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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study, effect of boiling of barley grain and order of consumption of concentrate to forage on proxies related to insulin resistance in Arabian mares were studied using minimal model of glucose and insulin dynamics. Six mares age 4-10 years, mean body weight 445± 34 kg) were fed during four periods of 14-days in a cross-overs experiment. In two feed sequencing, the concentrate part of ration was offered either 30 min. after (F-C) or 30 min. before forage part (C-F). Barley grain was either crushed (crushed) or boiled for 3h in water (boiled). At the end of each period, blood samples were taken from jugular vein four hours after morning meal. Blood samples were analyzed for insulin and glucose concentrations. Insulin response, insulin sensitivity, response pancreatic beta cells, tissue glucose non-insulin dependent and modified insulin glucose ratio were calculated based on proxy of the dynamic model. The results showed that feed sequencing had no significant effect on insulin response, response of beta cells, and modified insulin to glucose ratio (P>0. 05). Beta-cell response mIU/(L. min-1) in boiled barley was higher than that in crushed barley (719 vs. 478, P<0. 05). A positive correlation was found between insulin sensitivity and glucose consumption of non-insulin dependent tissues in crushed but not in boiled barley. The results showed that feeding boiled barley might increase postprandial glucose to insulin ratio which might lead to insulin resistance in adult Arabian mares.

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The objective of the present study was to evaluate epidural application of lidocaine, lidocaine-verapamil and verapamil in buffalo calves. Sixteen buffalo calves of both sexes with 5-7 months age and 60-90 kg weight were assigned in three groups and received one of the three treatments of lidocaine (0. 2 mg/kg, n=6, LID), lidocaine-verapamil (0. 2 mg/kg – 2. 5 mg, n=6, LID-VER) and verapamil (2. 5 mg, n=4, VER). Onset and duration of tail paralysis and perineal anti-nociception as well as changes in heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) were recorded. The onset of tail paralysis in LID was significantly shorter than that of LID-VER and VER (p<0. 05). The onset of perineal anti-nociception was not significantly different among groups (p>0. 05). The duration of tail paralysis and perineal anti-nociception were not significantly different among three groups (p>0. 05). Full perineal anti-nociception was observed in 66% of calves in LID and LID-VER, whereas it was 25% in VER. HR in LID-VER and VER showed significant decreases at several time points in comparison with base (p<0. 05). RR and RT, in comparison with base, were not significantly different (p>0. 05). Based on the results of the current study, verapamil alone and in combination with lidocaine, has no advantages over lidocaine alone, after epidural application in buffalo calves. Furthermore, epidural application of verapamil decreased HR in buffalo calves.

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The use of betaine in animal and human nutrition has been increased dramatically in recent years. The effects of betaine on humoral immune responses are to some extent unknown. The current study investigated the effect of oral administration of betaine on antibody response against Brucella abortus in mice. A total of 12 male adult mice were divided into two groups. Betaine was orally administered to the test group at a daily dose of 500 mg / kg / day for 31 days. Brucella abortus antigen were injected intraperitoneally to all of the mice on days 7, 21 and the blood samples were collected on days 0, 21 and 31. Immune response was evaluated by microagglutination test, 2ME and ELISA. The primary and secondary humoral immune responses were decreased insignificantly in the test group. The IgM / IgG ratio in primary and secondary immune response of the control group was 1: 1 and 1: 1. 7, respectively. In the test group the mentioned ratios were recorded as 7: 1 and 3. 2: 1, respectively. Also, there was no significant difference in ELISA titers. Based on the above results, it is concluded that, the main effect of betaine on humoral immune response is on antibody class switching.

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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different pre-freezing equilibration times (2, 4 and 6 hour) on post-thawed buck semen quality parameters using soybean lecithin supplemented extender. Semen samples were collected from four Mahabadi bucks, primarily evaluated and pooled together. Afterward, pooled semen samples were divided into three equal parts and diluted in semen extender containing soybean lecithin. After spending different equilibration times, diluted semen samples were frozen. After thawing, sperm motility characteristics, plasma membrane integrity and functionality, abnormality and lipid peroxidation were evaluated. Base on the obtained results, six hour equilibration time resulted in higher progressive motility (25. 6 ± 1. 39 %) compared to other groups (P<0. 05). The other sperm quality parameters did not alter by different equilibration times. In conclusion, spending six hour equilibration time improved only sperm progressive motility.

