number of received citations in the years under study is 11. 1 citations and the mean citation for each document is 3. The cooperation index of the researchers of the SUMS is 5. 44, cooperation degree is 0. 99 and cooperation coefficient is 0. 766. Majority of international cooperation of the researchers of university is with Sweden, Poland and Australia. Co-authorship network of the researchers of SUMS in the years between 2013 and 2017 includes 57 knots and 99 links. Conclusion: The degree of cooperation from the research is equal to 0. 99. The degree of cooperation shown shows the high cooperation of researchers in the compilation of articles, and the researchers cooperation coefficient is equal to 0. 766, which shows that over the years studied, researchers' scientific cooperation has increased. This research also revealed that researchers with more publications are likely to have more collaborative works.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 73)
  • Pages: 

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هدف: با توجه به اهمیت شبکه های هم تألیفی و موضوعی در گسترش تخصص گرایی و ارتقای کیفیت آثار علمی، هدف این پژوهش ترسیم و تحلیل شبکه های هم تألیفی و موضوعی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی سمنان در پایگاه استنادی علوم بین سال های 2017-2013 بود. مواد و روشها: جامعه پژوهش، تولیدات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی سمنان، نمایه شده در پایگاه استنادی علوم بین سال های 2017-2013 است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزارHistCite، Excell و SPSS و جهت ترسیم شبکه ها و تحلیل آن ها از نرم افزار Citespace و Gephi استفاده شد. یافتهها: تعداد تولیدات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی سمنان 406 عنوان مقاله است که در سال های موردبررسی روند روبه رشدی داشته و بیش ترین رشد مربوط به سال 2017 است. الگوی هم تألیفی غالب پژوهشگران، الگوی 4 نویسندگی است. تعداد کل استنادهای دریافتی در سال های موردبررسی 1101 استناد و میانگین استناد به ازای هر مدرک 3 استناد است. شاخص همکاری پژوهشگران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی سمنان 44/5، درجه همکاری 99/0 و ضریب همکاری 766/0 است. بیش ترین همکاری بین المللی پژوهشگران دانشگاه، با کشورهای سوئد، لهستان و استرالیا است. شبکه هم تألیفی پژوهشگران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی سمنان در سال های 2013 تا 2017 شامل 57 گره و 99 پیوند است. نتیجهگیری: درجه همکاری حاصل از پژوهش برابر با 99/0 است که درجه همکاری به دست آمده نشان دهنده همکاری بالای پژوهشگران در تألیف مقالات است و ضریب همکاری پژوهشگران نیز برابر 776/0 است که نشان می دهد در مجموع در طی سال های موردبررسی، تمایل پژوهشگران به همکاری های علمی افزایش یافته است. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند ابعاد همکاری را مشخص نموده و در کمک به سیاست گذاری پژوهشی تأثیرگذار باشد.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Whole body vibration (WBV) in some studies has been suggested as an intervention for improving body fat. The purpose of current study is to review systematically the studies that have evaluated the effect of WBV on body fat. Materials and Methods: In this systematic review a search within the period of 2001-2017 was performed at PubMed, Cochrane Library, Science Direct, Web of Science, Ovid, Scopus, Google Scholar, Medline, Clinical Trial. gov, ProQuest, Iranmedex, Irandoc, Magiran, SID databases. In this process, studies that had investigated the effects of WBV on body fat were included. PEDro quality scale was used for the assessment of included studies. Results: 9 Out of 1006 studies were selected based on inclusion criteria. Many differences between the articles in the target samples, methodology etc was observed. Overall, it has been shown that this intervention cannot significantly affect the amount of whole body fat, while its effects are locally on body fat. WBV alone doesn’ t have more and significant benefits on body fat, as compared to training exercises. Conclusion: Conclusuvely, WBV with exercise can have greater effects on body fat, than WBV alone. WBV cannot affect the amount of whole body fat and its effects are more localized. It seems that strong determination of the effect of WBV on the body fat level requires homogeneous and high-quality studies be conducted in this field to allow the meta-analysis study.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Severe hyperbilirubinemia may cause side effects such as hearing impairment or bilirubin encephalopathy. In this way, transcutaneous bilirubinometry (TCB) is a non-invasive screening method, which is performed using BiliCheck and does not require frequent blood sampling, time and cost. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of TCB on third day of birth in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia diagnosis in term and nearterm neonates. Materials and Methods: A test assessment method was chosen with continuous sampling in 388 neonates 35 weeks and more at Akabar Abadi hospital in Tehran in 2011. On the third day of birth, cutaneous bilirubin levels (TCB) in the forehead by using BiliCheck and serum bilirubin (TSB) was measured from the heel capillary sample and consequently were compared with each other. Results: In neonatal hyperbilirubinemia diagnosis on the third day of birth, cutaneous bilirubin measurement had the sensitivity of 82% with the confidence interval (78. 2%, 85. 7%), specificity of 99. 3% with the confidence interval (98. 7%, 99. 9%), positive predictive value of 92. 9 with the confidence interval (88. 0%, 96. 2%) and negative predictive value of 94. 8% with the confidence interval (92. 8, 96. 8). Generally, the third day measurement of cutaneous bilirubin had a predictive value of 94. 5% in detecting high-risk neonates for hyperbilirubinemia. Conclusion: Third day TCB, in addition to being non-invasive and convenient use, has a high predictive value to detecting the risk of hyperbilirubinemia in neonate and it is recommended to use hyperbilirubinemia screening.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Self-care, behavior changes and health maintenance are the essential factors to prevent the exacerbation of cardiovascular disease. Having a valid and reliable tool is essential to evaluate self-care status of patients with hypertension. Relatively, the present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Hypertension Self-Care Profile (HTN-SCP) in patients with high blood pressure. Materials and Methods: In this methodological research, using multi-stage cluster sampling, 325 patients with high blood pressure were selected to complete the Persian version of the hypertension self-care profile. The questionnaire was translated according to WHO guidelines. Face, content and construct validity (by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) was investigated. Reliability was measured using the McDonald's Omega and Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Results: Four factors, including diet and activity regimen, medication regimen, food labels and disease management were extracted based on exploratory factor analyses. They were able to explain 51. 39% of the variance of all self-care variables. The fitness of the four-factor model of self-care construct was approved based on standard indices (NFI=0. 92, CFI=0. 96, PNFI=0. 80, RMSEA=0. 067). Reliability of HTN-SCP was 0. 865 based on the Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient. Conclusion: The four-factor structure of HTN-SCP suitable validity and reliability. Conclusively, given to its proper psychometric properties, this questionnaire can be used in patients with hypertension in future researches in Iran.