Reliance on academics and transfer of their experiences to students has resulted in a teacher-centered administrative model in terms of development and distribution of study materials at Payame Noor University (PNU). The technologies used in such a system are one-way educational TV programs, audio-video tapes, and residential class meetings on the weekends. The strategic planners of PNU have realized that these approaches are not efficient enough and must be changed to an interactive environment for learning. As it is argued by Brophy and Alleman (1998), in this type of environment learning occurs when faculty develop and encourage discussion through the use of social interaction. The problem in applying these concepts to open and distance education system is "how to develop or maintain such an environment.One way of creating a participative learning environment is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) combined with concepts taken from Total Quality Management (TQM), which results in a successful performance. Regardless of educational models in open and distance learning systems, a typical successful educational program in this system is more dependent on the learners' commitment and the effective use of the TQM. The implementation of this strategy has been facilitated by the electronic communication technologies; and the demand of the learner for more participation in the learning process is realized through swift and timely feedback, without the adverse effect of the geographical distance between the learner and the teacher.Consequently, educational planners are faced with two major questions.Firstly, to what extent will the quality of education be maintained, and will it remain at the expected level? Secondly, how can this technology be used?PNU is planning to have a three-stage approach to create a new learning environment for its students: First, designing the infrastructure of ICT- based course delivery; Second, implementation of ICT in teaching-learning process with reference to TQM, and developing the study materials based on teacher-student and student-student interactions; Third, evaluation and follow-up system. The aim of this paper is to introduce and comment on this approach.