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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Chromium is necessary for carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Chromium (ІІІ) is necessary for the activation of Insulin secretion and it is used for the treatment of NIDDM in very low concentration. It produces toxicity particulary in Nuclear hepatocytes in high concentration. In this project the acute and chronic effects of chromium on rat liver tissue has been investigated. Methods: Rats were divided into two groups. In one group 2mg/kg chromium were injected daily for 30 and 60 days and in another group 400 mg/kg of chromium administered for one day Rat were anesthetized with ether and their liver were removed for microscopic examinations. Results: results obtained show that intraperitoneal administration of 2mg chromium for 30 days causes vascular, fibrosis (+2) and intermediate fibrosis and inflammation of vascular (+3). Administration of 400 mg\kg of chromium causes secretion of lymphocytes and accumulation of neutrophil.Discussion: Chromium is an essential element in low concentration and toxic particulary at very high concentration.

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Introduction: senile cataract is one of the public health problems at world and it is the most important cause of blindness in old population. Oxidative damage has been considered as a major factor involved in senile cataract. Although the Nutrilional factors including vitamin A with antioxidant property can be implicated as a protective agent, there is a little information about these vitamins status in Iranian population particularly with respect to the cataract. Materials: A population based case-control study was conducted on 102 patients with cataract and 102 healthy volunteers attending the Alavi and Nicokary Ophthalmology Clinics of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences The age were over 45 years old in both groups. The anthropometric measurements were carried out and capillary blood was drawn to determine plasma vitamin A with HPLC method. A food frequency questionnaire was used to collect information on the consumption of a wide variety of food item. Personal information also collected and blood systolic and diastolic pressure were determined. Differences were considered significant at p<0. 05. Results: Plasma vitamin A level in the patients was found to be significantly lower than the control (0.450±0.018  mmol/l vs 0.611±0.022 mmol/l respectively). The nutritional assessment showed that patients with cataract have consumed significantly less food groups including milk, meats, fruits, vegetables and grains. Conclusion: According to this study, patients with cataract have a low plasma vitamin A level compared with normal subjects. The lack of enough information about nutritional intake may play an important role in this matter. Risk factors such as high blood pressure, low literacy, smoking may be effective in cataract formation.

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Introduction: Streptococcus pneumonia is the leading cause of respiratory tract infections in young children and elderly. Nasopharyngeal carriers of pneumococci in the densely populated school in the developing countries pane the way for high incidence of pneumococcal infections. In this study the distribution of streptococcus pneumonia among the school children in Gorgan carried out. Material & Method: During the period of February to March 1999, 1268 throat swabs were taken and cultured in blood agar, and assessed for isolation of Streptococcus pneumonia. Antibiogram for isolated S.pneumonia were done. Personal questionnaire for all children were completed. Results: Out of 1268 throat swabs taken 138 isolates (10.9%) were positive for morphological and biochemical characteristics of S. pneumonia. The prevalence of penicillin resistance among the S. pneumonia isolates was found to be 14% while 93% and 80% were cephalexin and erythromycin sensitive respectively. The pharyngeal pneumococcal colonization of girls was found (14%) to be considerebly higher (p<0.0009) than those of boys (8%) while lower prevalence of pneumococci were found in the throat isolates of children living in the city (7.5%) compared to those living in the rural areas (13.5%). Race had no significant effect but we observed a notably higher colonization rate among children with jobless parents (16.7%) compared to those with working parents (7.3%). Discussion: Presence of penicillin resistant in this group is very important and shows need to antibiogram for all penumococci strains that isolated.

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Introduction: Antipsychotic and sedative drugs such as diazepam, lithium and haloperidol have teratogenic effects. In regard to the fact that primary optic vesicle is derivate form of neural tube and teratogenic effect of haloperidol is generally related to nerve system. In this study, the relationship between the use of these drugs and their side effects in the optic system was assessed. Materials &. Methods: In this study the effectiveness of haloperidol on optic vesicle was assessed in two groups of animals. In the first group, 5 mg and in the second group 10 mg/kg of drug was administered. The embryos were taken out from uterus and processed using paraffin embedded method. The slides were studied under light microscope. Result: The results were indicated that there was a significant relation between applying haloperidol and eye anomalies such as defect in formation of lense, retina and optic nerve. Discussion: The development of the eye appears as a pair of shallow grooves on the forebrain in our study. The anomalies of the eye such as defect in formation of lens, retina and optic nerve were observed. It appears that injection of optic vesicle has impact on cell division and thus resulting cell death, therefore vesicle was abnormal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Zinc is an essential trace element in human. Its major biochemical role being as constituent in a variety of metalloenzyme systems with catalytic functions. Zinc deficiency which causes lesions, alopecia and has linked to growth retardation and mental disturbance is relatively easily treated with zinc supplements. In contracts, serious exposure to zinc oxide may cause zinc toxicity. In this study, some biochemical and hematological serum parameters which are possibly resulted zinc toxicity, were investigated. Materials & Methods: In this study blood samples of 18 normal inviduals and 18 workers which were exposed to ZnO for at least 10 years were collected and the concentration of zinc and copper were measured by atomic absorption. The coulter counter was used for determination of CBC, Hb and HCT. The amount of iron, TIBC and the all types of lipids were also measured using different kits. Results: The results showed that the mean serum concentration of zinc in workers and healthy volunteers were 144 ±17 pg/dl and 114±15 pg/dl respectively. Serum levels of iron, TIBC and Hb were reduced by 10.6, 12. 7 and 10.1percent compare to normal range respectively. These parameters were not significantly different in workers compare to healthy volunteers. Changes in copper and lipids were also not significantly different. Discussion: This study showed that in spite of elevation in serum zinc level in workers, other biochemical (serum copper, iron and lipid protein) and hematological (Hb, hematocnit and CBC) parameters have not be affected which might be due to the duration for the toxicity.