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fatigue on electromyography activity of biceps femoris, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of soccer players. Materials and Methods: In this study timing and electromyography activity of biceps femoris, medial gastrocnemius and soleus of soccer players (15 subjects) during different times of football were investigated. Surface electromyography (ME6000) was used to collect data during single leg drop (before the game, after the first and the second half time). Results: Results of this study showed that although fatigue affects muscle's timing but in different periods of time it wasn’ t significant (P>0. 05). Conspiciously, significant differences were observed for feedforward activity of biceps femoris and soleus (P≤ 0. 05), but for medial gastrocnemius it wasn't significant (P>0. 05). Also significant differences were observed for feedback activity of soleus muscles (P≤ 0. 05), but it wasn’ t significant for biceps femoris and medial gastrocnemius (P>0. 05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that fatigue leads to insignificant changes in timing but there were significant differences for feed forward activity of biceps femoris and soleus and feedback activity of soleus. So, during training sessions, trainers should be trying to improve player's tolerance and prevent soccer injuries.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Lichen planus is a mucocutaneus disorder with oral complications such as ulceration, soreness, and discomfort and malignancy transformation risk. Previous studies on the relationship between oral lichen planus (OLP) and thyroid problems had inconsistent results. Considering the importance of the subject, the purpose of this study was to investigate this relationship. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 12, 000 records in the Archives of Shahid Sadoghy Dental Faculty (Yazed, Iran) from 2004 to 2014 with convenience sampling method. The patients were divided into four groups, based on OLP and thyroid disease. Correspondingly, inclusion criteria included 18-60 years of age, the absence of other systemic and mucosal diseases and other thyroid diseases (other than hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism). Results: Among 542 subjects included in the study, 31. 4% of patients with hypothyroidism and 37. 5% of hyperthyroidism patients and 20. 8% of the normal people were diagnosed with OLP. No significant relationship was found between thyroid disease and patients with OLP and also between lichen planus and sex. However, the relationship between age and OLP was significant increasing by 1. 7 times for each year. Conclusion: In this study, there has not found any significant relationship between OLP and thyroid disease and sex, but increasing age had a clear effect on the risk of OLP. Considering the significance of both diseases, other studies with more sample sizes are recommended.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Migraine is one of the debilitating diseases that can interfere with human function. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality and migraine headache. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 98 patients with migraine referred to the Neurosurgical Clinic of Kosar Hospital and Semnan Specialist Neuropsychiatric Clinics in 2017 with a history of at least one year of history of the disease and 100 patients in the control group were evaluated. The instrument was a five-factor neopersonality questionnaire with questions about individual characteristics. Results: The mean± standard deviation of the age of patients with migraine was 32. 4 ± 7. 8. 53. 1% of them were male and 59. 2% of the patients were married. The mean score of emotional stability in migraine patients was significantly higher than the control group (p<0. 001), but the mean scores of enthusiasm for new experiences in migraine patients were significantly lower than the control group (p=0. 039). Notably, the score of extraversion or introversion factors (p=0. 697), consistency (p=0. 462), accountability (p=0. 056), and all questions of the questionnaire (p=0. 675) were not significant between migraine patients and control group. Conclusion: The findings showed that migraine patients are more emotionally unstable than non-migraine group, and they are less enthusiastic about their new experiences, therefore, by modifying the personality traits, it is possible to control the migraine.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Patients with cancer during their chemotherapy period are more at risk for nutritional problems and weight loss due to oral problems. Over the years, oral care protocols and mouthwashes have been developed to control this problem. Recently, in some studies, the effect of oral care programs and honey on the nutritional status of patients under chemotherapy has been studied. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of honey mouthwash and an oral care protocol on weight loss in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) undergoing chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: In this single-blind clinical trial, sixty patients with AML under chemotherapy admitted to Ghazi Tabatabaee hospital of Tabriz, Iran were selected with convenience sampling and were randomly assigned into three groups: honey mouthwash (n=20) and oral care (n=20) and a control group (n=20). In addition to routine care, patients in the oral care group received twice daily toothbrush, dental floss was used once a day and normal saline mouthwash, and in the honey group, honey mouthwash was used four times a day for 30 seconds (honey to water ratio 1: 20). The weight of patients was measured using a digital scale at baseline and at 4 weeks follow-up (4 times). Results: The trend of weight changes in the control group was decreasing; in the honey mouthwash group, after the first week was ascending, and in the oral care group, it was almost constant. Importantly, comparison of mean weight in the study groups during the first and second weeks was not significant (p>0. 05) but at the end of the third week, the difference of mean weight of the patients in the honey and control group (p=0. 039) and at the end of the week in the honey and control group (p=0. 001) and honey and oral care (p=0. 04) were significant. The effect of intervention of honey mouthwash was significant over time (p<0. 01). Conclusion: The results of the study showed that honey mouthwash improved the weight of patients during the stay, while this trend was reversed in the other two groups. Considering the effectiveness of honey mouthwash and easy use, the using this mouthwash with oral hygiene education is recommended to improve nutritional indices of patients in cancer care units.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis lead to many physical and psychological problems which can have adverse effects on the physical, psychological health and well-being of patients. Correspondigly, some studies indicated that the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is effective on improving physical and mental health in patients with chronic illnesses. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on subjective well-bing in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Materials and Methods: Current study was a randomized clinical trial with pretest, posttest and follow up, which conducted on 22 patients undergoing hemodialysis in Kosar Hospital of Semnan (Iran). Data was collected by Questionnaire of subjective-well-being. Results: There was significant statistical differences between two groups in the subscales of psychological wellbing (p = 0. 