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The purpose of this study is to analyze how to educate citizens in the context of history education. To achieve this goal, descriptive-analytical approach and documentary-library research method were used. The findings of this study were in two parts and in response to two questions: First, that teaching history, as one of the ways of citizenship education and among other things, in the present time, will train citizens with these characteristics: realistic, multifaceted, patient Analyst, questioner, skeptical, interactive, ethical, ready to change his mind, critic, argumentative and reasoning, accurate and meticulous, and logical. Second: The teaching of history, in this direction, in universities and formal education institutions, has disadvantages and obstacles, such as avoidance of text, lack of historical understanding in the student, bigotry in historical texts, avoidance of teaching philosophy of history, etc. Therefore, it is suggested that history teaching in schools in all disciplines, in addition to quantitative increase be completely revised. Scientific and academic methods of reading history and historiography should be considered. Familiarity with first-hand history books and interaction with famous national and world historians, focus on the logical analysis of historical relations, the application of history knowledge in the lives of trainees, and so on should be given more attention by the country's educational system.

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This paper is a historical narrative of Maktabkhane education in Iran. Before the emergence of the first new schools in Iran, the education of children was Maktabkhane-based. Maktabkhane education has been the predominant education of children in Iran for many years. With the emergence of new schools in the middle of the Qajar period, Makatbkahne education gradually declined. Understanding the method and style of Maktabkhane education can provide a deeper understanding of the history of children's education to those interested in education. This article uses a descriptive historical method. The data was collected using available documents. This article describes the conditions for establishing a Maktabkhane, the purpose of education, the method of admitting students, the curriculum and the method of teaching and evaluation in maktabkhane. Finally, the method of Maktabkhane education is critically reviewed.

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The issue of takfir and tafsiq, which is the result of jurisprudential and theological differences among Muslims, has long been the cause of bloody conflicts between followers of Islamic religions. This religious damage extends beyond the Muslims to the Shiite Imams, who themselves embodied Islam. Despite the many narrations from the Holy Prophet and the Shiite Imams (as) about the prohibition of takfir and unnecessary tafsiq, the history of Islam has witnessed takfirs and tafsiqs that have left unpleasant results. Even today, the Islamic world is witnessing an emerging sect with the slogan of Salafism, which makes a not-so-new claim of takfir of other Islamic religions and they call any religion other than that of themselves non-Muslim, while there is no basis in the Qur'an and Sunnah for such a takfir. This study has examined the position of Takfir in the tradition of the Shiite Imams (AS) in order to clarify the status of Takfir in the light of the tradition of those nobles who are the interpreters of the words of God and the successors of His Messenger.

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Pourhasan darzi Fateme

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Western girls' schools established in Iran by American and European Christian missionaries in 1834, with the aim of creating a cadre to institutionalize the "Western woman" model in Iranian women's society, educated Iranian girls and women with Western culture and customs. In the next step, the graduates of these schools took theoretical and practical measures including the establishment of women's associations and publications and the creation of indigenous girls' schools which led to their entrance to the existing currents and the creation of new currents. All four cultural currents prevalent in this period: the intellectual, the defense of women's rights, the left, and nationalist, which were shaped by the activities of Western girls school graduates, believed that one of the pillars of modernism, which was considered as the original version of Western progress, was the implementation of the "Western woman" model, and in order to implement this model, the veil barrier had to be removed first. In this regard, all these currents, after years of fighting against the hijab, by joining the Women's Center, which was created by the Reza Shah government to help Kashf-e hijab, were able to prepare the ground for the official announcement of the Kashf-e hijab in Iran on January 8, 1963.

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Philosophy of science, which is very close to epistemology, is a kind of compound or limited epistemology that studies science with an external view and studies the knowledge and analysis of various theories that are used in science. In other words, the philosophy of history is the same as the critical philosophy of history. The present article uses descriptive, analytical and comparative methods to compare the position of philosophy of history in the view of historians of Safavid Iran and medieval Europe. It seems that the view of Iranian and European historians in the period under discussion has been similar in terms of focusing on the linearization of the beginning and end of history, determinism, elitism, fatalism and theological thinking. However, it should be said that the above cases were different in both currents in terms of intensity, weakness and examples. In addition, the position of history in the views of Safavid historians may have been superior to medieval Europe in some respects; First, Safavid historiography focused on Shiite theology, which was not only religious and rational, but also emphasized the legitimate use of theistic pleasures in this world, along with the emphasis on the mortality of the material world, while the focus of the medieval European historians was Catholic theology, which essentially emphasized pessimism about the material world. Second, in Safavid historiography, the Iranian man has a distinct identity, while the middle European historian portrays a confused face of a Western man suffering from an identity crisis. Third, unlike medieval European historians, some Safavid historians, including Abdi Beg Shirazi and Iskandar Beg, have offered more plausible explanations of the historical events, taking into account some social and economic issues. Fourth, Safavid historiography is quantitatively (from extensiveness and diversity aspects) superior to medieval Europe.

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Ali Niya Amir

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The Rankean Paradigm was founded by the efforts of Leopold Von Ranke, one of the most influential historians of nineteenth-century Europe, whose thinking shifted historiography and historicism of the nineteenth century. Ranke, who was the official historian of the Prussian state, founded a methodical paradigm in history writing, and with five decades of history education, trained the first generation of professional historians. History knowledge with his efforts became a scientific subject that required specialized training. This paper aimed to investigate the importance of the role of skills training in history teaching with an emphasis on Rankean Paradigm. The findings of this study indicated the importance of the role of skills training in the thinking of the great historian, who, while establishing a new paradigm in historiography, launched the first period of internship and training in the field of archeology on July 12, 1825 (AD).

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