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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آگاهی از عملکرد سیستم عصبی _ عضلانی برای توسعه مهارت های حرکتی و توانبخشی بیماران نقش ارزنده ای دارد. در این خصوص، ابزارها و آزمون های متعددی با اعتبار و پایانی تعریف نشده به کار گرفته می شوند. هدف از اجزای این تحقیق، بررسی پایایی دستگاه جدیدی به نام DSPF است که برای سنجش تعادل دینامیکی به بازار عرضه شده است.روش : تعداد 12 زن سالم 20 تا 35 ساله در این آزمون داوطلبانه شرکت کردند. برای اندازه گیری تعادل آزمودنی ها آنها با وضعیت بدنی تعریف شده روی صفحه اتکای دستگاه قرار می گرفتند سپس در مدت 20 ثانیه واریانس و میانگین مجموع نوسانات پوسچری بدن، نوسان در جهت جلو _ عقب و جانبی افراد ثبت می شد. کلیه آزمون ها در دو درجه سفتی صفحه اتکای درجه 2 (کاملا شل) و درجه 8 (نسبتا سفت) اجرا شدند. با آزمون های منتخب، سیستم های بینایی، دهلیزی و حسی _ حرکتی دستکاری می شود. از این دستکاریها برای بررسی میزان مشارکت این سیستم ها در کنترل حرکتی بدن آزمودنی استفاده می شود. هر آزمایش سه بار تکرار شده و میانگین بدست آمده به عنوان شاخص تعادل هر آزمون در نظر گرفته می شود. پس از دو هفته کلیه آزمون ها با شرایط مشابه تکرار شدند. با استفاده از روش پیرسون همبستگی بین دو بار تکرار آزمون ها در متغیرهای مربوط در محیط نرم افزار SPSS محاسبه گردید. نتایج نشان دادند که همبستگی مورد نظر در متغیر نوسانات کلی مرکز ثقل در وضعیت ایستاده با چشم بسته در درجه سختی 2 و 8 صفحه اتکا معادل (r=0.86) بود. این همبستگی در نوسانات قدامی _ خلفی A-P در درجه سختی 2 صفحه اتکا، معادل (r=0.85) بود و در درجه سختی 8 با حدود 11 درصد مواجه شد (R=0.76). همبستگی در نوسانات جانبی این آزمون در درجه سختی 8 برابر با r=0.73 بود. اما در سایر آزمونها همبستگی این متغیر بین دو تکرار پایین بود. در آزمونهای چرخش سر به چپ و به راست میزان همبستگی بدست آمده در هر سه مولفه در درجه سختی 8 بین r=0.81 تا r=0.086 بود. اما همبستگی متغیرهای تعادل در وضعیت ایستاده با چشم باز ضعیف تر بود. این تحقیق نشان داد که آزمونهای ایستاده در شرایط آناتومیکی با چشمان بسته و نیز آزمون ایستاده با چرخش سر به طرفین به ترتیب برای دستکاری سیستم بینایی و دهلیزی در هر دو نوع نوسانات پردامنه پوسچر از روایی مطلوبی برخوردار هستند و می توان به نتایج به دست آمده از دستگاه DSPF تکیه کرد. سایر آزمونها با این دستگاه از پایایی مناسب برخوردار نبودند.

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The scope of this study was to introduce an important talent identification criteria in volleyball. For this Purpose a Questionnaire consisted of six parts, anthropometric, Performance, physical fitness, psychological, skill and body composition, containing (28) factors was prepared. For Collecting the data, four groups of Coaches (N =25), level one (N =21), international (N = 17), and highschool (N =24), voluntairly participated and asked complete the Questionnaire. After Collecting the data, they were analyzed by kruskal - wallis test to find the rank of means between six parts information mentioned. The Friedman test was also used to find the rank of means between all factors. For determining the signficant difference between factor, (X2) Test with (P < %5) was used. After analyzing data, the result showed, among the top eleven factors from all 28 factors, the psychological part with four factors is the most important followed by performance part (3 factors), physical fitness part (2 factors), skill and anthropometric parts, each with one factor. The result also revealed that body composition is the least important among all the factors as the (TI) criteria for volleyball in this study.

