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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The scores obtained on the interviews can be the basis for decision making provided that they are embedded with low measurement error. The purpose of this study was to the estimate the generalizability and dependability coefficients of the admission interview scores of Ph. D. at Shahid Beheshti University. To do this end, interview scores of 27 applicants in the field of psychology at Shahid Beheshti University were analyzed using a two-dimensional cross-sectional design. The real variance, which was related to the “ purpose of measurement” , accounted for about one-third of variance of observed score. Besides, unsystematic measurement error and systematic measurement error accounted for about one-fifth and half of the variance of the observed score, respectively. The findings showed that the generalizability and dependability coefficients of the interview scores were acceptable and they were close to the coefficients estimated for the medical fields. However, the interaction between interviewers and applicants had the greatest contribution to the systematic measurement error, that can lower the credibility of the scores. According to the results, it is suggested that a workshop is organized for psychological training groups so that they can carry out reliability analyses to obtain a better understanding of the quality of the interview scores and to determine which changes in the concerned dimensions can lower the systematic error and boost the reliability of the interview scores.

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The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of monolinguality-bilinguality of Iranian students on dimensionality, local item dependence and differential item functioning and impact of questions included in the passages of PIRLS (2011). The dimensionality was analyzed through comparing the one-dimensional graded response model and the multidimensional bi-factor item-response theory model. Next, the local item dependence and impact was analyzed using the two-level bi-factor model and, finally, the differential item functioning was examined using a multiple-group bi-factor model used by Cai et al. (2011). The results of the dimensionality showed that the bi-factor model better fitted to the data than the graded response model. Furthermore, it was found that the local item dependence between two literal trait questions caused deviation from the one-dimensionality and that the linguistic difference could explain a majority of its variance. The Testlet results also showed that the average estimation of monolinguals’ abilities was higher than bilinguals’ abilities. Besides, it was indicated that items embedded with uniform differential item functioning were more difficult for monolinguals than bilinguals but monolinguals outperformed bilinguals in multiple choice items embedded with non-uniform differential item functioning. Overall, the results showed that the traits related to the two literal Testlet were differently perceived among monolingual and bilingual students and local item dependence was more evident among bilinguals than monolinguals. Also, the results indicated a difference between the performance of monolingual and bilingual students in the mixed items format.

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The aim of the present study was to identify the components of ethics of evaluation in higher education from the faculty members’ viewpoints and its application from students' perspectives. A mixed-method (sequential exploratory) approach focusing on qualitative and quantitative methods was used in the research. The research was conducted in a descriptive-survey design. The participants of the qualitative section were composed of faculty members of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University and the statistical population of the quantitative section was consisted of MA/MSc and BA/BSc students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University (N=6065). Accordingly, 16 faculty members were selected and interviewed via the purposive sampling method. In addition, 362 Students were selected using the proportionate stratified random sampling method. The tool used for the qualitative section was semi-structured interviews technique and the quantitative tools were a Researcher-Made Ethics of Evaluation, which was composed of 34 items. Regarding the data analysis, it was tried to make use of qualitative content analysis (conventional type) for qualitative section and one-sample T-test and Independent T-test were used for the quantitative section. The qualitative findings were categorized into 6 components identified as ethics of evaluation. The quantitative results showed that the application of the component of effective communication in favorable evaluation as well as components of unbiased evaluation, ethical considerations in evaluation and reliability and validity of evaluation instruments were rated lower than the hypothetical mean from MA/MSc students’ viewpoint. Moreover, given the BA/BSc students’ perspective, the components of evaluation as learning, principled and correct evaluation and effective scientific communications in the favorable evaluation were reported. Regarding the difference in the application of components of ethics of evaluation between female and male students, the results indicated that there was a significant difference in such components as unbiased evaluation, effective scientific communications, and the reliability and validity of the evaluation instruments but no difference was observed in other components. The ethical system in higher education, especially in student’ s evaluation, reflected professional-scientific behaviors and the sense of ethical commitment on the part of professors.

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This study was conducted to qualitatively investigate perceptions of students and instructors of tasks and lessons of statistics. Participants were 14 instructors and 29 BA students of statistics courses in behavioral and social sciences at the University of Tehran. They were selected through purposive judgmental sampling method and, next, they were exposed to semi-structured interviews. The thematic analysis revealed that usefulness axis was reflected in terms of such organizing themes as “ endogenous usefulness” , “ exogenous usefulness” , “ lack of usefulness” , “ reduction of usefulness” , and “ promotion of usefulness” . Instructors and students agreed that students suffered a lack of perceived usefulness. However, they disagreed on its nature, origin, and strategies. In all themes, students and instructors exposed different perceptions. This gap might result in irresponsibility, inconsistency and probable conflict in the learning process. Besides, it could prevent desired outcomes. According to these results, students and instructors should interact in practical engagement and exchange of ideas.

