Philosophy is the method of correct thinking, the way of wise living, and the effort for understanding the existence. We face a diverse range of philosophies such as philosophy of religion, philosophy of art, philosophy of science, philosophy of various sciences, and philosophy of education. It is this philosophy of education which is the subject of the article at hand and suggests that the traditional perceptions of philosophy do not have the enough capacities to response to the psycho-educational demands of people's lives in the current era. This article also tries to show that we require systematic philosophical thinking and correct thinking in the education and human life-style and that we can teach it to everyone, even to child and young students, given we consider several things in doing so. The conditions that we need to consider in order to be successful in the above mentioned subject include our recognizing and utilizing the appropriate subject, the appropriate method, the appropriate language and tools, and last but not least the proper circumstances for these teachings.This article states few related subjects in one glance. It states that if our education relied 0" an arranged and emancipatory philosophy, the Iranian children, youths, and young persons were enabled to think correctly about the meaning of their lives in a local, national, and international environment and to expand their skills for a sprucy, human life. To reach such goal we need to organize certain things in an intelligible and emancipatory system of thought. These include increasing our understanding of philosophy and wisdom and science in general, and philosophy of education in particular, and adjusting the goals, content, method, and process of education with life in the current world. As a result we would revise the educational and curriculum planning, the textbooks, the educational resources, the teaching methods, as well as the teacher training. This is the sort of huge effort which productive renovation in the Iranian education system requires before anything else. The Iranian intellectuals and scientists should utilize their strength for theory-making in new educational philosophy and be the lantern in this type of transformation.In this article we have explained philosophical thought and the teaching of correct thinking method to children and youth, the philosophy of education and present deficiencies, the integrative model of philosophy, wisdom, and science which are all required for the education system in Iran, and the placement of philosophy of scientific and eternal wisdom in this model. The purpose of this article is to prepare a better ground for answering the most fundamental psycho-educational life needs of the addressees of education in Iran. We believe this to be comprehensive and complete public education, developing the identity and personality, teaching correct thinking, and teaching life skills to the students.