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Introduction: Ground Water are the most important sources for supplying of potable Water for cities and villages from the health point of view, the Water which is used for drinking, should be pure and has little soluble substances and free from the pathogenic organisms. The aim of this study is to determine the chemical and bacterial quality of ground water Sources of URMIA city and comparison with international standards. Materials and Methods: The method of study is descriptive and cross-sectional. To determine the chemical and bacterial quality of potable ground water sources, in URMIA city, the number of 74 samples was collected from 37Deep wells, during Summer season. The bacterial Samples were taken by 250 ml sterlizied glassware and kept in 4□c and then carried them to the laboratory, within less than six hours. Samples were examined in three stages; probability, confirmatory and complementary. Chemical samples were collected in a plastic container (2 litres) and then parameters such as; hardness, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (Ec), Anions and cations of water were examined, and compared with the international standard book (1998). Results: Results obtained from this study indicated that, the mean electrical conductivity (EC). of water wells were less than 1000 micro-mos/cm, and based on sholler's diagram for drinking waters, the quality of ground water sources were very good and potable. Among the chemical parameters the concentration of nitrate in two wells was more than standard. The average concentration of fluoride was 0.04 ppm and less than standard (0.5 pmm) level. From the bacterial quality point of view, the water wells were free from bacterial pollution and no coliform bacteria observed in samples. Discussion: We concluded that there is no problem in the quality of ground water sources. But because of increasing population in future and water demand it is better to examine the chemical and bacterial quality of ground water continuously.

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Introduction: There are many evidences that the low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation displays the key role in atherogenesis. When LDL is oxidized, the affinity LDL to its receptor is decreased. The accumulation of the oxidized-LDL in macrophage leads to the appearance of foam cells and formation of artherosclerosis. For several years, scientists tried to find antioxidant compounds that inhibit the oxidation of LDL but have no destructive effects. Recently, the flavonoids have reserved attention as antioxidant agents. The aim of this study is possible use of these compounds in preventing or treating atherosclerosis. Materials & Methods: In this study, the effects of various concentrations of four flavonoids including: "Ginestin, Morin, Naringin and Quercetin " on the affinity of natural-LDL and oxidized-LDL (with Cu+2) to its receptor bovine adrenal tissue cells have been investigated in the presence of labeled-LDL with fluoresein isothiocyanate (FITC). First, after purification of LDL-solvent of normal serum and incubation, oxidation reaction performed and LDL-solvent was labeled with FITC, and then all solvents were added to the medium that contains adrenal tissue cells (with LDL-receptor). Finally, fluorescence intensity of supernatant of each sample was determined in spcetrofluorometer. Results: Results showed that among flavonoids uscd, 'Quercetin,' was the best compound that was increased the affinity of LDL to its receptor (for natural-LDL 30% and for oxidized-LDL 75%). The effects of them were dose-dependent and the best concentration was 200 micromolar. Discussion: These finding showed that the flavonoids probably can change the affinity of LDL to its receptor and thus may prevent formation of atherosclerosis.

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Introduction: to determine effective risk factor for early death and their causes in 100 patients who died due to intracerebral hemorrhage within 30 days. In comparison with 100 ICH who discharged from hospital. This study is carried out on patients who have been admitted in Neurologic ward of Imam Khomeini hospital. Methods & materials: We enrolled 100 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage and the causes and risk factors effective in early death were evaluated among these patients by age, sex, blood pressure, level of consciousness, location of hematoma, CT findings and other risk factors. Results: we enrolled 100 patients who died due to intracerebral hemorrhage among 358 patients with I.C.H.  that were 62 male and 38 female, with mean age of 60.8. the time course of hospitalization was 4.5 days, the most common risk factors were 90% hypertention, 28% previous C. V.A., smoking and drugs in 15% patients, diabete in 12% and level of consciousness with G.C.S. under 8 in 66% and intracerebral hematoma with diameter larger than 3.5 cm in 80% of patients. For early death of intracerebral hemorrhage important risk factors, hypertension on 90% of patients, the level of consciousness in the time of admission in 66% of patients with G.C.S. under 8 and volume of hematoma larger than 3.5 cm in 80% of were detected. Discussion: Most common and important risk factor of early death of intracerebral hemorrhage was respectively: hypertension, level of consciousness in admission time, volume of hematoma.

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Since folic acid possesses a key role in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, it is one of the important vitamins in pregnancy. All cells having rapid differentiation and proliferation (e.g.fetal cells, epithelial cells of alimentary tract and malignant cells) require this vitamin. Thus, RDA for folic acid is almost twofold in pregnancy. A large number of studies have revealed that brain and neural tube development in fetus depend on material nutritional status of folic acid. Recent investigations have answered to this question: how can we provide necessary amount of folic acid in periconceptional period?

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Cotard's and misidenfication syndrome are rare syndromes in psychiatry. The most significant sign in cotard's syndrome is nihilistic delusion. There are four basic misidentification syndrome Capgras, Fregolo, Intermetamorphosis and Subjective Double. In this article 3 patients who met criteria for paranoid schizophrenia were reported. They showed signs of cotard's and misidentification syndrome. Two male patients showed Fregoli and subjective double delusions, and female patient had Capyras delusion. In addition to co-existence of symptoms of cotrad's syndrome and misidentification syndromes, neologism as an uncommon sign associated with loosening of association existed in all three patients.

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