Previously healthy lO-year-old boy presented with a history of painful right-sided neck swelling and fever. Past medical history was unremarkable.His fever generally ranged between 39 and 40.2°c. Physical exam showed a painful, war mass -3 by 6cm and centered on the middle of the left anterior neck area. There was no history of angina, cough, sinusitis, weight loss, night sweat and exposure to tuberculosis patient. His pediatrician prescribed a 10-day course of erythromycin with suspicion of bacterial adenitis. In spite of finishing the course of antibiotic therapy the fever persisted and swelling remained unchanged.He had a cat at home. His grandfather living another city has proven tuberculosis and he is on TB drugs. A maternal aunt had toxoplasmosis with two repeated, abortions; his 15-year-old brother had chronic sinobronchitis.On admission and on physical examination he had fever (39.5 C) vital signs were normal. A tender big mass measuring 3x8cm was palpable with a warm and erythomatuos overlying skin. There was no other lymphadenitis and skin rash, no hepatosplenomegaly and no abnormal heart sound and rests of the physical exams were all normal.Lab exam revealed a WBC count 6.500/mm3 with 65% Neutrocytes 26% lymphocytes and 9% monocytes. ESR, were 70 mm/h, liver function tests; SGOT/400 Iu, SGPT1750 Iu, and bilirobine normal.Blood and urine culture sterile, PPD without any indurations and redness. P.A. chest, X-ray was normal.With diagnosis of bacterial adenitis, antibiotic started. In spite of initiation of erythromycin the patient remained febrile without any change in neck mass. So, febrile agglutination tests for toxoplasma gondii, standard tube agglutination test for brucella and widal test were non-reactive. Rhemotoid factor and serologic tests for EBV, and CMV, also were non-reactive. Ultrasonographic imaging of neck, revealed enlarged lymphadenitis.Eventually for confirmative diagnosis Symphnodebiopsy was done.