A river changes frequently its cross sections, longitude profiles and its patterns by river erosion, transport processes and sediment deposition. Considering the changes of river morphology on the vicinity of a river is necessary for stabilize cultural and economical developments. Madarsoo River with longer than 105km is one of the most important rivers in Gorganroud watershed, which emanate from Esmaeilkhan and Tangrah mountains and finally joints to Gorgan River in Haji-Ghooshan village. The occurrence of a serious flood in August 2001 in Madarsoo river, which its discharge was in excess of 1650 m 3/s, caused severe changes on morphology of this river as worse as human and economic losses as aftermaths. In this research, to study the effects of this serious flood on the morphological characteristics of this river and to determine the amount of destroyed land around the river, a reach with 30-km length in the river was selected. In order to study the morphology of the river before the flood, some 1:50000-scale topographic maps, which were taken by Iranian National Geographical Organization (INGO) as well as Land Sat satellite images of July 2000, were used. Besides, the results of directly widths and depths measurements were used. This data were measured for any cross section with the intervals of 30 meter in length. These measurements were done in the year of 2000. Furthermore, for analyzing the morphological characteristics of the river after the flood, some others large scales maps (scale 1:2000, 1: 100 from the year of 2003) were used to retrieve plans and to measure parameters such as cross-sections and longitude profiles. In each section, the coefficients related to morphological parameters such as wave length, meander length, meander width, mean arch radius, frequency ranges and sinusitis coefficient were calculated. With considering the mean width and depth of the reach for two periods of before and after flood, it was estimated that more than 138 hectares of territory were destroyed. Statistical analysis showed that some morphological characteristics such as: wave length, meander length, mean arch radius and sinusitis coefficient, significantly changed after the flood. Meantime, more than 75% of the highly developed meanders were cracked or changed to the other types of meanders. Finally, similar researches for the other reaches of Gorgan River and other rivers of the country are suggested.