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Introduction Eliminating the existing problems in executing the general physical education (1) course in universities and determining its curriculum and evaluation methods on the basis of the ideas and attitudes of the faculty members of the universities. Methods 141 physical education faculty members including 108 males and 33 females from Teacher Training university, Tehran university, Allameh Tabatabaee university, Imam Hussein university, Alzahra university, Science and Technology university, shahid Rajaee Teacher Training university, Ferdowsi university, shahid Bahonar university, Bu Ali Sina university, Tabriz university, Isfahan university, shahid chamran university, Gilan university and Mazandaran university have answered a questioner containing 32 closed and 1 open questions. The mean of age is 42, the majority of whom hold Ms and the average membership period is 13.5 years and 12 years of teaching the mentioned course. Results 1. The content of physical education (1) should be encouraging and interesting to the students, increase their body capacities and teach them how to exercise correctly. 2. Refreshing group activities should be included in the presentation of the course in order to create freshness in the participants. 3. Special classes should be supplied for those having physical disabilities to perform light exercise. 4. An appropriate textbook should be compiled to execute and access the course properly. 5. Proper measures should be taken to increase the credit and hours of the course. 6.The content of the course should increase the capacities of cardio respiratory fitness neuromuscular coordination, muscle endurance, flexibility, agility and muscle strength in the students. 7. Assessment should be done in two sessions during the term to determine the grades on the basis of standardized tests and university norms. 8. University standardized norms should be compiled for boys and girls separately in following tests: 12 minutes running (Cooper protocol) for males, 1600" meters running (females), rope-jumping sit-up, sit and reach, 4x9 meters shuttle run and Pull-up

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The aim of this investigation ,was to study the effect of different KR scheduling with uncertainty of KR delivery perspective on the learning of segmental-timing task. 60 subjects who participated in the first experiment divided into five KR groups: % 1 00, %33,Blocked,Random and NO KR and practiced single version of task in constant form. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences between KR groups on the performance and learning of relative and absolute timing in the acquisition, retention and transfer phases. In second experiment 60 subjects also participated and divided into five KR groups similar to first experiment and practiced three versions of same task in variable-random form that had different absolute timing. The findings revealed that in acquisition and retention phases there are no significant differences between KR groups, but in transfer phase there were, significant differences (P<0.05) on relative timing stability. In addition, there were not significant differences between KR groups on error-detection capability in both experiments. In conclusion, reduced KR frequency cause an increase in uncertain of KR delivery. Thereby can affect information processing. Also, there are some doubts about the generalizability of guidance hypothesis in constant practice.

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In order to maintain and develop of range of motion (ROM)in an amputated limb, the superior joint of the stump should be under effective stretching exercises. However, the preference of one of the methods has always been a controversial between researchers. The purpose of the study is to compare the effects of two methods of static stretching (S.S) and PNF hold-relax technique (HR)on increasing the knee ROM of B.K. amputee athletes. Methods: The subjects were consisted of 19 B.K. male amputated athletes, with mean age of 35±5 years; and mean stump length of 19±7cm., which they were randomly divided into two groups of static stretching exercises (N=9); and PNF exercises (N= 10). The subjects were matched regarding to stump length. ROM were measured in Active Knee Extension (AKET) method by the same tester and using "Lighton Flexometer" with the reliability of 90-99%. The exercise protocol of both groups consisted of 12 sessions of 20 minutes training. Training sessions of group 1 (S.S.) were consisted of 5 types of stretching exercises with 4 times repetitions. Training sessions of group 2 (PNF)were consisted of 3 stages of maximal isometric contraction, relaxation, and then 4 maximal isotonic contractions. Results: In both groups (s.s &PNF),the ROM of the knee joint increased significantly (P < 0.05). In regard to increasing the ROMN of knee joints of the subjects, there was no significant difference between two methods. Conclusion: The study showed the effects of flexibility exercises on improvement of ROM of knee joints of amputee athletes. Therefore it emphasizes the requirements of static stretching exercises and PNF exercises by the coaches in order to improve ROM of amputees and to rehabilitate them.