001) and social well-bing(p = 0. 017). Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended to the use of ACT as an effective and complementary psychological intervention alongside with medical therapy to improve the subjective-well-being of hemodialysis patients.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Recently, proximal femur geometry has been identified as a risk factor for hip fracture, and studies about the association of proximal femoral geometric indices with these fractures worldwide have reported inconsistent results. In this study, this association was studied in an Iranian population. Materials and Methods: In this case control study that was performed in Ayatollah Kashani Hospital in 1395 in Shahrekord, 81 patients with proximal femur fracture were trained with low energy and 83 healthy subjects over 50 years old. After recording the demographic data, the pelvic radiograph was taken and femoral neck width (FNW), femoral Shaft Diameter (FSD), femoral neck axis length (FNAL), hip axis length (HAL) and neck shaft angle (NSA) parameters were measured in both groups using orthopedic ruler. Data analysis was performed using stata software. Results: The mean age of case group (70. 81± 13. 86 years) was significantly higher than control group (61. 35± 9. 89 years) (P=0. 00). Intrestingly, the mean height and weight of case group were lower than control group (P<0. 05). After adjusting for age, among the geometric indices, only FNW was lower in case group than control group (P=0. 01), and there was no significant difference in FNAL, HAL, FSD and NSA indices between the two groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion: In this study older age, female sex, shorter heights, and less weight were associated with the incidence of proximal femoral fractures. Conclusively, FNAL, HAL, FSD, and NSA could not predict proximal femoral fractures in our samples. However, FNW reduction significantly increased the risk of femoral neck fractures in both male and female patients.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of eight weeks resistance training and ginger consumption on malondialdehyde (MDA) and body composition index in type 2 diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental design with double-blind, 44 type 2 diabetic patients (fasting glucose ≥ 126mg/dl 30-60) (with an average height 169. 92± 7. 20 cm, weight 82. 41± 6. 34 Kg, age 53/49± 7/01 years and body composition 28. 57± 2. 07 m2), were selected purposefully and randomly divided into four groups: Ginger rhizome, resistance training plus placebo consumption, resistance training plus ginger rhizome and placebo groups. Ginger rhizome capsule (Zintoma, 1g) was given once a day for 8 weeks. Resistance training carried out using a progressive resistance protocol with 65 to 80 1RM consisted of eight resistance exercises for 8 weeks (three times a week). Before starting the exercise program and after eight weeks, the blood samples were collected from he antecubital vein. The MDA concentration was determined by spectrophotometer method and thiobarbitoric acid and body composition was calculated a caliper device. Results: The results of the study showed a significant decrease in the MDA concentration in all groups except the placebo group. Body mass index and body fat were significantly different in training groups, but there was no change in ginger rhizome and placebo groups (p≥ 0. 05). Conclusion: The long-term use of ginger supplementation and resistance training reduced serum levels of MDA and body composition, so long-term resistance training with zinc supplementation could be an effective factor for the desired changes in the oxidative stress index and body composition of patients Type 2 diabetes.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) accounts for 5-10% of thyroid malignancies. The origin of medullary thyroid cancer is para-follicular cells of the thyroid. Several studies showed that relationship between adipokines and cancers. Omentin is an adipokine secreted from adipose tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between plasma levels of omentin in patients with medullary thyroid cancer. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 90 individuals were studied (45 cases and 45 controls). Omentin plasma levels of these individuals were measured by ELISA method. Results: In general, plasma levels of omnentin in all patients with MTC was significantly higher than the control group (P = 0. 002). Omentin plasma levels in both women and men with MTC were ignificantly higher than the corresponding control group (P = 0. 0371, and P = 0. 0240, respectively). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that plasma levels omentin in patients with MTV were higher than the healthy group. Thus omentin may be considered as a novel and promising biomarker for diagnosis or confirmation of MTC.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Toddlers communicate through vocalizations, gestures and words. So, early diagnosis of vocabulary problems based on the developmental findings is the first step in the early intervention. It is essential to have developmental data based on each culture and geographic region. The aim of the current study was to investigate receptive and expressive lexicons in Persian toddlers using the McArthur Bates questionnaire-persian version. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the expressive and receptive lexicons of 64 Farsi speaking toddlers aged 12 to 14 months (32 girls and 32 males) were investigated. The participants were invited through the Bardaskan health centers in Razavi Khorasan province, Iran. Then regarding to the inclusion criteria, toddlers were selected through simple non-probability sampling method. All mothers filled out the McArthur's expressive and receptive vocabulary lists-form I (397 words). Results: The mean ± SD for the receptive lexicon was 147. 64 ± 37. 57, and for the expressive lexicon was 18. 22 ± 12. 26. Considerably, there were no significant differences between boys and girls in any of these variables (p>0. 05). Meaningly, Toddlers showed different preferences for the subcategories of receptive and expressive vocabularies. While for the receptive lexicon, main words belonged to the verbs, names of the small appliances, and food subcategories, in expressive vocabulary people's names, environmental sounds and games and daily routines were at the top. There is a direct and significant relationship between age and the lexicon size (p < 0/05, r = 0/4) Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that the lexicon development of Toddlers in Bardscan follows the universal of language development. Since the receptive lexicon developed before the expressive one, the size of receptive lexicon was larger than the size of the expressive one, and the size of expressive lexicon increased with age. Even toddlers in Bardscan have lexical preferences which were similar to the toddlers from different languages and cultures. The only difference between the participants of the present study and toddlers from different languages or cultures was the size of the both lexicons. Consequently, Toddlers in Bardscan had larger receptive and expressive lexicons that might be related to the culture and the extent of the relationship between them and the other people.

