In the contemporary world, postmodernism Principles, foundations, and doctrines, particularly Lyotards point of view, are becoming widely familiar so they have led to new issues in different realms like politics, art, literature, and specially education.Emersion these new issues make their study necessary. The major objective of this study was to explain philosophical foundation (ontological, epistemological and axiological) of Lyotards postmodern point of view and its educational implication including educational goals, curriculum, teaching-learning methods, and educational research method.Lyotard postmodern viewpoint in education explains the crisis of the modernism and modem education. Modernism as a social and philosophical thought, with main characteristics as humanism, liberalism, nationalism, rationalism, secularism, etc..., had expansive effects on education in all aspects. Modern education emphasis lay on education of socialized, urban and expert man and emphasis on empirical and technical sciences and sensory empirical and rational method as best teaching learning method.Lyotard and other postmodern thinkers claim that modernism and modern education with mentioned characteristics lead to serious problems, because it ignores the other main aspects of human beings, and other groups cultures, values and religions. Postmodern education lacks constant and universal bases but it is local and temporary. It relies on discourse, pluralism, difference, otherness, cultural studies, anti authoritarianism and criticism.Postmodernism reveals the dangers of absolutism and dominances of majority's view, meta-narrative, meta-discourses and meta-languages and emphases on the importance of other's, minority's and local view. Lyotard is mostly silent in relation to what should be done in educatiomil decisions and this leads new dangers like relativism and shaking the ground of norms and socialization, which is very important for education anyway.