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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aims: The current research aimed to examine the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on educational vitality and family functioning of students with Physical-motor injuries. Materials and Methods: The study employed a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 30 students with physical-motor injuries and their mothers who were selected through purposeful sampling. The participants were randomly divided into experiment and control groups and completed individual profile form as well as family functioning, and educational vitality questionnaires. The experiment group received 10 twohour sessions of ACT. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using the covariance analysis statistical method. Results: The results indicated a significant difference between pretest and posttest as well as pretest and follow-up phases in terms of family functioning and educational vitality scores between the witness and experimental groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Considering the findings of the present study showing the effectiveness of ACT on the family functioning and educational vitality, this method can be implemented to improve these variables in the students with physical-motor injuries and their mothers.

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Background and Aims: The current research aimed to examine the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on educational vitality and family functioning of students with Physical-motor injuries. Materials and Methods: The study employed a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 30 students with physical-motor injuries and their mothers who were selected through purposeful sampling. The participants were randomly divided into experiment and control groups and completed individual profile form as well as family functioning, and educational vitality questionnaires. The experiment group received 10 twohour sessions of ACT. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using the covariance analysis statistical method. Results: The results indicated a significant difference between pretest and posttest as well as pretest and follow-up phases in terms of family functioning and educational vitality scores between the witness and experimental groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Considering the findings of the present study showing the effectiveness of ACT on the family functioning and educational vitality, this method can be implemented to improve these variables in the students with physical-motor injuries and their mothers.

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Background and Aims: Postural control disorder has been reported in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) patients as the cause of pain, dysfunction in proprioception, and decreased muscle strength. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of sensorimotor training on pain, proprioception, strength, and postural control in PFPS patients. Methods: A semi-experimental study was carried out on 32 patients with PFPS who were randomly divided into experimental (n = 16) and control (n = 16) groups. The variables measured included pain, knee proprioception angles of 20 and 60 degrees, muscular strength quadriceps, hip abductor, and postural control, which were evaluated before and after intervention. We evaluated postural control using Biodex Device, pain with VAS scale, knee proprioception with goniometer, and muscle Strength via dynamometer. The experimental group performed sensorimotor Training for 12 weeks, 3 times per week) and 1 hour per session; however, the control group did not receive any treatment during this time. SPSS, version 21, was used for data analysis running covariance statistical method. Results: The results of data analysis showed that the experimental group had significant improvement in postural control index, Anterior-posterior index (P=0. 002), medial-lateral Overall stability (P=0. 001), pain reduction (P=0. 001), knee proprioception of 20 degrees (P=0. 001), knee proprioception of 60 degrees (P=0. 001), muscle strength of quadriceps (P=0. 002), and muscle strength of hip abductor (P=0. 001) after 12 weeks of sensorimotor training. Conclusions: Sensorimotor training significantly reduced pain and improved knee proprioception, muscles strength, and postural control in PFPS patients; therefore, it seems that these training can be used as a comprehensive treatment protocol for the treatment of multiple disorders in patients with PFPS.

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Background and Aims: Since the optimization of different forms of exercise and training in exercise and treatment, especially the use of open and close chains, has been discussed in the past studies, the present study was conducted to compare the selected kinetic variables (peak torque, time to torque, average power, and total work) agonist and antagonist muscles of the knee extensor in active women at two open and closed kinetic chain ways at 60 and 180 ° sec, respectively. Materials and Methods: Participants of the current semi-experimental comparative study included groups of active women. The isokinetic device was used with two special attachments for the open and closed knee movements, while for each type of the test, the device was adapted to the type of test and type of speed and physical physics. The method of testing were first explained to the participants. The information and type of test related to each participant was recorded and stored on the device. For data analysis, mean, standard deviation, and independent T test were used to compare variables as well as the two types of kinetic chain at two speeds with the significance rate set at 0. 05. Results: The results revealed a difference between two open and closed kinetic chain ways with isokinetic device at two speeds of 60 and 180 degrees per second in active group. According to the findings of peak torque, the average power and total work variables in the open kinetic chain in the active group at 60 and 180 degrees per second at two speeds were more in active group and the time of peak torque in closed chain was more than that of open kinetic chain at both speeds. Conclusion: According to the findings of the study, due to the differences in the results of flexion and extension testing of knee in the open and closed kinetic chains at two speeds of 60 and 180 degrees/s, the results indicated more control and accuracy of the isokinetic test in closed chain in comparison with the open chain at both speeds in the active group. Meanwhile, the results indicated that the time to peak torque of the closed kinetic chain test can be possibly a preference for using this method for post-traumatic rehabilitation; therefore, it is recommended to educators and therapists. Also, due to the higher kinetic values in other variables except for time at both speeds in open kinetic chain, to improve muscle strength and function, performing an open kinetic chain is suitable and useful.

