Background and Objectives: Adolescence is one of the most critical periods of human growth. Considering the importance of body shape and weight especially in girls and the effects of malnutrition in this period on future health, this study was conducted to investigate the malnutrition status, and its relationship with some socioeconomic factors in adolescent girls in Tabriz.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 725 high school girl students with the mean age of 15.83 years were selected by random cluster sampling method and the demographic questionnaire was completed, then their height and weight were measured. Body mass index for age, underweight, overweight, obesity, and stunting after-definition were calculated and compared with those of CDC 2000 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) standards. Data were analyzed by using chi-square, one-way ANOVA, and t-test.Results: Stunting, wasting, overweight, and obesity prevalence were 5.2%, 5%, 9.9%, and 5%, respectively. There were significant positive correlations between education in private school and height (p=0.009) and weight (p=0.015), and mother’s occupation and height (p=0.050).Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, the prevalence of malnutrition in adolescent girls in Tabriz was acceptable and expected. However, due to the observed relationship between some of factors and malnutrition including underweight, overweight, and stunting, monitoring and controling these indices in certain time periods can be useful and recommended.