The purpose of this study is to find out the role of personality traits on job
performance.To this end, all of the agricultural graduate of Tehran University
from academic year 88 to 98 were chosen, and by sending them NEO
personality questionnaires, necessarly information from 655 graduate was
obtained. NEO personality questionnaires consider five factors namely
openness, agreeableness,conscientiousness,neuroticism and extraversion. In
addition information about place of job, kind of job, years of employment was
obtained from these questionnaires. Information about job performance, (job
behaviors, expertise and skill in job, amount of work), job as related to field
of study, and work provisions were collected through 513 questionnaires filled
by employers. For analysis of the results the statistical method of regression
was employed. The results indicated that there was no singnificant
relationship between personality trait and job performance. The results show
that more than 56.5 percent of the study sample were employed in realtion
their study field. An evaluation of graduates by the employers shows that 47.2
percent of agricultural graduates are working at quite an acceptable level.
According to these results, 7.140 percent of Agricultural graduates of Tehran
University display the openness trait 63 percent coscientiousness trait at quite
an acceptable level.