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Introduction: The first diagnostic feature of late-children talkers is the low number of descriptive vocabulary coffers compared to peers. The purpose of this study was to compare the lexical variation (TTR) between late and spoken Persian language children in the age range of 2-3 years. Materials and Methods: In this pilot cross-sectional-comparative study, 8 late talkers and 8 normal children matched according age, gender and education of mother, were participated. These children did not have any neurological and motor deficit, hearing impairment, autism, and intellectual disabilities. So, report of mothers was used for determination of words in expressive vocabulary of both groups. Words were parted to 4 classes of nouns, verbs, modifier words and grammatical words. Mean of TTR in 4 classes was compared in both groups using Mann Whitney U test. Results: Results indicated that the mean frequency of noun class to the total words in late talkers is significantly more than typical children. The mean frequencies of verb and modifier classes to the total words in typical children are significantly more than late talkers. The mean frequency of grammatical words class to the total words in late talkers is more than typical children but this difference isn't significant (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Increasing of TTR in late talker's noun category indicated a delay in development of expressive vocabulary. Reasons, prognosis and need of preventive intervention have been discussed.

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Introduction: The DSM-5 Personality Disorder Questionnaire (PID-5) is a diagnostic tool created for the purpose of diagnostic-based diagnosis in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5). Considering the need for valid instruments in the field of diagnosis of personality disorders in Farsi, the present study was designed to translate and evaluate the structure and internal consistency of the Personality Inventory for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th Edition (PID-5). Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study had done in 2017. After translating PID-5 via forward and backward translation method, the data gathering have been started. Participants were 285 (66% women) Communitydwelling adults. Results: The mean alpha coefficient for PID-5 in the current study was. 74 ranging from. 52 (Suspiciousness) to . 90 (Eccentricity). The majority of scales (i. e., 18) had alphas above. 70. The range of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Domains were 0. 70 (Antagonism) to 0. 84 (Psychoticism). Additionally, five factors tructure of PID-5 was replicated in Iranian culture. Conclusion: This study provided initial support for the structural validity, internal consistency and cross-cultural similarity of The Persian version of PID-5. So, the PID-5 can be used in research and diagnosis of personality traits in Iranian society confidently.

