Background and purpose: Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) is one of the most important complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of IHD and related factors in patients with type II DM in north of Iran.Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in 1021 patients with diabetes type II attending endocrine clinics affiliated with Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2010 to 2012. Age, gender, history of myocardial infarction, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoking and other recognized complications of DM were recorded. All patients were referred to cardiologist and the exercise test was used and if needed the thallium perfusion scan and coronary angiography were done for patients without history of myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or stent placement.Results: There were 1021 patients and 907 were female (88.8%). Mean age and duration of diabetes were 54.4 (95% CI: 53.8- 55.1) and 8.8 (95% CI: 8.4 - 9.2) years, respectively. Almost 87% (95% CI: 85-89) and 53% (95% CI: 50-56) had dyslipidemia and hypertension, respectively. Among the patients, 274 patients (37% males and 25% females, 26.8%; 95% CI: 24.1-29.5) were suffering from IHD (P=0.006). According to regression logistic analysis duration of diabetes, older age, hypertension, and low left ventricular ejection fraction were independent predictor factors for IHD.Conclusion: Approximately one-third of diabetic patients are suffering from IHD. This disorder can be asymptomatic in individuals with diabetes, therefore, it may not be diagnosed in almost half of patients. Most important associated factors are older age, duration of diabetes, hypertension and low left ventricular ejection fraction.