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Background and Aims: Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which can be accompanied by some disorders such as cognitive, developmental, and linguistic disorders in most cases. One of the effective disorders in the developmental process and social life of the individuals with Down syndrome is represented in the level of narrative discourse. Narrative discourse is one of the skills that has a very vital role in the daily communications and even the educational and professional development. Since this level of skill needs to recall and use the cognitive and the linguistic skills simultaneously, its comprehension and production can be challenging for the individuals with Down syndrome. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate Persian-speaking educable Down syndrome students’ comprehension and production of narrative discourse based on the story grammar model. Materials and Methods: In the current research, the story grammar representation in Persian-speaking educable Down syndrome students’ narrative discourse level was studied following Goldman and Varnhagen’ s story grammar model. To this end, 20 educable Down syndrome students (10 girls and 10 boys) with the chronological age of 10 to 24 years (mental age of 10 to 12 years) and a control group consisting of 20 normal children (10 girls and 10 boys) with the chronological age of 10 to 12 years participated in the test of the comprehension and production of narrative discourse based on the story grammar. The collected data were first studied and described. Then, they were analysed using SPSS software, version 22, running One-Way ANOVA test. Results: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between normal students and educable Down syndrome students in story grammar comprehension and production in such way that educable Down syndrome students’ performance in the comprehension and production of story grammar propositions was significantly (P<. 05) weaker. Nevertheless, educable Down syndrome students comprehended and produced the end of the story, namely the last proposition, better than other propositions of the story. Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that the weak performance of educable Down syndrome students in the comprehension and production of story grammar is related to the cognitive and linguistic weaknesses.

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Background and Aims: Although sport injuries are common in volleyball, insufficient information is available on the risk factors for these injuries. Due to the high reliability and validity of the functional tests as well as the low cost and availability of these tests, hoping tests were used to investigate its role in predicting injuries to elite Iranian volleyball players. Materials and Methods: In the current study, 60 Iranian male volleyball players were selected as the study participants. Prior to the start of the tournament, volleyball players were evaluated using hopping tests to assess functional risk factors. Volleyball injuries were also evaluated prospectively over a semester and analyzed using SPSS, version 24. Pearson correlation test was run to investigate the relationship between the research variable and the prevalence of injury as the criterion variable. Logistic regression test was used at the significance level of 0. 05. Results: There was a significant relationship between hoping tests and injury incidence among adolescent volleyball players. Also, there was a significant relationship between injury incidence and single leg jump, single leg triple jump, jump time, and single leg cross jump, respectively. Correlation values of-0. 427,-0. 554,-0. 580, and-0. 610 were observed. Conclusion: According to the results, considering the fact that the participants’ Hoping Functional Tests scores after performing and recording the observations showed a relatively favorable condition, it can be stated that the better performance in these tests is linked with the risk of injury among volleyball teenage athletes. It may be concluded that the higher the performance of athletes, the less the possibility that they may be injured.

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Background and Aims: Walking takes place during the first years of life. It develops at about age 7 and stays the same until 60. This activity is affected by factors such as a genu valgus. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of knee brace on the electrical activity of muscles in individuals with genu valgus during walking. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 male individuals with genu valgus (age: 25. 03± 3. 026 years; height 1. 76± 0. 06 cm; weight 83. 35± 1. 10 kg, and body mass index of 30. 23± 3. 45 kg /m2) volunteered to participate in the study. Walking was done in two stages without knee brace and with knee brace. A wireless electromyography system (biometrics ltd, uk) was used to record the electrical activity of the muscles. Paired t-test was used for statistical analysis. All analyses were carried out at the significant level of 0. 05. Results: The findings of the present study showed a significant decrease in the electrical activity of the gluteus medius muscle during the heel contact, mid stance, and push off phases (P<0. 05). Also the electrical activity of the vastus medialis (d=1. 52; P=0. 001), vastus lateralis (d=1. 16; P = 0. 009), and semitendinosus muscles (d=1. 85; P=0. 001) showed a significant decrease during the stance phase. Conclusion: Significant decrease in electromyographical activity of quadriceps and gluteus medius muscles during wearing of brace may be due to improved walking efficiency in individuals with genu valgus.