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Introduction: The severity of addiction is one of the important indicators in the typology, etiology and treatment of drug users. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of demographic factors (age of onset of consumption, family history), history of anxiety and psychological factors (mood and emotional schemas) in predicting the severity of addiction. Materials and Methods: Using a correlation scheme, 325 people with substance use disorder were selected in an accessible manner. We used demographic checklist, trauma history questionnaire, temperament and character inventory and emotional schemas questionnaire for gathering data. Results: Addiction severity of individuals with a history of childhood abuse was higher than individuals without these kinds of experiences. Multiple regressions showed that simplistic view about emotion, novelty seeking and acceptance of emotions explained 30% variances of addiction severity. The association between novelty seeking and acceptance of emotions with addiction severity was negative, but the association between simplistic views about emotions and addiction severity was positive. Conclusion: History of childhood abuse increase severity of addiction. Novelty seeking as a distal factor has effective on the addiction severity. Simplistic view over emotions and problems in accepting emotions were proximal psychopathological mechanisms which contribute in relapse of addiction and could be targeted in treatment of individuals with substance use disorders.

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Introduction: Milk intolerance is a common problem in a preterm neonate with low birth weight, which results in the need to feed through the vessel with its many complications. Erythromycin is an antibiotic with prokinetic properties that can have beneficial effects in the treatment of this disorder. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of moderate dose erythromycin on the treatment of intolerance to nutrition in preterm infants. Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, the neonates were randomly divided into two groups receiving erythromycin (20 mg/kg/day) or placebo, and the number of cases of milk intolerance (milk lavage), milk filling time, necrotizing enterocolitis, duration of hospitalization, probable complications of erythromycin, such as hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, and other cases were compared in both groups. Results: 64 preterm infants with the mean gestational age of 30. 1 ± 2. 49 weeks were studied. The number of milk intolerance and the mean milk filling time (150 cc/kg/day) were significantly lower in the erythromycin group than in the control group (P<0. 05). Other variables were not significantly different between the two groups of erythromycin and placebo (P>0. 05). Conclusion: Erythromycin with a moderate dose was effective in reducing the incidence of milk intolerance and improving the mean time to reach the full volume of milk in premature neonates with low birth weight, and it appeared to be a safe drug for these neonates.

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Introduction: In addition to increasing survival and improving the quality of life of the patient, ostomy surgery leads to mental, psychological and social isolation. Considerably, having a good general health and high self-efficacy is necessary to cope with stressful situations in these patients. In this way, the purpose of this study was to predict selfefficacy based on general health dimensions in patients with ostomy. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 patients with ostomy referring to the Iranian Ostomy Society were selected through simple and accessible sampling in 2016. Data were collected by questionnaires of demographic, general health, and stoma self-efficacy scale. Results: Most of the patients (68%) were under the age of 65 years. The mean and standard deviation of the general health and self-efficacy were 28. 3 ± 7. 6 and 96. 6 ± 15. 1 respectively. Pearson correlation test showed a positive and significant correlation between self-efficacy with anxiety/insomnia (r=0. 357, P=0. 001) and physical symptoms (r = 0. 191, P < 0. 05) dimension, and a negative and significant correlation between self-efficacy and depression (r =-0. 279, P = 0. 001). The results of stepwise regression showed that insomnia/anxiety, depression and physical symptoms were able to explain 36. 8% of self-efficacy changes in these patients. Conclusion: It is concluded that the findings of this study showed that general health status and its dimensions predict self-efficacy in patients with ostomy. This was especially true in patients with lower levels of education and older.

