Introduction: The significance of learning strategies used by students in their academic achievement has been argued. In this study, the effect of a study skills educational workshop on employing learning and study strategies by talented students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences has been investigated.Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 40 talented students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2008. All students completed a learning and study strategies questionnaire and then, the students of intervention group participated in a 20 hours educational workshop on learning and study strategies. The questionnaire for learning and study strategies was again completed by all students. Information about students’ experiences in applying the learned strategies during the educational workshop was gathered through interview, a month after that. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using student t test, paired t-test, and Chi². The results were also compared with the norm scores of United States' students. Results: Students’ scores in 5 domains of selecting the main idea (p=0.019), study guide (p=0.000), information processing (p=0.021), self-evaluation (p=0.006), and use of test strategies enhanced after participating in the workshop, compared to the control group. Moreover, the scores of the experiment group in these 5 domains showed a significant increase compared to their pre-test scores. In comparing with the norm scores of United States' students, our students’ scores were low in motivation scale which was equal to 25th percentile and increased to 45th percentile after participation in the workshop. Investigating students’ experiences demonstrated that their skills in study, time management, employing memorizing techniques, speed and amount of learning, improved significantly after participation in the workshop. Conclusion: This study showed that reflective skills and intellectual strategies can be taught and learned. This prepared educational program might be used for promoting students’ learning and study strategies in 5 domains of choosing the main idea, study guide, information processing, self-evaluation, and test strategies. Using the results of this study, an optional course for study skills which can promote students’ learning has been designed in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.