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Background and Aims: Pronated foot, as one of the common foot deformities, can affect the biomechanics of running and risk of lower extremity injury. Fatigue, as a result of doing heavy tasks, can also change biomechanical parameters of locomotion. Under the fatigue conditions, the biomechanical differences between individuals with pronated and healthy feet are more easily identified. Thus, the main objective of the present study was to examine the effects of fatigue at heart rate deflection point on ankle muscle co-contraction between pronated and healthy feet during running. Materials and Methods: A total of 14 young men with pronated feet and 14 individuals with healthy feet participated in the study. Electromyographic activities of the selected muscles before and after fatigue protocol were recorded. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software and running ANOVA (p≤ 0. 05). Results: Findings in the pronated foot compared with the healthy foot group showed that the ankle general co-contraction was significantly lower in the mid-stance phase (p=0. 049; d=0. 81) and the directed co-contraction was significantly more in the heel off phase (p=0. 038; d=0. 85). Other components did not show any significant differences (P > 0. 05). Conclusion: The general co-contraction of the pronated feet was less than that in the healthy group in the middle phase. Weakness of the muscles around the joint may be one of the reasons for the change in the direction of the bones of the sole of the foot. An increase in directional co-contraction in people with pronated feet indicates an increase in pressure on the internal structures of the ankle. Long-term running may expose the internal structures of the foot to the risk of overload and injury. Therefore, it is suggested that rehabilitation programs be considered for these individuals, which will also increase the general cocontraction, especially in the mid-stance phase.

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Background and Aims: One of the most common injuries experienced by a high percentage of the population is the Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). Also, changes in the kinetics and kinematics may lead to increased loads around Patella joint which eventually results in the patella-femoral pain syndrome. The aim of the present research was to study the angular displacement of knee (KAD) and hip (HAD) joints while running on a treadmill with-5, 0, and +5 slopes in individuals with PFPS. Materials and Methods: In the current study, 18 individuals with PFPS (age 23. 87± 1. 47 years old, height 174. 22± 5. 62 cm, and mass 69. 18± 10. 07 kg) and 19 healthy individuals (age 24. 47± 1. 30 years, height 173. 78± 6. 34 cm and mass 74. 33± 9. 41 kg) were recruited. Three-dimensional motion analysis system with six-camera Optoelectronics was used to measure KAD and HAD during a full gait cycle on treadmill. Repeated analysis of variance and independent t-test were used to analyze the data. Results: The only significant difference observed was in the displacement of the knee angle between the Pattelofemoral pain syndrome and healthy groups at a slope of 5% (P=0. 01). There was no significant difference between the mean angular displacement of the hip joint in the group with patellofemoral pain syndrome and healthy group on all the slopes. No significant difference was observed between any of the slopes compared to the mean angular displacement of the knee joint in people with patellar pain syndrome. Also, in comparing the angular displacement of the hip joint in people with patellar pain syndrome, except in-5 and +5% (P=0. 001) slopes, there was no significant difference between-5 and 0% and +5 and 0% slopes. Conclusion: According to the results, running on negative slopes can be considered a risk factor for people with PFPS. Conversely, steep slopes can reduce pressure on the knee joint, and it is recommended that running on positive slopes during exercise and rehabilitation for people with Pathoformal abnormalities be included. So, we can consider this as a general rule that the knee hyper flexion in weight-bearing position is not suitable for individuals with PFPS.

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طب توانبخشی

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مقدمه و اهداف: هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر تعیین اثربخشی درمان مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد بر میزان سرزندگی تحصیلی دانش آموزان و عملکرد خانواده مادران فرزندان دارای آسیب های جسمی-حرکتی بود. مواد و روش ها: پژوهش حاضر از نوع شبه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون پس آزمون بود. بدین منظور 30 نفر از کودکان مبتلا به ناتوانی های جسمی-حرکتی و مادران آن ها به روش نمونه گیری غیرتصادفی هدفمند انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه 15 نفره آزمایش و گواه تقسیم شدند. هر دو گروه فرم مشخصات فردی، پرسشنامه عملکرد خانواده و سرزندگی تحصیلی را تکمیل کردند و افراد گروه آزمایش در 10 جلسه دوساعته تحت درمان آموزش مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد قرار گرفتند. در نهایت اطلاعات جمع آوری شده با استفاده از روش آماری تحلیل کوواریانس تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: یافته های به دست آمده در ارتباط با اثربخشی مداخله بر سطح عملکرد خانواده و سرزندگی تحصیلی نشان داد در گروه آزمایش تفاوت بین پیش آزمون با پس آزمون و پیش آزمون با پیگیری معنادار است (p <0. 05). نتیجه گیری: با توجه به یافته های پژوهش حاضر مبنی بر تاثیر آموزش مبتنی بر پذیرش و تعهد بر عملکرد خانواده و سرزندگی تحصیلی دانش آموزان، این روش می تواند برای بهبود این متغیرها برای مادران و دانش آموزان مبتلا به آسیب های جسمی-حرکتی به کار گرفته شود.