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Eshaghi Marzieh | Fallah Ramazan | EMAMGHOLI KHOOSHEHCHIN TARANEH



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Introduction: Premenstrual syndrome includes physical, mood and behavior symptoms that repeatedly occuring in the luteal of the menstrual cycle and can lead to lack of adaptation against the husband, mistreatment against the children, family conflict and social relations reduction. The current study investigated the effect of group counseling of stress management skills and vitamin B6 on symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Materials and Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 66 students with PMS in 2016 (Iran). PMS subjects divided into the stress management group, the vitamin B6 group and the control group (n = 22 in each group). The stress managements group trained using a life skill package during 4 sessions (2 hours) per week during the two successive menstrual cycles. The vitamin B6 group received 80 mg of vitamin daily for the last 7 days of the two successive successive cycles. The control group did not receive any interventions. The data were collected using the demographic questionnaire and the premenstrual screening symptoms tools questionnaire (PSST). Results: Two months after the intervention, the intensity of PMS symptoms was significantly reduced in both intervention groups than the control group (P<0. 05). No significant difference was found between the stress management and vitamin 6 groups. Conclusion: The present study shows that both the stress management counseling and vitamin B6 can reduce the severity of the PMS symptoms. Given that the non-pharmacological method is free of side effects, the stress management method is recommended for controlling the symptoms of the PMS.

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Introduction: Giant cell granuloma is a non-neoplastic lesion that is characterized by the fact that granulation tissue proliferation has many multiples of giant cells. Considering the role of IL-4 and RANKL in the pathogens of the disease in this study, we investigated the synergism effects of these two factors on the survival of monocytes isolated from peripheral blood in patients with giant cell granuloma compared with healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: After blood collection of patients with giant cell granuloma and healthy individuals, peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated by ficoll density gradient centrifugation and the monocytes were isolated using human Monocyte Isolation Kit II. Isolated monocytes were then cultured in the absence or presence of IL-4 and RANKL (10 and 20 ng/mL) for five days. After morphological examination by inverted microscope, following MTT assay was performed to determine proliferation. Results: The results showed a difference in the survival of monocytes in comparison between the patient group and the healthy group after the treatment period. On the other hand, in both patient and healthy groups, the number of treated cells was higher in comparison to untreated control groups, which in the groups treated with morphological evidence showed a change in favor of the formation of giant cells. Both IL-4 and RANKL factors increased the survival of monocytes in comparison with the control group. Conclusion: The results of this study showed the increased survival and the number of monocytes isolated from peripheral blood in patients with giant cell granuloma by IL-4 and RANKL factors, with the creation of morphology of giant cell. These results indicate that IL-4 and RANKL factors are involved in the onset of malignant disease.

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Introduction: Because of the need for more and different follow-ups in developmental delayed children, determining the effective factors, one of which is the mother's age during pregnancy, is important in any community. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between maternal age and developmental status of infants. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was performed on a multistage sampling method to examine the demographic characteristics and development of 6-18 months old infants who referred to comprehensive health centers (Qazvin, Iran) in 2017. Two hundred participants were evaluated in two groups of 100 subjects (with developmental delay) and control (normal development). The developmental status was measured using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) that have been standardized in Iran and have national cutting points. Results: Notably, there were significant relations between mean maternal (P = 0. 000) and father (P = 0. 001) age with developmental status. Also, there was a significant relationship between developmental delay in the area of the communication (P = 0. 000) and problem-solving (P = 0. 008) with maternal age. However, there was no significant difference between maternal (P = 0. 43) and paternal educational level (P = 0. 34) with development status. Conclusion: Growth and development of children, especially development, is of particular importance. Given the relationship between maternal ages at pregnancy with developmental delay in this study, informing parents in this field can be effective in preventing the developmental delay.

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Introduction: Osteoporosis is a major problem in patients with B-thalassemia major. Osteoclasts hyperactivity, which increases serum levels of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand (RANKL), plays an important role in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in these patients. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between serum levels of RANKL and osteoporosis in patients with beta thalassemia major. Materials and Methods: 52 patients with beta thalassemia major and 22 people with thalassemia minor without any osteoporosis symptoms as controls were entered the study. Six ml of peripheral blood was obtained for hematologic and serum RANKL measurements. Results: The mean of bone mineral density in patients were 0. 57 ± 0. 3 and 0. 69 ± 0. 11 in femur and vertebra, respectively. There were significant differences between hematologic parameters of patients and controls. The mean of patient’ s serum RANKL level was 198. 4pg/mL and in controls was 112. 25pg/mL. There was a correlation between decrease of femur BMD (p<0. 02) and increase of RANKL level. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that increases of serum levels of RANKL in patients with beta thalassemia major may lead to the osteoporosis, and thus, the detection of RANKL, could be usful for early diagnosis of osteoporosis.