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Many surgical complications and death is during anesthesia recovery. Accelerating the recovery process leads to lower problems due to rapid return to the physiological conditions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate doxapram effects on cardiorespiratory parameters and quality of recovery from propofol in dog. Twelve clinically healthy male mixed breed dogs were divided into two groups: control and treatment. All dogs were initially sedated by acepromazine. Thirty minutes later anesthesia was induced using propofol titration and maintained for 30 min using infusion of propofol. Immediately after propofol stoppage, 2 mg/kg doxapram was administrated intravenously in treatment group while, in control group, saline was administrated as same volume as doxapram. Heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, ETCO2, SpO2, noninvasive blood pressure were measured at 30 min after sedative injection, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 min after induction of anesthesia and after complete recovery. Also, time of endotracheal extubation, time to first head lifting, time to first sternal recumbency, duration of recovery and quality of the recovery were measured. The main finding of this study was that doxapram, improves and hastens recovery about 30 min (p<0. 05). Other parameters of anesthesia quality were significantly better in treatment group (p<0. 05). Heart rate and blood pressure were increased significantly after doxapram injection, while ETCO2 significantly decreased compared with control group (p<0. 05). Results of this study showed that doxapram hastened recovery time following propofol anesthesia in dog.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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For evaluating the electrolyzed water (EW) in disinfection of fertile egg in hatchery, 120 fertile eggs were prepared. The eggs after challenge with standard strain of Escherichia coli (E. coli) were divided into 5 groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 were disinfected with acidic, basic and neutral EW, respectively. The eggs in group 4 were disinfected with formaldehyde gas, conventionally. The eggs in group 5 as control group were sprayed with sterile water. From each group, 6 eggs after challenge and disinfection were utilized for counting of E. coli. All eggs in hatchery were incubated and after 21 days, the hatchability and chick weight were determined. Unhatched embryos for determination of E. coli contamination were cultured. Results showed, disinfection of fertile eggs with acidic EW have same result as formaldehyde gas, while basic and neutral EW in comparing with control could decrease microbial load on fertile eggs. In overall, acidic EW could be used in disinfection of fertile eggs in hatchery.

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John’ s disease is a chronic intestinal infection which is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) and imposes huge economic losses to farms. The aim of the present study was to detect infection by this bacterium in industrial farms of Hamedan. During the years 2015-2016, 150 fecal samples from apparently healthy and suspected cattle were collected and examined using direct microscopic and Nested-PCR assays. The results obtained from examination of fecal samples with Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining showed that 8 samples (5. 33%) were infected with the causative agent of the disease. While, using Nested-PCR assay, 39 (30. 23%) and 9 (42. 86%) samples were found to be positive in apparently healthy (n=129) and suspected cattle (n=21), respectively. However, no significant difference was statistically observed between the numbers of positive cases in these two groups (P>0. 05). Thus, 48 (32%) out of 150 fecal samples were totally infected with M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis which relatively shows a high infection rate. Therefore, it is suggested to eliminate infected animals and take proper management and hygiene measures in order to control the infection and prevent its prevalence to other animals and herds. To our knowledge, the present study is the first report which confirms paratuberculosis in industrial farms of Hamedan.

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Honey is the nectar of living flowers which produced by honey bees (Apis mellifera). Honey could be used as an environmental pollution indicator and because of developing and industrialization of cities, levels of three metal elements were investigated in five regions of Chahar-mahale-Bakhtiary province. The amounts of cadmium, lead and mercury of 75 honey samples were analyzed by potentiometric analyses. According to the results, mercury was not detected in any of the samples. Cadmium level was determined significantly higher (P<0. 05) in Lordegan honey (6. 58 μ g/kg) compared to other honeys. Honeys of Ardal and Arjenk contained higher levels of lead with amount of 23 and 22. 11 μ g/kg respectively. The lowest amount of cadmium and lead were reported in Ardal (0. 08 μ g/kg) and Lordegan (8. 90 μ g/kg) regions, respectively. Due to lower levels of lead, cadmium and mercury in the honey samples produced in the Chahar-mahale-Bakhtiary province, compared to international standards, it could be concluded that consumption of these honeys is safe, in terms of heavy metals. However, by industrialization of Chahar-mahale-Bakhtiary in recent years, more attention must be given in controlling the metal contaminations.