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Background and Aims: Fatigue can lead to harmful changes in landing kinematics and put the knee joint in a position that increases chances of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of jump training on selected kinematic factors conditions in Men's Handball Player Premier League who are at the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury. Materials and Methods: In the current study, 30 handball players in the Iranian Premier League were selected purposefully and randomly divided into two control and experimental groups. Prior to and eight weeks after the exercises (3 sessions per week) at the same time and place, after determining the participants' dominant leg and applying the fatigue protocol, they performed a single-leg landing jump. Kinematic factors of the lower limb and trunk were recorded during the single-leg landing using Motion Analysis device to investigate movements in the sagittal and frontal motion plate. During the research period, the control group did not perform any intervention training program. ANCOVA was run to analyze the study hypotheses in SPSS, version 20. Results: The results showed that after eight weeks of training in fatigue conditions, knee, hip, and trunk flexions increased in the exercise group (respectively p=0. 001, p=0. 002, p=0. 001, ) while no significant decrease was observed in lateral trunk tilt, knee valgus, and tibial torsion. Conclusion: According to the results, plyometric exercises may be effective in preventing anterior cruciate ligament injury. These exercises prevent mechanisms that cause damage to the anterior cruciate ligament by affecting the kinematic angles of the joints and by increasing the muscular feedforward activity and the development of the entire musculoskeletal system.

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Background and Aims: Although it is documented that muscle activities is influenced by individual characteristics, such as body type, the purpose of the present study was to compare selected local and global core stability muscles and center of pressure changes during gait in young able-bodied males with emphasis on body type. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 young males (age: 26. 1± 2. 5 years old, height: 185. 5± 4. 6 centimeters, and weight: 99. 8± 1. 6 kg; mesomorph: 26. 3± 2. 7 years old, 179. 8± 8. 3 centimeters, and 84. 2± 8. 2 kg; ectomorph: 24. 3± 2. 7 years old, 183. 0± 4. 6 centimeters, and 63. 2± 4. 9 kg) participated in the present study and were placed into three groups with respect to their somatotype. The local and global core stability muscles activities were recorded using MYON electromyography and center of pressure changes using two force plates during gait. To compare between muscle activities (RMS indices, duration of electrical activity) as well as center of pressure changes with emphasis on three body types, ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey were run at the significance level of P<0. 05. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the RMS of the internal and external oblique global muscles. The percentage of RMS for endomorph participants in all local and global muscles was higher than those of mesomorph and ectomorph body types during gait. There was also a significant difference in the duration of electrical activity in the multifidus and longissimus local muscles and internal oblique global muscle in all three body types during gait. The duration of electrical activity in the multifidus, longissimus, and internal oblique muscles was higher in individuals with endomorph body type. The center of pressure changes was also greater for the endomorphic body type, though there was no significant difference between the body types. Conclusion: According to the findings of the curent study, it can be claimed that body type affects the pattern of local and global muscle performance of core stability area and changes in the center of pressure during gait.

