Helicobacter pylori, found in the mucus of epithelial cells of the stomach, can cause mucous changes, cell lysis and inflammation. It contains such virulent factors as spiral form, motility, Hp adhesive molecules, urease enzyme (UE) and a few others. UE is of paramount importance due to its hyperactivity. This study will focus on the role of UE in causing cell lysis in different samples. 80 positive samples, out of 100 samples, were examined and all were observed to contain oxidase, catalase and UE. Curved spiral shapes were observed in direct and pathological slides which were studied. The direct effect of HP Suspension on cell culture was observed in 50 samples by adding 20 m.molar of urea. Adding bacterium suspension to 20 m.molar of urea caused the color of the culture to change into dark purple, which indicated the production of a considerable amount of ammonia (HH3). Also, intercell vacuol (ICV) formation was observed. However, no such formation was observed without urea. The effects of different concentrations of ammonia (7 , 21 ,32 and 40 m.malar) on the formation of ICV were studied and the results indicated that ICV was not observed with NHc concentrations of less than 7 m.molar . In densities of 8 m.malar NH3, cytopathic effects were gradually observed in the form of vacuols and increase in the number of ICV. In 21 m.malar NH3, a few cells were damaged; however, in densities of 32 and 40 m.molar NH3 , complete cell lysis appeared.