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The aim of this study was to develop the model of those factors influencing the attraction of sponsors of Iran track and field. This study was applied in terms of objectives and a descriptive survey in terms of data collection which was conducted as a field. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data based on the 5-point Likert scale. To check the validity of the questionnaire, the primary version was distributed among 8 sport management professors and the final version was developed using their viewpoints. In descriptive statistics, frequency tables and measures of central tendency (mean) and dispersion indexes (variance and standard deviation) were used and inferential statistics included one-sample t test, Friedman test and correlation test using SPSS. AMOS software with confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine construct validity. The results showed that media and spectators, governmental, management-organizational, sociocultural and economic factors played the most important role in attracting sponsors of Iran track and field. Finally, given the identification and role of the above mentioned factors, the Ministry of Sport and Youth and Track and Field Federation can act to attract sponsors and meet their expectations.

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The aim of this study was to identify goals, constraints and achievements of sponsorship of governmental and private banks for sport in Iran. The research method was applied and qualitative. It was conducted through interviews using thematic analysis. The statistical population consisted of authorities of sport sponsorship departments of Iran governmental and private banks who worked at different positions in marketing, public relations, advertising … 19 banks (5 governmental banks and 14 private banks) had sport sponsorship. The population was selected by census method and the data were collected from 18 banks. The results demonstrated that the goals were categorized into 3 groups: social development, marketing and organizational development. Constraints were categorized into 5 groups: legal, economic, media promotion, feedback and management. Banks attained some achievements which were categorized into 3 groups: social, marketing and organizational development. In order to encourage new sponsors to enter this arena and retain existing sponsors, following points can be taken into account: considering the goals and achievements of banks, strengthening them, identifying their constraints and trying to eliminate them.

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The aim of this study was to explain the role of job autonomy and task complexity in creative behaviors of employees of Sport and Youth offices of Golestan province (N=220). 140 employees of these offices were selected as the statistical sample by simple random sampling method. To collect data, Langfred’ s (2005) job autonomy, Maynard and Hakel’ s (2009) task complexity and Zhou and George’ s (2001) creative behaviors in workplace questionnaires were used. Face and content validity of the questionnaires were confirmed by experts and reliability coefficients of the questionnaires were determined respectively as 0. 83, 0. 78 and 0. 79. Data were analyzed and the causal relationships of research variables were identified by structural equation modeling based on Smart PLS 2. Results showed that autonomy in job planning had a positive and significant effect on employees’ creative behaviors (t=3. 31, β =0. 34). The effects of autonomy in the approaches to do the job and autonomy in job evaluation on creative behaviors were not significant. Results showed that the task complexity of job had a negative and significant effect on employees’ creative behaviors (t=3. 38, β =0. 38) Also, predictor variables of the study totally explained 44% of the variation of creative behaviors variable. According to these results, it is suggested that respective managers should identify the individual and organizational factors affecting the employees’ creative behaviors such as empowerment, knowledge sharing, organizational learning culture and organizational support to lay the groundwork for a creative and innovative organization in the field of sport.

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The aim of this study was to develop a model of factors influencing women dropping out of sport activities by DEMATEL technique. The present study was applied conducted by exploratory mixed method in qualitative and quantitative stages. In the qualitative stage, the statistical sample included 33 women from the whole country who had left their organized sport activities for at least one year and were selected through purposive sampling method. In the quantitative stage, the statistical sample considered of 15 women sport authorities, sport sciences experts with at least 5 years of coaching experience and university sport management professors who were selected by purposive sampling method. The data in the qualitative part was collected by semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire was used in the quantitative part and its factors were extracted through a qualitative study. The results of the obtained model showed that the environmental factors and management factors were influencers (cause) and individual factors, interpersonal factors and service quality were influencees (effect). The results also showed that individual factors were the major problem for women dropout of sport activities, and management and slightly environmental factors can help solve individual factors.