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طب توانبخشی

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مقدمه و اهداف: فلج مغزی منجر به محدودیت های جسمانی و کارکردی بسیاری در زندگی روزمره کودکان مبتلا می گردد که به دنبال آن باعث ایجاد وابستگی کودک به والدین و به خصوص مادر می شود؛ از این رو، مادران این کودکان، زمانی طولانی برای مراقبت از کودکان خود اختصاص می دهند و بر طبق شواهد معمولا سطح بالاتری از استرس، اضطراب و افسردگی را نسبت به مادران دارای کودکان سالم تحمل می کنند. این میزان از استرس و فشار روانی می تواند باعث کاهش کیفیت زندگی مادران دارای کودکان با فلج مغزی گردد. در پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تاثیر کوچینگ عملکرد کاری به عنوان یکی از مداخلات و راهکارها به منظور بهبود سلامت روان مادران دارای کودکان با فلج مغزی پرداخته شده است. مواد و روش ها: مطالعه حاضر به صورت بررسی پیش آزمون-پس آزمون همراه با گروه کنترل انجام گرفت که 30 مادر دارای کودک با فلج مغزی به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه مداخله یا کنترل قرار گرفتند. از فرم کوتاه مقیاس افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس (DASS-21)، پرسشنامه COPM، مقیاس نظام طبقه بندی کارکرد حرکتی درشت (GMFCS) و فرم اسپارکل برای جمع آوری داده ها استفاده شد. داده ها با آزمون تی مستقل و من ویتنی در 22SPSS تحلیل شدند. یافته ها: نتایج تحلیل نشان داد که پس از اجرای کوچینگ عملکرد کاری، مادران در نمرات پس آزمون کاهش چشمگیری در میزان استرس، اضطراب و افسردگی نسبت به نمرات پیش آزمون خود داشتند. نتیجه گیری: رویکرد کوچینگ عملکرد کاری می تواند به عنوان مداخله ای موثر برای ارتقای سلامت روان مادران دارای کودکان با فلج مغزی و کاهش سطح استرس، اضطراب و افسردگی آنها در کنار سایر رویکردها مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.

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Background and Aims: Most studies have investigated the effect of endurance activity on the levels of blood hepcidin and iron and they have been reported to increase hepcidin and decrease iron levels after this type of activities. The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute effect of circuit resistance activity on hepcidin hormone and iron metabolism in active men. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 trained men participated in the current study on a voluntary basis and were randomly divided into two circuit resistance exercise and control groups (n=15). The study protocol was circuit resistance exercise consisting of 10 stations (leg press, chest press, barbell curl, lat pull down, leg extension, parallel, triceps pushdown, seated cable row, barbell shoulder press, and leg curl); the duration of activity at each station was 15 seconds, the rest between stations was 45 seconds and the intensity of activity was 60 percent of one maximum repetition, that was performed in 4 sets with 3 min rest between the sets. Five ml blood samples were obtained before and immediately after resistance exercise from participants' antecubital vein and the levels of serum hepcidin, iron, ferritin and RBC were measured. Results: In circuit resistance exercise group, the levels of blood Hepcidin (p=0. 031) and Ferritin (p=0. 001) decreased and the level of blood iron (p=0. 001) increased significantly. But the changes in red blood cells count was not significant (p=0. 055). In control group, no significant difference was not observed between pre-test and post-test for any of the variables (p>0. 05). The amount of post-test Hepcidin level (p=0. 012) and blood iron were significantly lower and higher in circuit resistance exercise group compared to those of control group, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be stated that 60 minutes of resistance circuit activity with the intensity of 60% of 1RM induced a decline in blood hepcidin level and an increase in blood iron level.

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Background and Aims: Today, considering the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), more researches are needed to determine the impact of non-pharmacological training and strategies to help people with ADHD. The present study was conducted with this purpose in mind by applying perceptual-motor variables and mindfulness variables. Materials and Methods: The present semi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest design with two experimental groups and a control group was conducted on 30 children ADHD (mean age 9. 5 ± 1/65) selected using subjective sampling. Participants were involved in a pre-test session to perform attention networks test. Then, the intervention for each experimental group was applied for eight sessions, one hour each session. The same test was administered as post-test on both groups (mindfulness and cognitive-motor training) following four weeks of training, two sessions per week and one hour per session. ANCOVA and compound analysis of variance (3 groups*2 time factors) with repeated measures, with the significance level set at p <0. 05, were used to test the research hypotheses. Results: The findings showed that perceptual-motor training and mindfulness had a significant effect on the accuracy of response and some subgroups (indicators) of attention deficit hyperactivity networks. No significant changes were observed in the control geoup. So, the effect of mindfulness was found to be greater. Conclusion: According to the results, using mindfulness and cognitive-motor training along with other therapies are recommended for these children.