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Despit the known benefits of cardic rehabilitation and exercise training, limited data are available on outcome of this treatment in women, and this secondary prevention strategy may be underutilized. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program on lipid profile. exercise tolerance and blood pressur in women between 45 and 70 years of age. In quasi - experimental study, 80 cardiac women patients (aged 56/40±8/19) suffering from myocardial infarction have been randomly selected and were placed in two with exercise capacity up and under of 6 MET groups. Then, they participated in a 10-week cardiac rehabilitation program that consisted of 3 days/week at an intensity of 60-86% maximal heart rate for 30-60 minutes. Physiologic measures obtained at the outset and after 10 weeks included: 1) exercise treadmill time; 2) total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides; 3) resting and peak systolic and diastolic. No significant important role in improving exercise functional independence in the both groups women, older women with cardiac disease. Although significant improvement found in the physiological measures and exercise tolerance time before comparison after participating in the cardiac rehabilitation program in the both groups of patients, but this improvements were significantly greater in patients with exercise capacity (up to 6 MET) treatment.

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Pregnancy related low back pain is clinically important since about 75% of pregnant women and 67% after the delivery are affected (13). This incidence is less among pregnant athletes. Howevere, the interaction between exercise and pregnancy on those women who did not have a regular exercise before pregnancy has not been well documented. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of a, moderate exercise program during pregnancy on low back pain (LBP). Body composition and back posture of pregnant women. Methods: 15 young pregnant women voluntarily participated in a moderate aerobic exercise program during their pregnancy. Three times per week and 45 minuets on each session, Also. twelve pregnant women without any exercise were selected as control group. Subjects didn"t have any history of previous Pregnancy. Regular exercise or any kind of disease which could influence the results of this study. Height. weight. LBP and hip"s active range of motion were measured during pregnancy at 13. 25 and 36 weeks of gestation, Child"s weight, height and the related head"s circumference at birth was also measured, LBP was quantified using a standard questionnaire (12). The data were analyzed using MANOVA for repeated measures. Results: The LBP was observed in 80% of the subjects. In control group at 6th and 9th months of the pregnancy the LBP was (37.75:t8.9) and (50.75:t6.63) respectively. While in experimental group these were (24.58:t4.92), (46.92:t7.45) respectively. At eight weeks postpartum period, the LBP of the control and the experimental groups were (4.08:t 1.28) and (12.75 :t3.46) respectively. showing a significant difference on recovery period (p=0.03). Weight increase during pregnancy was about II kg in both groups. Mter the delivery, both groups were about 2.5Kg heavier than their before pregnancy. At the end of pregnancy the body height was increased about 0.6cm in both groups which was returned to its normal range at 8 weels postpartum. In conclusion, the moderate aerobic exercise during pregnancy was beneficial in different aspects. It resulted in a delayed LBP during pregnancy, a significantly better recovery with free of LBP after the delivery. Exercise did not affect the necessary weight gain of the mother during pregnancy, child"s birth weight and height.

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The purpose of this study was to compare the mental health of female athletes in individual and team sports during the fifth sport olympiad of Iranian college students that was held in Tehran during the year of 2000. The relationship of mental health with duration of residency in dormitory, membership in team sports and weekly training periods were also. studied. The target population of this study was consisted of 613 female athletes in individual sports and 696 female athletes in team sports who participated in the above games. A sample of 150 from population of individual sports and a sample of 150 from population of team sports were randomly selected. The SCL-90R version of mental health that consist of ten sub-scales and 90 items was used as an instrument for this study. Reliability and validity of this instrument has been shown to be satisfactory in previous studies. The results indicated that there were significant differences in mental health between athletes in team and individual sports. The comparison of the computed means showed that basketball players were in better conditions than handball athletes. The track and field athletes were also in better conditions than handball athletes in their mental health. No differences were reported to be significant between athletes participated in other teams or individual sports in regard to their mental health. There were no significant relationships between mental health with membership in team sports, weekly training periods, and duration of residency in dormitory. All of hypothesis were tested at P <0/05.

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