A 23-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of fever, headache, nausea and weight loss.
The patient has been well until a month ago, while fever and nightsweat developed. It was a persistent fever associated with nausea and headache.The patient was a native of Afghanistan living in a city at the south of Khorasan province. He was not married and there was not history of tuberculosis, exposure to i1lpersons, no history of a1cohol, tobacco and drug abuse and no history of coughing, hemoptysis, dyspenea and predisposing factors for HIV infection.His temperature was 39.1 C on admission, heartbeat 84, and respiration rate 17 with blood pressure 115/70. There were no receptions and lymphadenopathy, chin-to-chest exam was doubtful, no splenomegaly and no hepatomegaly and fundoscopy was normal. Hematologic lab and blood chemical values on admission were; WBC 8500 (mm3), Neut 71%, Lymph 20%, Mono 8%, Eo 1%, platelets 320000 (mm3), glucose 150, HDL 50, LDL 130, Na 122, K 3.5, UA was normal.On CX Ray, ca1cified lymphnodes were present on the both of hilar regions the heart appeared normal CT Scan of skull without contrast material on administration was performed and showed scalloping of inner table of skull looking like arachnoid granulation.A lumbar puncture was done. CSF colour was cloudy containing 250 WBC per mm3, 75% Neut, 25% lymphocytes, glucose level 40 mg/dl and protein level was 275 mg/dl. Bacteriolobic exam of CSF revealed no acid-fast bacilli and no other organism. The results of CSF culture and other tests were pending.