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Background and Aims: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, usually exhibiting from childhood and if left untreated, continues throughout the lifespan. ADHD is believed to be the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in childhood. The symptoms often create impairments in one or more major areas of the person’ s life that require levels of attention and concentration, such as learning, relationships, and work. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of cognitive rehabilitation on executive functions (response retardation and planning) in children with ADHD. Materials and Methods: The present study was a semi experimental study, designed with pre-test / post-test clinical trial and a control group. A total of 30 children with ADHD, aged 7-9 years old, who were referred to the clinic of the Ministiry of Educaion in Shiraz, educational sector 1, were diagnosed using the Raven Intelligence Test and matched via the CSI-4 Diagnostic Test. The children, selected via purposive sampling, were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups. Children in the experimental group were given 10 sessions of rehabilitation program each week, each session for one hour. Response inhibition was measured using Stroop and Planned with Bariff test. Results: Pre-and Post-test scores were significantly different in measures of executive functions (both response retention and planning) in children with ADHD (P <0/001). Conclusion: Training on cognitive rehabilitation appears to be effective in improving the executive functions (response retention and planning) of children with ADHD and can be offered as an appropriate replacement against the effects of psycho stimulants medications.

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Background and Aims: The coordination between joints and muscles cause suitable production and distribution of force on the lumbar spine and joints. Fatigue induced by rowing, which is also associated with changes in paddling mechanics, can cause changes in coordination and variability patterns of segments due to its cyclic and periodic nature. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of one stage of exhaustive global fatigue on coordination and coordination variability of the joints of the trunk in elite rowers Materials and Methods: A total of 14 male rowers of the national team participated in current quasi-experimental study. Participants were tested during a rowing exercise on a Concept 2 ergometer performed until task failure. The variables of the coordination and variability between the joints were recorded using the inertial measurement unit device and the kinematic data of motion were calculated in sagittal, frontal, and horizontal planes. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to ensure the normal distribution of data. Paired t-test was run to compare variables at p≤ 0. 05 level. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the effects of one stage of exhaustive global fatigue on coordination variability of the joints (hip-lumbar) in sagittal planes (P=0. 009 of effect size 0. 93). There were no significant differences in the effects of one stage of exhaustive global fatigue on coordination variability of the joints (thoraciclumbar and hip-lumbar) in the sagittal, frontal, and horizontal plates (p≤ 0. 05). Moreover, no significant differences were observed for coordination variability of the thoracic-lumbar joints in the sagittal, frontal, and horizontal plates and hip-lumbar joints in the frontal and horizontal plates (p≤ 0. 05). Conclusion: Overall, it seems that increased trunk joint variability observed in the present study can have negative effects on the performance of professional rowers and increases the risk of various injuries, such as low back pain.

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Background and Aims: The aim of the present study was to compare the frequency spectrum of lower limb muscles in patients with Covid-19 and healthy control individuals during gait. Materials and Methods: The statistical sample of the present study included 15 patients with Covid-19 (age: 24. 6± 9. 1) and 15 healthy individuals (age: 23. 2 ± 8. 0) who were selected using convenience sampling. The electrical activity of selected lower limb muscles was recorded using electromyography system during gait. Independent sample t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results: During loading response phase, the frequency spectrum in the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and gluteus medius muscles were significantly greater in the patient group than those in the healthy group (P<0. 05). During mid-stance phase, all of the selected muscles showed a similar median frequency values in the two groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion: Lowering the functional capacity of the lower limb muscles results in a lack of proper control of the ground reaction forces, which could increase the likelihood of injury and falls in patients.

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Background and Aims: Today, the outbreak of Covid-19 has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Following the Corona pandemic and home quarantine, restrictions have been imposed on individuals, especially in the country's education sector. Meanwhile, university professors are faced with the conditions of virtual education and changes in daily activities. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of virtual education conditions on musculoskeletal status and physical activity of university professors during the Corona pandemic Materials and Methods: In the current descriptive research, standard questionnaires of Nordic musculoskeletal status and Beck physical activity were used. The statistical population included professors from Farhangian universities across the country, with 98 centers, of which 260 participated in the study. McNemar, paired, and Spearman correlation tests were used at the significance level of P≤ 0. 05. Results: There was a significant difference between the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the neck, shoulders, back, and waist before and during the coronavirus pandemic (P≤ 0. 05). Also, there was a negative correlation between neck and wrist disorders with work physical activity and between wrist and knee disorders with leisure and exercise physical activity (P≤ 0. 05). There was a significant difference between the hours of using social media for leisure and education, using laptops and mobile phones, and the amount of night and day sleep before and during the corona (P≤ 0. 05). Conclusion: It seems that the current situation of the corona pandemic, led to changes in musculoskeletal health and type of physical activity of university professors. Communication tools and virtual education and the time spent on them have led to reduced physical activity in various dimensions of work, leisure, and exercise, the prevalence of some musculoskeletal disorders, and even changes in the university professors' sleep rate. It is suggested that university professors improve their regular physical activities and consider ergonomics of using learning assistant tools.

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