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Introduction: Fertility is responsible for the biological survival of the community. Therefore awareness of the fertility behaviors and the reasons for choosing these behaviors is very important. This study was designed to explain the factors influencing behavioral thinking from the viewpoint of specialists in the year 2016. Materials and Methods: This qualitative study was carried out by content analysis method and with an analytical approach and an individual interview for collecting the views of the reproductive health and nursing staff and a group of well-educated women in northern Khorasan with different specializations at Bent Alhadi Hospital and Nursing Midwifery School and the province's advertising site and was conducted in relation to the factors influencing behavior. The duration of each interview was between 30-45 minutes and also was saturated with 40 people. To analyze the qualitative data, MAXQDA10 software was used. Results: The process of data analysis led to the emergence of two main categories including the underlying factors (welfare and access, social activities, women's independence and authority, ethnic-religious factors, government incentive packages, the impact of cyberspace, the situation health Community), and Individual factors including( reproductive health behavior, self-supporting, fertility desires of couples, couples sexual preferences, constraints childbearing, child and maternal health concerns). Considerably, some of them can be placed in both social and individual domains. Conclusion: Since fertility behavior as the most important phenomenon of population fluctuations is a multifactorial phenomenon and a wide variety of economic, social, and cultural factors influence on fertility through a complex mechanisms, therefore, it will be effective to identify the factors affecting fertility behavior and it seeks to provide appropriate policy with different views and different cultures in the country.

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Introduction: Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain that results from damage to the central nervous system and also environment. Neuropathic pain is important for general health and approximately 6% of the adult population is affected worldwide. Despite the therapeutic choices, treatment for neuropathic pain is facing challenges. An experimental model that is very close to human neuropathic model is the chronic constriction injury (CCI) model. Progesterone (PROG) is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory neurostimulants, and GABA-A receptor palys an important role in mediating the biological effects of PROG. In this study, the effects of PROG on behavioral responses of pain in the neuropathic pain model of CCI, and the possible role of GABA-A receptor in its effect were investigated in rats. Materials and Methods: 70 male Wistar rats were used in 7 groups (n = 10). First, neuropathic pain was induced by the CCI method in the respective groups. Following CCI, PROG (6 mg/kg) and or the GABA-A receptor antagonist bicuculin (0. 5 or 2 mg/kg) or vehicle were administered daily until day 13 post-CCI. On days 14 and 27, the behavioural tests including mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia were done. Results: Daily injections of PROG PROG for 12 days prevented the mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia following CCI and this effect was blocked the bicuculin pretreatment. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that treatment with progesterone may prevent the development of peripheral neuropathy, at least in part, via GABA-A receptors.

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Introduction: Progress in nanotechnology in the past decayed has created various opportunities for evaluation of biological effects such as anti-bacterial effects of nanoparticles. This study was aimed to examine synthesis and the antibacterial effect of Nano-Polyamidoamine-G5 (NPAMAM-G5) dendrimer on Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Shigella Dysenteriae and Bacillus Subtilis. Materials and Methods: NPAMAM-G5 dendrimers was synthesized by Tomalia’ s divergent growth approach. The antibacterial effects of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer were studied by disc diffusion and micro-dilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were determined according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guideline. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to analyze morphology and size of NPAMAM-G5. Results: Zone of inhibition in concentration 25μ g/ml of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimers for Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Shigella Dysenteriae and Bacillus Subtilis were 27, 13, 30 and 18 mm, respectively. There was a significant difference regarding the zone of inhibition between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (p<0. 05). Remarkably, the MIC for Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Shigella Dysenteriae was 2. 5μ g/ml and for Bacillus Subtilis was 25μ g/ml. The MBC for Shigella Dysenteriae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 50 and 200 μ g/ml, respectively and for Klebsiella Oxytoca and Bacillus Subtilis was100 μ g/ml. It was found that NPAMAM-G5 particles had a spherical shape with a mean diameter size of 10 nm. Conclusion: According to the results, the NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer with end amine groups displayed a positive effect on the removal of standard strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

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Introduction: Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) is one of the bacterial toxins that present in a variety of Gram- negative human pathogens, such as E. coli, Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. CDT consist of three subunits encoded by three adjacent genes, including cdtA, cdtB and cdtC. It is approved thet cdtB had toxic activity and caused DNA damage of the host cell. Despite its presence in different bacterial species, role of CDT in acute and chronic infections, such as gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is unclear. To clear this correlation, we studied the prevalence of cdtB gene among different enteropathogenic bacteria in patients with gastroenteritis and IBS compared with healthy people. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on stool samples that obtained from patients with gastroenteritis, IBS and healthy people (as control). All the samples were subjected to DNA extraction. cdtB of Campylobacter spp., Yersinia entercolitica, Providencia alkalifacience, Salmonella enterica and E. coli was analyzed by PCR using specific primers. Results: CdtB encoding Campylobacter spp. was found in 7. 5% (5/80) and 34. 6% (52/150) of patients with IBS and gastroenteritis, respectively. Also, the PCR results showed that 14% (14/150) of the patients with gastroenteritis and 5% (8/80) of IBS patients carried CdtB encoding Salmonellaenterica. None of the samples were infected with CdtB-encoding E. coli and Providensia spp. Finally, all results were confirmed by sequencing. Conclusion: Our results showed the presence of CdtB encoding pathogenic bacteria in IBS patients and those with gastroenteritis. Regarding the high frequency of CdtB encoding Salmonella and Campylobacterspp., it was proposed that infection to these bacterias could be considered as a risk factor for the development of post-infectious IBS in Iranian patients. Further studies are needed to establish this relationship.