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The aim of this study was to identify the challenges of sport management paper acceptance in internationally recognized journals (with an emphasis on the Web of Science and Scopus). This study was qualitative based on the strategy and applied in terms of objectives. The sample was selected with the purposive sampling method and until theoretical saturation with 12 managing editors of internationally recognized sport management journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus. The necessary data were obtained by exploratory and semi-structured interviews. To analyze the data from interviews, open coding and axial coding were used and the data were analyzed and interpreted according to the study objectives. In the axial coding phase, three codes associated with the challenges of sport management paper acceptance in internationally recognized journals including structure and appearance quality of papers, professional writing and content quality. It is hoped that the challenges of sport management paper acceptance in internationally recognized journals could be eliminated by taking the above mentioned factors into account.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of social media marketing (SMM) on branding process and consumer behavior based on Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) in the clubs of Iran football premier league. The statistical population consisted of fans of the clubs in Iran football premier league (2017-2018) that had used at least one of the social media of the clubs. The sampling method was stratified and the maximum sample size was determined as 1155. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The face and content validity of the questionnaireswas confirmed by the professors of marketing and media and its construct validity was verified by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Using Cronbach's alpha, the reliability coefficients of branding process questionnaires, consumer behavior questionnaire and social media marketing questionnaire were obtained as 0. 91, 0. 87 and 0. 95, respectively. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling was used by LISREL 8. 8 software. The results showed that information reliability was the most important component of SMM practices and football club SMM had significant effects on branding process)r=0. 67) and consumer behavior (r=0. 28). In addition, the results demonstrated that the branding process significantly affected the consumer behavior (r=1. 16). The results of this study can be used as fundamental data to integrate social media practices into the marketing strategies of sport brands and also as leverage and competitive advantage to affect fans ’ behavior and to establish a deeper bond with the sport clubs.

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The aim of this study was to develop a model for economic valuation of intangible assets of Iran handball premier league clubs in 2018. The statistical population consisted of 45 subjects in the qualitative section and the sample size was 386 subjects in the quantitative section due to the uncertainty of the population size using the Cochran formula. This study was applied with a survey method. Firstly, the intangible assets of Iran handball clubs were identified by qualitative method and then the data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using PLS3 and SPSS22 software in the quantitative approach. The results showed that spiritual capital (path coefficient of 0. 902), communication capital (path coefficient of 0. 900), human capital (path coefficient of 0. 890) and structural capital (path coefficient of 0. 885) respectively had the greatest effect on the economic valuation of intangible assets of Iran handball clubs. Therefore, it can be said that indicators such as television and satellite broadcasting right in intellectual capital, the popularity of the club in communication capital, the improvement and training of human resources in human capital and coherent and regular evaluation programs in structural capital had the highest value in the economic valuation of intangible assets of Iran handball clubs among other indicators of indices of intangible assets of Iran handball clubs.

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The spatial justice in the distribution of urban public services is an important factor to improve the citizen’ s quality of life and the sustainable development of urban environment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and analyze the distribution of swimming pools from the viewpoint of spatial justice (case study: Isfahan city). The research method was descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of objectives. The study used all swimming pools in 15 regions of Isfahan city (n=37). The indexes of population, area, number of pools in each region and distribution mode of pools were applied for spatial analysis of Isfahan city swimming pools. Also, Arc GIS environment and their different algorithms were used to perform various calculations and provide the necessary maps. The overall analysis of the status of swimming pools in Isfahan city from the viewpoint of spatial justice in terms of population, area, number of pools in each region and their distribution mode showed that swimming pools were not properly distributed in different regions and it was difficult to have fair and appropriate access to swimming pools in different regions. Therefore, in order to reduce injustice and spatial and social inequalities and their consequences and to help improve citizens’ quality of life and satisfaction, swimming pools in different regions of the city should be distributed according to the area and population of the regions, especially in the poor and populous regions with proper and optimal location.

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The aim of this study was to develop a model of factors affecting physical activity of visitors to the parks. The research method was survey and applied in terms of objectives. The sample consisted of 370 visitors to Ahvaz parks for physical activity who were randomly selected. Data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire in three parts: status of living environment, park structure and psychosocial factors. Its content and construct validity was confirmed by factor analysis and then it was distributed among the statistical population. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling in PLS software. The results showed that status of living environment, park structure and psychosocial factors had positive and significant effects on Ahvaz citizens’ physical activity, and also park structure and psychosocial factors had a moderating effect on physical activity. Based on these findings, when it is not possible to change the living environment and its related indicators such as proximity and type of access, the effects and difficulties of living environment which are considered as barriers to visiting parks can be eliminated firstly by equipping and enhancing the quality of sport and recreational facilities in the parks and secondly by reinforcing psychosocial factors and therefore increase the tendency to physical activity.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the dimensions of service quality in Iran football premier league clubs and to provide a suitable model. The research method was descriptive and correlational which was conducted as a field. The statistical population consisted of spectators of Zob-e-Ahan and Sepahan clubs in Iran football premier league and 360 subjects were selected as the sample by random non-probability sampling method. To collect data, the service questionnaire by Cronin and Taylor (1994), Parasuraman et al. (1998), Yoshida and James (2011), Rust et al. Entertainment questionnaire (2004) Satun et al. team identity questionnaire (1997), and Kahle and Madrigal comfort questionnaire (2003) were used. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic characteristics and to analyze the data, the structural equation modeling was used by Lisrel software. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression were also used in the inferential statistics. The findings showed a significant relationship between play atmosphere and aesthetic quality, population experience and aesthetic quality, team performance and technical quality, features of players in the opponent team and technical quality, service staff and quality of performance, access to facilities and quality of performance, spectators positions and quality of performance, aesthetic quality and entertainment dimension, technical quality and team identity and finally between quality of performance and the comfort of spectators.