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This study was performed in order to investigate the effect of treatment with copper sulfate and formalin bath in toxication with nitrite and ammonia, on some biochemical parameters of blood serum of common carp. In this study, 400 common carp were used to determine the lethal concentration of nitrite and ammonia and 360 fishes were used to investigate the interactions between drugs and poisoning. To investigate the interaction effects, fishrs were divided randomly to 12 treatments (each group contained 30 samples) and 3 replicates. The duration of the experiment was 96 hours. At the end of the experiment, total protein, glucose, cholesterol, AST, ALT, ALP and HDL were measured in blood serum. According to the results, the LC50 at 96 hours for ammonia and nitrite, were obtained 102. 45 and 512. 46 mg/l respectively. In the study of treatments, significant differences was observed in glucose, cholesterol, AST, ALT and HDL (p<0. 05). But, no significant difference was observed in total protein and ALP (p>0. 05). All the fish of ammonium + nitrite + copper sulfate treatment in 96 hours were experiencing mortality in the first few hours of the start of the experiment. The results showed that total protein between different treatments and control groups, had not significant difference (p>0. 05). The measurement of serum enzymes, most changes were observed in the treatment of ammonia + nitrite + copper sulfate. Wholly, results indicate that the presence of nitrite and ammonia in water and treatment with formalin and copper sulfate at the same time, can cause mortality or a significant increase of some enzymes such as AST, ALT and LDH.

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Migratory birds and waterfowl are know reservoirs of avian paramyxoviruses and it considered cause of the disease in poultry industry, therefore, the survey of pathotyping viruses isolated from migratory birds to prevent transmission is necessary. Samples of present research collected from wetlands of Boushehr province in south of Iran and obtained from Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Shiraz, Iran. Virus isolation and characterization of the samples were performed at the Razi institute. The biological properties and pathogenicity of five NDV isolated were studied by intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI), mean death time (MDT) value and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods. The PCR was used to amplify 362bp the cleavage site of all isolates. Sequencing of PCR products was performed to identify nucleotides and deduce amino acids. Aligment and phylogentic analysis of F protein (cleavage site) was performed by software Megaline5, Blast and Bioedit. MDT and ICPI method showed that all of 5 samples were detected as lentogenic strain with low virulent and so, in RT-PCR method all of the samples in the special motif were positive. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cleavage site of the fusion (F) protein confirmed that, all isolates contained the avirulent motif 112 GRQGRL117 at the cleavage site. All isolates have high similarity with LaSota and B1 strain in gene bank. The result in this study showed that migratory birds particularly aquatic birds in Bushehr carries lentogenic NDVs and act as one the reservoirs for the virus. Therefore, ND is always a great risk for the native avian population living on the routes of migratory birds.

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Enzootic bovine leukemia (EBL) is a retroviral disease which is caused by bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and typically occurs in the industrial farms. The disease reduces the productivity of animals and therefore causes considerable economic losses in herd. BLV infections control program is consisted on serological assays, identification and isolation or culling the seropositive animals. In this study, the gene encoding p24 protein of BLV was amplified by PCR, ligated into the prokaryotic expression vector, pMalc2x, and subsequently expressed in DH5α strain of Escherichia coli. Expressed recombinant protein was analyzed using SDS-PAGE and western blotting (immunoblot) assay. Molecular weight of the expressed protein (63 kDa) was consistent with the expected molecular weight of maltose binding protein-p24 fusion protein. Western blotting analysis showed that the expressed p24 protein specifically reacted with a positive anti-BLV commercial serum. Thus, in this study the p24 protein of BLV was successfully expressed by the pMalc2x-p24 recombinant construct in Escherichia coli.

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Nezafatian E. | ZADMAJID V.

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The objective of the present investigation was to determine the effects of genistein and 17β-estradiol (E2) on reproductive physiology in female goldfish (Carassius auratus) during pre-spawning phase. Female goldfish were received intraperitoneal injections of E2 (10 μ g/g body weight), one of two genistein doses (5 μ g/g body weight, G5, or 50 μ g/g body weight, G50), or the injection vehicle (CTRL) every other day for 10 days prior to spawning. Disruptions in reproductive capacity were determined by measuring indices of oocyte quality, serum metabolites and sex steroids. Genistein reduced GSI but did not affect on fecundity and oocyte diameter. E2 and genistein (G5 and G50) reduced plasma T, while plasma E2 significantly increased at G50 and E2 treatment groups in comparison to the G5 and the control groups. Plasma biochemical indexes (phosphorus, cholesterol and triglyceride) were significantly were elevated by genistein (G50) and E2 treatment. These findings suggesting that high dietary genistein may impair endocrine system of fishes and finally impair their reproductive performance.

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