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The present study was an attempt to provide a framework for performance assessment in student-driven research centers. To do this, an exploratory mixed method (tool design) was used in this study. The statistical population in this study included authorities of these centers who participated in two phases of this research (namely, qualitative and quantitative phases). In the first phase, five interviewees were selected through purposive sampling method. After analyzing the content of the interviews, six performance indicators and 47 indicators for these indicators were obtained in the first phase. In the second phase, the responses of all 21 managers of these centers were considered through a survey study focusing on census method. The quantitative tool used in the quantitative phase included a performance measurement questionnaire extracted from the findings of qualitative phase. The reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of the latter tools was calculated to be 0. 79. The analytic hierarchy process was used in the data analysis stage. The result showed that each of the indicators had a different weight in performance assessment. Then, each indicator was assigned a weight appropriate to its rank in the performance assessment. The results of this research led to the ranking of research centers in terms of performance. Furthermore, a framework has been proposed for performance assessment which was based on 6 main indicators.

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One of the key issues of faculty development programs is the transfer of learning, which refers to putting in practice the lessons learned by faculty members in the university environment and carrying out professional activities. In this qualitative research, grounded theory was adopted as the research strategy and the data were gathered through conducting semi-structured interviews with 32 faculty members across Qom universities. Then, contextual conditions, causal and intervening variables, strategies and outcomes of the learning transfer process in the faculty development program were examined thereof. The findings of the study indicated that the motivation of transfer and professionalism were categorized as causal conditions. Besides, it was found that the internationalization of higher education, the learners’ academic culture, supportive climate and dynamics of the university curriculum were included in the contextual conditions. Finally, it was indicated that the quality and expectations of the students, the demands of faculty members and readiness for learning were among intervening conditions that affected the learning transfer process. The competency of instructors, improvement of level of academic freedom at universities, designing programs based on the faculty members’ participation, improving the quality and applicability of the content of the programs and the faculty members' socialization were effective strategies on the transfer of learning.

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The aim of this study was to develop the Flipped Teaching Method in order to improve students' deep learning. This was an embedded mixed method that included a statistical population of 2340 students of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities as well as 15 professors in the field of Educational Sciences at Bu-Ali Sina University. Given the qualitative phase, 36 students were selected through accidental random sampling method and, given the qualitative phase, 20 students and 5 professors were selected purposefully. In the qualitative and qualitative phases, it was attempted to make use of semi-structured interviews and a researcher-made test, respectively, in order to collect the required data. The validity of the test was confirmed through collecting the experts’ views and its reliability was obtained using Cohen's Kappa Coefficient (89%). Having analyzed the data in the qualitative phase, seven main components were developed for the Flipped Teaching Method, including the flexibility of the environment, learning culture, educational content and activities, teacher as a coach, learner’ s activism and accountability, learning as mastery and time management. The internal validity of this model was evaluated by experts and the validity of this model was examined using the developmental methodology. Finally, the findings indicated the positive impacts of the model on students’ deep learning.

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The purpose of this correlational study was to develop and examine the psychometric properties of a researcher-made questionnaire on addiction to virtual social networks in adolescents. The statistical population of this study included all female high school students in Tehran city during the School Year 2017-2018, among whom 514 students were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were examined through classic and modern theories. In the results section, the face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed. Next, the construct validity of the tool was confirmed through classic theory (factor analysis). In general, the data analysis (through item response theory) met one-dimensionality and local independence and led to the following conclusions none of the chi-squares was significant that indicated that the model was embedded with suitable level of goodness of fit. In addition, examination of items and their slopes showed that they had suitable discrimination parameters as well as great validity because of information functions (except for items 4 and 29). In sum, The Questionnaire on Addiction to Virtual Social Networks had desirable psychometric properties in classic and item response theory and it could be used as an appropriate tool for diagnosis in adolescents.

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The current research is focused on the design of objectives and contents of “ physical and chemical separation methods” course for the master’ s level in analytical chemistry. This is an applied, descriptive and survey research. Statistical population is composed of professors, Master’ s and Ph. D. students, and researchers of analytical chemistry field in 2015, which 315 of them have been chosen as sample. Sampling method was purposive, voluntary, and avilable. In this research, a questionnaire has been used as a data collection tool. At the beginning, regarding study of previous researches and library resources, a number of objectives and contents was selected. After revising and applying viewpoints of 12 professors and Ph. D students, the final questionnaire consisting of 11 objectives (or chapter) and 90 contents was provided. Content validity of the aforementioned tool was investigated by supervising these professor and experts. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used. Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon nonparametric tests were used. Results have shown that the questioners were interested in the proposed designed objectives and contents. All tests were performed at 95% confidence level.

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