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This study aimed at identifying and prioritizing mass media factors in political culture development of championship sport from the viewpoints of sport management and media professors, media reporters and athletes. A sample of 125 media and sport management professors, media reporters and national and provincial champions were selected in 2018 by purposive sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data; the validity was confirmed by media and physical education professors. Reliability was also calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α =0. 91). The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of first and second order. The results indicated that three factors related to mass media were cultural, educational and advertising. Meanwhile, items of long-term and strategic thinking, avoidance of daily routine in sport planning, encouraging sponsors to support championship sport and professional qualification of sport media critics occupied the first places in cultural, educational and advertising factors respectively. Based on these findings, mass media should be considered as an important factor in political culture development in championship sport. Furthermore, political culture of championship sport is developed through comprehensive collaboration of scientific, media and sport (championship sport) societies.

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This study aimed at ranking those faculties participating in the Student Sport Festival of University of Tehran. The present study was descriptive-analytical and a field study. The statistical population consisted of all physical education experts of University of Tehran, director and his deputy and staff of physical education department of University of Tehran and some physical education professors of this university (N=30). According to the statistical population, the statistical sample was selected by convenience and census sampling methods. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire (28 items) was used. The face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by physical education supervisors, advisors and experts and the reliability of the questionnaire was reported by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient as 0. 87. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses, Friedman test) were used in SPSS software version 22 and structural equation modeling with AMOS software. Based on the exploratory factor analysis, 6 factors were extracted from the research items: number of medals, total points, quantity and quality of athletes and teams, team and athletes management, support of authorities and spectators of faculties, management of event and competitions. The predictive power of these factors was 80. 561 based on the total percentage of factor cumulative variance. According to Friedman test, the most important factors to rank the faculties participating in sport festival were “ number of medals” , “ quantity and quality of athletes and teams” and “ total points” .

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Javani Vajiheh | Elmi Ehsan

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The significant role of sport brands in the modern society provides a unique place for this industry to address social issues and seek benefits for consumers, organizations and bigger society. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility on the brand preference of Enghlab club from customers’ viewpoints. This study was descriptive-analytical and applied in terms of objectives which was conducted by internet and email. The population included all customers of Tehran Enghelab sport and cultural club. Simple random sampling method was used to select the customers of this club. The data were collected by the standard Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Preference Questionnaire developed by Matthew Thingchi Liu et al. (2014). Structural equation modeling by partial least squares method and PLS software were used at the significance level of 0. 05. The results showed that all three dimensions of corporate social responsibility (i. e. environment, society and stakeholders) had a direct and significant effect on brand preference of Tehran Enghelab cultural sport club. These dimensions also had a significant effect on brand preference of this club with the mediating role of brand perceived quality. Therefore, activities that are part of social responsibility lead to a good image of the club brand and a positive experience among the present and potential customers of that brand and result in their satisfaction from the brand preference.

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The aim of this study was to investigate those factors affecting the development of E-ticketing electronic services in Iran football premier league. This study was descriptive and applied. The statistical population consisted of spectators in Esteghlal-Persepolis football match on the 26th October 2016 who attended the stadium to watch the match by E-tickets. Using Morgan table, a sample of 384 subjects was randomly selected. Friedman test was used to prioritize the factors and exploratory factor analysis was used to determine and identify those factors affecting the development of E-ticketing service. The results showed that the identified factors affected the development of E-ticketing. According to these results, the technology acceptance model had the highest effect on E-ticketing service (91%) compared with other variables. The other part of results showed the 75% effect of trust in the club and trust in the technology on the intention to use the E-ticketing service. The effect of the trust building variable on predicting the tendency and intention of using E-ticketing is quite clear and the diffusion of innovation had the lowest effect compared with other variables (64%).

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The aim of this study was to introduce policies of qualitative development of sport coaches’ education in Golestan province. Mixed research method (qualitative (study and interview) and quantitative (questionnaire) methods) was used in the study. The identified policies from the studies and interviews were formulated in a 5-point Likert scale. Questionnaires were distributed among the statistical sample (elite sport managers, experts and coaches in Golestan province). The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 7 sport management professors who had a teaching and research career in coaching. The reliability was obtained in a pilot study on 30 subjects from the statistical sample (0. 84). Data were analyzed by Friedman test which showed that those factors related to the evaluation of educational effectiveness, educational needs assessment, educational planning, educational implementation and standardization of educational activities were the most important in qualitative education of sport coaches in Golestan province. Then, policies in line with each factor of coaches’ education were identified and prioritized.

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