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Introduction: The excessive use of Macrolide-Lincosamide-Streptogramin B (MLSB) to treat infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus, ) the producer of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), can provide the basis for the emergence of resistant strains. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of antibiotic resistance to macrolides and tetracyclines and the genes involved in the occurrence of these resistance in S. aureus strains with TSST-1 toxin. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 113 isolates of S. aureus were studied. Determination of pattern of resistance to macrolides and tetracyclines and different induction phenotypes was performed using disk diffusion method and D test. PCR was used to determine the presence of ermA, ermB, ermC, mphC and tsst gene. Results: Of 113 isolates of S. aureus, 13 isolates (11. 5%) were phenotypic D and 11 isolates (9. 7%) were a phenotype R. Based on the resistance to clindamycin-erythromycin, 69 isolates (61. 66%) were identified as Sphenotype. Tetracycline-resistant isolates (59. 29%) had the highest frequency, and isolates resistant to minosilicon, dithromycin and tritromycin had the lowest abundance. In addition, 16 isolates (15. 14%) were tst gene, 15 isolates (13. 27%) were ermA gene, 6 isolates (5. 3%) were ermB gene, 14 isolates (12. 38%) were genes ermC and 1 isolate (0. 88%) were also carriers of the aphC gene. There was a significant relationship between S. aureus MLSB strains and tst gene presence (p≥ 0. 05). Conclusion: Induced resistance to clindamycin and tetracycline had a significant relationship with the presence of tsst gene in S. aureus strains producing TSST-1 toxin.

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Introduction: AFG1 after B1 is the most important aflatoxin found in beans and grains. Remarkably, aflatoxin cause a decrease in production and quality of sperm. In the current study, the effect of AFG1 on spermatogenesis, spermiogenicity, synthesis of P21 and cyclin D1 proteins in testicular tissue was investigated. Materials and Methods: 24 male albino mice were divided into 4 groups; control group intraperitoneally received 0. 2 ml corn oil and experimental groups received AFG1 (20 μ g) for 7, 15, and 35 days, respectively. After 7, 15 and 35 days, the testicular tissue samples were taken, and after preparing tissue sections, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was performed. Histomorphometric parameters and the immunohistochemical analysis of proteins of P21 and cyclin D1 were investigated. Data analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA at the significance level of p<0. 05. Results: The results of this study showed that the diameter of the spermatozoa tubes and the thickness of the germinal epithelium in the experimental groups significantly decreased (P <0. 05), which was time dependent. The percentage of semen tubes with differentiation coefficients, tubular replacement as well as negative spermiogenesis increased in mice receiving AFG1. Conspiciously, injection of AFG1 in experimental group mice resulted in increased synthesis of P21 and cyclin D1 proteins. Conclusion: AFG1 interrupted cell division by increasing the amount of protein synthesis of Cyclin D1 and P21 protein, which in turn could be a disorder in the process of spermatogenesis. However, increase differentiation indices, tubular differentiation, and spermiogenesis in testicular tissue, which consequently lead to a decrease in sperm production and quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Jalili Sadrabad Maryam | AMELI NAZILA | Amirzade Iranaq Mohammad Hossein



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  • Year: 

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  • Issue: 

    1 (73)
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Introduction: Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia (IPH) is a benign mucosal lesion that frequently affects palatal mucosa in denture wearers. Notably, most of the cases are asymptomatic but some of the patients feel the burning sensation and discomfort. In this way, IPH is associated with 24hours use of denture especially at night, so the main treatment modalities focused on denture modification and candidiasis infection inhibition. Current article reports a rare case of IPH in a denture free person. Case report: A 29 years old healthy woman referred to department of oral medicine, School of Dentistry Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences (Yazd, Iran) with complaint of toothache. In our routine intraoral examination, a red pebbly plaque with irregular and poorly defined borders on palatal vault was inspected. Nystatin suspension was advised. Reexamination was done after one week that reduction in lesion size and erythema was observed and the lesion was improved generally. Unfortunately, she didn’ t represent on next follow-up session for no signs and discomfort. Conclusion: IPH is not always associated with dentures, but also deep and abnormal palate could be the cause of this lesion, requiring multidisciplinary approaches between physicians and dentists’ especially oral medicine to resolve this problem completely.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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