Introduction: During inflammation, the inflammatory glycoprotein of pentraxin-3 (PTX3) is synthesized by endothelial cells, macrophages and myelogenous cells. This inflammatory glycoprotein plays a fundamental role in the process of atheros-clerosis and coronary artery disease (CAD). Moreover, this protein is predominantly re-marked in sclerotic lesions and may act as an independent prognostic factor in CAD compared with healthy subjects and its in-crease might bring about harsh consequences for CAD.Materials & Methods: In the present research, 30patients with unstable CAD, 30patients with stable CAD, and 30 healthy control subjects were studied based on angiographic findings. ELISA method was employed to determine the plasma level of PTX3. The concentration of the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein of plasma (hsC-RP) was assigned via a latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric method. Plasma levels of HDL-cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides were also measured by enzymatic methods. The condition of other cardiovascular risk-factors was determined by referring to individuals’ medical history and questionnaires.Findings: Using ROC curve with high sensitivity and specificity, the findings revealed that the levels of PTX3 and hsCRP were higher among patients with unstable CAD than patients with stable CAD (p<0.01). Furthermore, the levels of these two combinations were more among patients with stable CAD than control subjects (p<0.01). Among the patient groups, PTX3 had a significant relationship with hsCRP as well as the occurrence of CAD (p<0.01).Discussion & Conclusion: Inflammatory processes play a central role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in athero-sclerosis from the primary phase of starting defects in endothelial cells to the formation of mature atherosclerotic plaques and their subsequent rupture. The inflammatory glycoprotein of pentraxin-3 (PTX3) is basically remarked in sclerotic lesions. Among the CAD patients, the rupture of the fibrous cap on atherosclerosis plaque leads to the direct exposure of underlying thrombosis (clot-causing) sections of atherosclerosis plaque to blood flow which starts the water-fall activation of blood coagulation via attachment, activation and aggregation of platelets. Among unstable CAD patients, pentraxin-3 is freed from activated neutrophils by platelets and it seems that it increases at the end stage of heart failure but its level is lower in neutrophils of stable CAD and this factor is the agent cause of differ rentiation between stable CAD and unstable CAD. Moreover, physiological concentrate-on of this biomarker in plasma is 2ng/ml and the control subjects are specified based on this level of concentration. In other words, the increase in the plasma level of PTX3 may well act as a positive predictor for the presence of CAD, discriminate between stable CAD patients, unstable CAD patients and the control subjects and have a diagnostic value.